

Hyungwon woke up from his beautiful dreamless sleep by the sound of his doorbell and knocking. He cracked his eyes open for a second before closing them again, turning over underneath the pile of comforters.

The chime and knocking came again and Hyungwon thought that whoever it was would leave him alone if he didn't answer. He mentally cursed at the fact his mind was already awake, which means he wouldn't get much sleep even if the stranger left.

He figured he would still wait it out, the stranger would leave soon enough and his mind would be at ease, then he could go back to sleep.

His door didn't go off after that and he sunk himself deeper into the blankets with a content smile on his face. He got his mind to relax again and once he felt the dizziness of slumber lure him in his phone rang.

Grumbling to himself he wrestled the blankets to cut off the repeating sound.

"Hello?" He made sure to sound extra annoyed, he was planning on sleeping the whole day, he faced the same problem for the past week, he couldn't have gotten any more than a few hours of sleep.

"Why won't you answer your door! Your neighbors are looking at me weird." Hyungwon didn't know how to reply to that in a way other than his own questions.

"Why are you at my house so early in the morning? How did you even know the room number?" Hyungwon's phone was pressed between his cheek and the pillow. He hadn't fully opened his eyes and the only time he saw a light was the illumination from his phone screen.

"Hyungwon it's eight, it's not that early- Huh?" Hyungwon waited for Minhyuk's voice to come back to the phone, he was talking to someone in the hallway. Hyungwon could hear him disagree with something and if he made an effort to pay more attention he could have figured out what the decline was for.

"Hyungwon, you have to open your door. There's this lady that thinks I'm some crazy fan and she threatened to call the cops if you don't."

The thought of leaving him there came to Hyungwon's mind for two reasons. Number one, he thought it would be fun to mess with him. Number two, he really didn't want to get out of his bed. After a drawled out, panic-filled plea, Hyungwon groaned, "Just give her the phone and I'll tell her it's me."

"Hyungwon is that really you?"

"Oh? Mrs. Boo? Yes, it's me Hyungwon. I woke up when he started knocking on my door, he's one of my coworkers don't worry."

"Oh," there was a few words and Hyungwon could almost imagine the exchange. Mrs. Boo would hang her head in an apology and add a bow. Minhyuk would probably be surprised and put his hands out in front of him to straighten her up gently then understandingly dismiss her actions. "Hyungwon do you want me to let him in for you? He's been waiting for a while..." It was very faint but he could hear the sound of keys clanking against each other and he shot up in bed.

"No Mrs. Boo that's not really-" He was cut off by the sound of an ending call and he fell back onto his pillows in exasperation. He eyed his bedroom door, he was hoping Minhyuk would get lost somewhere in the small suite.

He heard the doors below him open and his name being called and he did his best to ignore it but there would only be a matter of time till Minhyuk opened the one to his bedroom. If he got up now he would save the chance of him getting even more annoyed but if he waited till Minhyuk found him he wouldn't have to get out of bed till the blond forced him to.

They were two very compelling options but Hyungwon decided that it would be best if he didn't start the day off with a migraine. Scrambling out of the sheets he threw his door open, making sure Minhyuk could hear the sound of his door slamming shut on his way out.

He didn't bother trying to find out where Minhyuk was, he simply walked over to his bathroom, repeated the action, and began his mourning routine. He smirked to himself at the mental pun.

Cold water on his face got him into a slightly better mood but the longing to close his eyes was still there. On his way back down the hall, he found Minhyuk taking the last step up the stairs.

He glared at the blond, keeping the hateful look as he gave the other a once over then pushed passed him to walk towards the kitchen, maybe he had something to eat if he didn't he's spent plenty of days without breakfast.

Minhyuk followed, black socks padding gently against the floor. The material of his black skinny jeans brushed against each other making a noise, and his hand squeaked against the railing has the two slid together. Hyungwon made an effort to ignore the fact he was aware of those things.

He took a good lap around his kitchen, checking the fridge to find a few dairy products, he checked his cupboards and there were some ramen cups but he was sure he would get some sort of disease if he didn't take a break for a while. Not until he double checked the fridge did he noticed the plastic bags filled with Styrofoam boxes.

He felt how empty his stomach was and he looked to Minhyuk a lot less anger than before. "Thanks," he sat down after saying that then gestured for Minhyuk to do the same. "This isn't all for me, right? You're eating too?"

"I kind of bought it for you but if you want me to I could." Minhyuk shrugged, putting his phone down.

"Even if I haven't eaten in a week, I wouldn't be able to eat all of this food." Hyungwon counted six boxes each filled with a different combination of food. The smell of all the different kinds of spices filled his nose, some boxes gave off a sweeter smell and he felt his stomach complain.

He reached for the last box he took out, beef, pork, and rice with bits of sesame seeds. Spread in random areas. As his hand neared the box he saw another one in his peripherals. He was about to take his hand away but Minhyuk made a small noise to make Hyungwon freeze while he grabbed the next closest box.

Shrimp glazed with a sweet sauce sat next to stir fried noodles and more beef but there was also broccoli and other vegetables, rice portion was the same as Hyungwons.

"Are you sure-"

"Yes." Minhyuk interrupted, snapping chopsticks and sticking some noodles in his mouth almost immediately so Hyungwon wouldn't have time to argue.

"Thanks..." Hyungwon took the box he originally reached for and took his time breaking his chopsticks and trying the food. "Where'd you go and how much do I owe?"

"You owe me nothing." Minhyuk said it like Hyungwon should know it already, "There was this new place, I think it was called Banshiki. I didn't know what to get so I just bought everything."

"Something tells me you aren't here to just give me food, though." Hyungwon was halfway done with his food, hungrier than he thought he was.

"Why can't I just give a friend some food?" Minhyuk tried to sound offended but when Hyungwon laughed he couldn't keep his own from coming out. "Okay fine, I wanted to go to the fair." Minhyuk leaned back in his chair. He was eating somewhat slower than Hyungwon but not too far behind the halfway point.

"Isn't today the last? There'll be a lot of people there." Hyungwon sounded like he was warning the other but he was sure Minhyuk had no problem walking through the sea of people, he himself was a different story.

"Exactly! I want to go before it's too late, I've been planning but everyone's canceled on me so I thought if I randomly showed up to your place you would want to go."

"Do you want something to drink?" Hyungwon stood from the table and walked over to his cupboards to get two glasses. "Ice or no ice?" He made his way over to the fridge and began to get water for himself.

"Ice please." Hyungwon drank his cup on the way back to the table and made sure none of Minhyuk's beverage would spill as he handed it over.

"How did you find my room number again?"

"I asked Kihyun. So you'll go with me? I'll pay for everything-"

"I'll go with you if I get to pay," Hyungwon smirked at Minhyuk's torn expression. "You paid for all this food, it'll be good for a week so I'm not making you pay for me even more than you already have. You paid for me at the mall a few days ago too."


"But nothing. If you really want someone to go with you, you can search elsewhere because I'm not going unless I'm paying." Hyungwon took the last bite of the box and debated with himself about whether or not he was going to eat another one or not. He looked across the table where Minhyuk was mulling over Hyungwon's statement while playing with his food.

"Can I pay for my own ticket?" Minhyuk looked up with a hopeful expression and Hyungwon just shook his head and leaned back in his chair to drink his water.

"Who else did you ask?"

"I told you about my friend Yujin right? Well, I asked him but he said he had work today and he wouldn't even skip. Which is completely unfair, by the way, because he owes me."

"How does he owe you?"

"I- uh I mean..." Minhyuk blushed and shook his head. "That's for another time but he owes me."

"Why didn't you go on an earlier day? You know, when your friend didn't have work?"

"I wanted to go on the last day, they always have the best finales and it's easier to win the games."

Hyungwon nodded then cleaned the table as he waited for Minhyuk to find his answer. When all the boxes were in the fridge and all the trash was thrown away he gave his visitor an expected look.

"Fine, you can pay. Go get ready." Minhyuk pouted in his chair like a little boy and Hyungwon gave an insincere pout back, adding a pat on the shoulder on his way up the stairs.

Minhyuk knocked on the door to Hyungwon's room before entering.

"I didn't even say come in." Hyungwon was fixing the coat on his shoulders, shrugging to get the feel. His outfit was practically the same as Minhyuk except he wore a forest-green coat over his white shirt instead of a leopard-print jacket.

"I knocked." Hyungwon rolled his eyes at Minhyuk's statement but didn't try to shoo him out.

Minhyuk moved over to the unmade bed and laid over the expanse of the bottom, where Hyungwon's feet would reside. The owner of the bed turned and spread his arms out questioningly.

"Looks great," Hyungwon seemed content with the answer and nodded back to the blond before entering the bathroom.

From the other side of the bathroom door, Minhyuk heard the sound of the sink running before the hair dryer was . He tested the knob and entered when there was no resistance. Hyungwon was finger combing his strands while the heat from the dryer did its job.

"You looked fine."

"Yeah well I wanted to fix it."

"You're a lady."

"Yet you're waiting for this lady." Hyungwon gestured to himself with the hairdryer still running and the force hit his face and he instantly flinched, turning it off and observing his work.

There wasn't much of a difference, the only thing that changed was the back of his head, where the hair was now flat instead of sticking out in several directions.

"Are you driving?" Hyungwon picked phone off the counter ushered Minhyuk out of his bathroom while slipping the device into his pocket. He looked at his bed and thought about fixing it but the thought remained a thought when he ushered the blond out of his room as well.

"Yep, first one downstairs pays for gas money!" Minhyuk quickened his pace, wanting to make sure Hyungwon wouldn't be the one to pay but his socks weren't able to support the speed of his turn and he felt himself lose balance. Hyungwon wasn't much behind him which caused both of them to land on their butts. They took a moment of recovery before gripping the rail and sprinting the rest of the way down.

"No..." Hyungwon panted, glaring at the victorious Minhyuk, "fair. You called it and got a head start." He coughed into his elbow in a result of his dry throat.

"Yeah," Minhyuk replied, the same amount of breath taken out of him, "Well I won and you can't pay for gas money." He did a little dance as he made his way over to the door but his socks gave up on him once again and he felt himself falling again. "Ahh-"

His back hit a moving surface and by the way both is feet could feel the ground he definitely didn't fall all the way. He looked up to see Hyungwon laughing at him. He reeled himself up, flipping Hyungwon off as he finished his journey to the entrance.


"Hyungwon we're here." Minhyuk pushed the sleeping actor's shoulder to wake him. The other male in the car curled up into a ball facing away from his driver but Minhyuk pulled his shoulder back to take him out of it. "Hyungwon." Minhyuk deadpanned.

There was a groan and the crack of an eye before it closed and long limbs began pressing against the walls of the car. He looked out the window, surprised at how close Minhyuk got to park.

The line to the entrance was pretty long but it was shorter and moving faster than Hyungwon had expected. He decided to not question too much and finally opened the door, heat from the interior of the vehicle escaped and the cool air from outside slipped in. He shivered slightly.

"I feel over but underdressed." Hyungwon shoved his hands in his pockets to keep them warm as he walked alongside Minhyuk.

Minhyuk understood his feeling. He's been to the fair every year and every time there'd be a specific theme that never fails to amaze him. Last year's theme was minions and all the workers had to dress up as the yellow creatures. Little kids were running around blabbering nonsense with purpose and parents were holding the tops of their heads in annoyance with everything. It was great.

This year it had been Alice in Wonderland, the new movie was coming out and everyone had crazy hats on in honor of the Mad Hatter. In his rush to find someone he never got to make one and Hyungwon certainly, couldn't have known. He was glad they weren't the only two undressed. Every few meters there would be one or two people with only their hair on their heads but he felt a little more down when he remembered he could have used some sort of temporary hair coloring at least.

"You look fine, it's cold anyway and long coats suit you, don't worry too much, no one's going to judge how you dress. I wish I was wearing more layers. And something to go with the theme."

"You're wearing, like, three. What's the theme?"

"First off, you're feeling how cold it is outside right now right? Secondly, look around! What does everyone look like?" Minhyuk faced him with a confused expression and arms out to his sides in a gesture to everyone around them.

"Ohhh," Hyungwon finally understood everyone's outfits, "The Hatter wears coats, though."

"He's not called the Coatter, is he?" Hyungwon rolled his eyes and brought the other over to the closest booth selling hats. As they neared he saw that there was a station to make your own.

"Make your own hats, twenty bucks each. Use any of the accessories and the wait is only one hour." He mumbled the sentence, as he finished Minhyuk darted towards a particular one.

It was the signature black top hat with a checkered pattern framing the bottom of the cylinder. Bunny ears stuck out from underneath the patterned cloth and swords were drawn in glitter decorating the sides. Purple strings hung from where the flat top met the vertical sides and created a small exploding effect. On the very top, the letters 'M' and 'H' were stitched in white. Minhyuk needed it.

"How much?" He looked up at the worker nearing him, eyes sparkling and when Hyungwon saw the way he asked he was briefly reminded of all the times Kihyun begged him into doing something. Then he remembered just how many times it's happened and frowned to himself.

When he zoned himself back into the conversation and brought his eyes back to Minhyuk he wondered why the other was copying his expression.

"I'm sorry sir, but this isn't for sale. If you want, you could make one just like it in our workshop!" The rainbow-haired worker gestured towards the crowded area and Minhyuk slumped in place.

"Are you sure I can't buy it off of you?"

"I'm sorry sir but there's a competition going on this year for the best hat and I was going to enter this into the contest." Hyungwon scoffed under his breath but hid it with a cough.

Minhyuk took one more look at the hat before nodding. His jutted lip and sad expression tugged at Hyungwon's heart and he bit his lip trying to figure out how to cheer the other up.

"I'm sure there will be other hats that'll be for sale." He peeked at how Minhyuk reacted and panicked when his expression didn't light up. "Minhyuk cmon, there's a bunch of other things we can do, I mean you already dragged me all the way out here," he succeeded getting a small smile on Minhyuk's face. "We didn't even ride anything yet, or try any food." Minhyuk was looking up, it was to meet eyes with Hyungwon but it was something.

"Do you want to just go around? Do we have tickets for rides?"

"Sure. Uhh, we'd have to buy some" Hyungwon sped up the way he spoke and cut Minhyuk off before the other could let out a single word of an offer. "Before you say you'll pay, you're not."

Watching Minhyuk deflate back into a pout made Hyungwon smile as he made his way over to one of the ticket booths. "I'm thinking we should just get the bracelet. Unless you don't like rides," Minhyuk spoke from the side. Hyungwon nodded, going along with what Minhyuk said.

He's never really been to the fair, he's never been interested in going by himself and every time he thought of going with Kihyun their schedules would be backed up and they wouldn't have much time on their hands. By the time both of them were laid back in regards to showbusiness, Kihyun wanted to go with Hyunwoo and Hyungwon refused to be the third wheel.

Hearing the worker refer to him in a lazy, bored voice brought him back to the present and he stumbled on his words, "U-uh, can we buy the bracelets here?"

"Yeah, 70 bucks." The worker pointed to their left and Hyungwon looked to his right to see the sign with a list of tickets and prices. At the very bottom of the faded pink sign, it read, 'bracelets.... 35e'

Digging through his wallet he pulled out four and thanked the zoned-out girl as he left the booth. "Which ride first?" He only got a few paces away before both of them stopped to get the bracelets on.

"We're going around right?" Minhyuk played with his wristband as he took in the scenery. "The food and rides are the same every year," Minhyuk stated, tone of voice happier than when he was talking to the lady, "And I've tried everything already, buuut" Minhyuk's full smile came back to his face but Hyungwon knew he was still in the midst of getting over the hat. "That just means I know where all the cheap good stuff is at. We should really take the rides first - unless you're hungry."

"I'm sure I could go the rest of the day without food if I had to." Hyungwon touched his stomach, the thought of eating more made him feel fuller than he was a few seconds ago.

"True, but you don't have to do that now do you, going to the fair's all about the caramel corn and fried Oreos and all the unhealthy food you can think of!" Minhyuk threw his hands up in the air, wishing that it weren't so crowded so he could open them up wider for a bigger effect.

"You know we're actors right?" Despite how good it sounded to eat something sweet he remembered how instantly the directors pointed out a change in his weight, whether it was lost or gained.

"We're not filming for a few more months and I'm sure Seungcheol, Jihoon, and Soonyoung wouldn't care if you gained a hundred pounds till then. They'd figure out a way to use it. And not to mention how much meat you need on your bones."

"I only gain weight in my cheeks."

"I don't keep track of things like that but I think... for me... it goes to my stomach. Do you want to go on that?" Minhyuk pointed towards the bouncy house, there were seven-year-olds screaming at each other and laughing at an amazingly loud volume.

"I don't think they would let us in that, we might hurt the kids." Minhyuk furrowed his brows before realizing what Hyungwon was looking at.

"No not that," he took Hyungwon by the shoulder and made him face the bouncy obstacle corse, several teenagers were scrambling through, pushing out against the sides and jumping as high as they could to get over inflatable bars. After that they disappeared from view for a few seconds then raced to the top of air-filled stairs, throwing themselves over the small resting stop and tumbling down the slide.

Minhyuk was looking at the twenty-five-foot drop in sheer excitement and Hyungwon found himself showing his wristband to the worker standing guard.

The grass underneath his socks was wet and he took off his coat so he could maneuver around everything. He looked to his left before copying his opponents movements.

Minhyuk was hopping from one foot to the next to keep warm and he wrapped his arms around himself, rubbing the fabric of his sweater over his skin.

"Race?" Minhyuk asked when they were second in line, Hyungwon nodded as the two in front of them made their way in.

"Okay, no staying in the same spot, you must move as much as you can and get through the course as quick as you can. You're not allowed to come back out this way, you have to get all the way through and down the slide to get off of this. Would you like a countdown?" The two looked at each other before nodding their heads at the instructor.

"Okay, on your marks, get set, go." There was a quick swipe of a hand and Hyungwon propelled himself through the small opening leading to a maze of inflated pillars. Maneuvering around them he stumbled as the weight constantly shifted. He could feel where Minhyuk was. He was in the lead, for now.

He reached the bar he was supposed to go over, he thought the others he watched were just trying to make it hard on themselves but it was an actual wall in his way. To his right side, his weight shifted and he knew he would have to get over this wall fast if he wanted to win. Taking a quick test jump, he could see over the inflatable separator. He saw Minhyuk struggling and laughed.

The extra breath lost was a mistake as he took his first trial over the wall. His arms went over but he couldn't get a good grip. The second time he tried he felt something. Trying to reach onto it again he felt a pressure at his shoulder and realized there was supposed to be a rope on this side for help.

He brought it to the other side and stole a glance at Minhyuk's side at the same time. The blond had figured out about it earlier than he had and was already on his way up.

Minhyuk got over just a bit faster than Hyungwon and made a scene of getting through the upcoming tunnel, his whole side shaking and throwing Hyungwon off balance.

Pushing his body off the wall he crawled through the tight space and sprinted towards the stairs, face-planting into the not-so-soft wall. He rubbed his nose and sniffed for a small moment before speeding up the steep hill. When he finally got to the top he wanted to check where Minhyuk was but he couldn't afford to waste any time. He slid head first down the smooth passage and felt his adrenaline reach its max.

His heart was thrumming wildly from his competitive thoughts and the thrill of dropping at an unknown end intensified everything. Finally, his head hit the base of the slide and he groaned from the impact. He opened his eyes from the flinch and weakly smiled up at the victorious Minhyuk.


"Lemme..." Hyungwon rolled off the end, and closed his eyes while he held onto Minhyuk, the head rush was intense and he thought he might actually pass out. "Lemme rest a little."

Minhyuk walked them over to get their stuff before leading Hyungwon to the closest bench where the taller couldn't help but laugh at what had just happened.

"I was so close..." He dropped his head back but lifted it back up immediately after feeling how hard it had hit the backrest. Both the males' spines straightened, Hyungwon felt Minhyuk's hand pressing against his in support to ease the pain. He laughed more and took his hand away then prodding the area with a single finger.

"Are you okay?" Minhyuk was on the verge of laughing too and once he knew there would be no damage to Hyungwon's state of consciousness he let it out. It was a small fit of giggles but it was enough to keep both of them smiling as they returned to the obstacle course.

The second time through was at least ten times easier than the first but the wall still got them, having to pull the rope on the other side then climb using most of your arm strength wasted time and took a toll on one's breathing but Hyungwon got it and won by a millisecond, words of the workers at the bottom.

"I'm pretty sure the wall on the right side is shorter," Hyungwon panted, clutching his coat and slouching next to the equally winded Minhyuk. They had just finished the third race. Minhyuk won twice and Hyungwon once, the winner was always on the right side.

"It is," Minhyuk grinned next to him, laughing when Hyungwon paused and gave Minhyuk a look of disbelief.

"That's totally unfair!" Hyungwon shoved the blond to the side with all his might, it wasn't much, though, he was still tired. Minhyuk simply laughed as he stumbled to the side, the bright sound dismissed the slight anger Hyungwon had.

"You said you know all the cheap places, right? Where's the cheapest place to get water that's not a water fountain?"

The cheapest was still expensive, around three bucks, but the dryness in Hyungwon's throat was relieved and he liked to think it was worth it. With half the water in the bottle gone he began to feel the cool breeze and slipped his coat back on. Minhyuk had done the same before they got the beverage.

"Oh my gosh!" There a scream to Hyungwon's side and he immediately flinched, thinking he was about to step on something. He looked around for the reason of the scream and he saw someone staring at him and Minhyuk in awe.

"You- you're Hyungwon!" She brought a shaky finger up to point at his face and he looked around before pointing to himself. The girl nodded rapidly, her hat threatening to fall off. She slammed it against her head, there was a huge blush on her face and one was beginning to form on Hyungwon's cheeks.

Her eyes drifted slightly before she let out a little squeal came out of and her finger moved towards Minhyuk. "M-Min-" Hyungwon looked to the side and Minhyuk waved his hand, a small smile on his face.

"C-can- can I?" She looked behind herself as if she didn't know her phone was in her back pocket and took her phone out. Some people were staring, wondering why the teenage girl was freaking out so much.

"Both of us?" Minhyuk wrapped his arm around Hyungwon's shoulder and pointed towards the taller before pointing to himself. She nodded again, still holding her hat. The two males nodded and she let out another scream. Minhyuk was loving her reaction and Hyungwon was simply amused, smiling at her sweetly as she timidly came closer.

"Do you want me to take it?" Hyungwon offered, it would be best if she was between the two and he had the longest arms.

"O-Oh yes please oh my gosh Chae Hyungwon is touching my phone." He chuckled and at the slight touch of their hands she flinched away and he almost dropped it. "Oh God, I'm so sorry!"

"It's fine, Hyungwong caught it." Minhyuk reassured her, "You ready?" Minhyuk wrapped his arm around her waist and Hyungwon copied, they both smiled at the camera as she tried to best to hold in her scream. Hyungwon took one picture, both the males smiling gently and the girl smiling with all her features. When it saved to the phone the girl moved away and Hyungwon handed her the device back.

"Thank you so much! I can't wait to see you both acting again. You're both such great actors, Hyungwon makes it look like he's the actual character and Minhyuk you're so passionate" she squealed again and the two males smiled at her.

"We'll make sure to audition for something soon, promise." Minhyuk held his hand up and the girl nodded.

"I'm sorry for bothering you, thank you so much!" She held her phone to her chest and her eyes never left the two.

"You're welcome, I hope you enjoy the rest of your day. You won't follow us around will you?" The girl's smile dropped for a moment and Hyungwon laughed.

"You came to the fair to have a fun time, not to follow around a couple of boring guys. Plus I don't think a lot of people know who we are and you might look like a stalker. We wouldn't want that." Minhyuk shook his head and she copied the motion, zoned out from the world. The two nodded her off before walking away, checking back every once in a while to make sure she didn't really follow them.

"That was refreshing." Hyungwon chuckled, hands in his pockets.

"I'm surprised she noticed us, you didn't wear makeup right?" Minhyuk maneuvered his neck so his face was in front of Hyungwons. At the close proximity, Hyungwon pushed him slightly and shook his head.

"What character did you play?"

"Most recent?" Hyungwon nodded and Minhyuk thought back for a moment. "Uhh, I think I was in a movie based off a book, I was like... a supporting role but still not the main character. It was a romance movie, typical guy and girl."

"You're Bi?" Hyungwon's eyebrows knit together for a short moment.

"I was just acting but you could say that I mean, I've never dated a girl but I'm sure I would if I liked her." Minhyuk shrugged it off and Hyungwon waited for the continuation of Minhyuk's role.

"Uhhh, it was like - there was a girl that wrote stories and her roommate had a hot best friend - that was me," Hyungwon rolled his eyes with a laugh when Minhyuk interrupted himself. "But yeah my character would just hang around her a lot and they fell in love."

"That sounds too predictable considering Jihoon wrote it."

"Well, originally the girl was supposed to be with this other guy and then there was this whole thing with her mom and sister, and her roommate dated the guy - it was pretty complicated and I don't remember much." He scratched the back of his head.

That part of the conversation ended, leaving a nice silence between the two.

"Ready for the real rides?" Minhyuk smiled as they reached the small banner entitled 'Fun Zone'. The music was blaring and there were screams here and there, several people were talking and Hyungwon watched one ride spin people as they hung upside-down.

"We're going on everything?" Another ride had people strapped down to a sliding mat, the mat was attached to a metal base that clung to the sides as the machine spun. Now that he got a glimpse of everything, the only rides that didn't involve the possibility of vomiting were the ones he was too tall to fit in.

"More than once," Minhyuk promised.

Hyungwon swallowed.


"Thank god you brought food to my house. If we ate here, I don't think it would have stayed down." Hyungwon was evidently hungry and Minhyuk had bought two burgers and a funnel cake as he was resting and wondering how the blond was still so lively. He felt like he could sleep for the next three months.

"Do you think you're good at carnival games?" Minhyuk took a bite of his burger after asking the question. Hyungwon was still figuring how to fit the thing in his mouth.

"Not sure, the last time I attempted to play one was in a show and I wasn't really trying." He decided to screw his image and shoved the two buns, lettuce, tomatoes, and patty in his mouth, Minhyuk wasn't kidding when he said he knew where all the good food was at.

"Don't worry, I'll win you something."


"This is really good, but I don't think I could handle more," Hyungwon groaned. The night was getting nearer and the two had been trying all the food after playing all the carnival games; trajectory, energy, racing, strategic, and matching. The two managed to win a big stuffed Pikachu head beating another pair in a basketball game. Minhyuk finally got his hat when Hyungwon successfully popped three balloons in a row with darts.

After everything, they made their way back to the center where they ate numerous ice-cream and grease-related treats and it took Hyungwon one bite of a fried Oreo to feel everything he's stuffed into his mouth anchor his stomach.

"Mfh..." Minhyuk knew how Hyungwon felt, his own stomach pushing up against the fabric of his shirt and touching the Pikachu head. He should have never gone with the 'save the best for last' phrase. They'd bought six but they could barely get through half of one.

Minhyuk almost barfed trying to get the other two down but he managed to finish his share of the snack.

Hyungwon was sure he would explode if he ended up finishing those two and he offered them to Minhyuk just in case. They were refused and thrown in the trash not a second later.

"So, time to head home?" Hyungwon let out a small burp, feeling a bit better and able to move after the gas was released.

"One more ride, you can't go to the fair and not ride it." Minhyuk pointed to the largest attraction there and Hyungwon craned his neck to look at the large clock.

The ticks on the clock spun clockwise as the hands spun counter. Hyungwon trailed his eyes back down and sighed at the long line but headed over anyway, the sleepier he was, the easier it would be to fall asleep at night. He gave a loud yawn as they stood behind another couple, a tall girl leaning over her girlfriend as they spoke about nonsense. Hyungwon smiled at them.

"Do you want to go home?" Minhyuk copied Hyungwon's yawn but he didn't look as tired.

"Nah, just tired. I'll sleep when I get there. Maybe a little on the way depending on when we leave and traffic..." He covered his mouth in another yawn, " or something." He blinked once and wiped his eyes.

"How long did you sleep last night?" Hyungwon counted on his fingers to answer the question, he only got to three but he put one more up so Minhyuk wouldn't be too worried.

"You slept at four in the morning? What did you do last night? Why did you even let me bring you?"

Hyungwon shrugged, it's not that he didn't want to answer, he just didn't know what to say. His eyes were closing and he only opened them to make sure he wouldn't step on anything or anyone when they moved up in line.

"Hyungwon are you sure-"

"Ladies and gentlemen!" A loud, booming voice startled the sleepy giant, definitely waking him up. He covered his chest and took deep breaths. "We are now giving away two front passes!" There were cheers from the still lively people, Minhyuk being one of them. Hyungwon pumped his fist in the air.

"But~" The man's voice interrupted the crowd of screams, "Since there are so many people, only three of you will be able to participate. Don't worry, the choices are completely random. If you're in the spotlight you have to come on stage." Hyungwon sighed when he saw all the people that had a chance.

The stage wasn't too far, Hyungwon could see the platform but the people were pretty small. To the sides and on top of it, there were jumbo screens and speakers. In his observation, he was forced to close his eyes by the impending light. He turned away as a bunch of cheers erupted from all around.

"Come up on stage! The spotlight has chosen you!" Hyungwon turned back around, shading his eyes with one hand.

"Hyungwon go!" Minhyuk shoved him light enough to make him stumble forward but still stay up. The spotlight followed him and he had no choice.

"Oh my gosh, it's Hyungwon from Changes!"


"He was here the whole time?"

"Woooo!" He was getting recognition as he got closer to the stage and passed several other people. He could see more when he was finally on stage, he was the last one to be picked.

"Give it up for our contestants!" Cheering boomed and Hyungwon wondered if the people on the Ferris Wheel were curious as to what was happening down below.

"Now, we're going to play a short part of a song, you'll hear it three times, freestyle the third." Hyungwon took a look at the other two contestants. One of them looked very familiar and he bit his lip, wondering how he would do. The third was a girl, she looked like she would be a good dancer as well and Hyungwon searched for Minhyuk in the crowd so he could throw him an apologetic look just in case.

Hyungwon could match a name to the dancer as he watched him move, Shin Hoseok. It's been a while since he saw the other dance and he couldn't help but feel scared the other would recognize him as well. When he finished dancing to the chorus of Hug Me Hyungwon tilted his head down so he wouldn't be seen.

Next up was the girl, her song was more upbeat than Hoseok's, she was dancing to Work, but Hyungwon thought that it still suit her well. She was swift yet sharp in her movements and Hyungwon admired it.

When the time came for him to dance he thought he could barely hear the music over his heartbeat and the part was over in a second. The repetition was just as quick but Hyungwon felt like the time he spent dancing was the longest minute of his life.

He's heard the song before but this version must have been some sort of remix, it had a lot more bass than he remembered and near the end of his part, it was a little more sped up. His part wasn't the chorus like Hoseok's and the girl's, his was the first two minutes or so and they had started from the beginning so he could get warmed up. He shook his shoulders and swayed to the beat, letting his feet move naturally without restriction. He knew he was a good dancer before he became a model he was always the one asked to demonstrate moves in his class. He hadn't had much time to dance but there were days where he knew he wouldn't be able to sleep so he would watch some videos and try out the choreography.

By the time his part came on he was moving like he'd choreographed months before. His body quickly caught every beat and lyric and all his moves connected in transition to the next. He could feel how rusty he was, his contractions were less than all he could give and he could have traveled more but he ignored the fact and let his mind go, getting a true feel for the music.

A minute and forty seconds in, the music faded away and got replaced by thousands of cheers. Hyungwon smiled shyly, trying to regulate his breathing as quick as possible as he made his way towards the side again.

"Hold on, all three contestants come out here again." Hyungwon stopped in his tracks, looking up out of habit and making eye-contact with Hoseok before he turned around.

The three stood on stage, the crowd cheering for whoever they liked best. Hyungwon could hear his name as well as Hoseok's alias, Wonho. He guessed that the girl's name was Momo from the other name he heard, she was blowing kisses to her friends then laughed when they pretended to catch it.

Hyungwon peered at Hoseok and made eye-contact again. The two smiled at each other awkwardly before giving their attention to the speaker. "Settle down, settle down," he said.

"Okay, now we all know that all three of these people are talented dancers but only one of them can win the pass to the front of the line, who is it going to be?"

Screams erupted all over the place, shouting random names that got completely nowhere so the host quieted them down again.

"Okay, scream if you think- What's your name?" He turned towards the girl, "Momo?" He was still addressing her, "Oh, if you think Momo deserves the spot make some noise!" Several people screamed and others simply clapped.

"Who thinks - " He got the name, Hoseok used his alias, "Wonho should win?" Cheers filled the air and even Momo screamed. Hyungwon smiled and nodded towards him as they traded places.

"Okay, who thinks Hyungwon should win?" The actor blinked, the host knew who he was? He told himself that it was from the screams earlier and process of elimination. His crowd was the loudest yet and it made him blush, he timidly walked over to the host, thanking him when he got the tickets.

"You never told me you could dance." Minhyuk sat across from him, looking out the bars to his right, Hyungwon was leaning his head on the wall, and looking out the other side but he wasn't really taking anything in.

"I haven't done it in a while," Hyungwon shrugged, the cart came to a stop as more people continued to get on and the air was getting colder, he shuddered and pulled his coat over himself.

"Are you okay? I think we could still scream that we want to get off."

"Why would I try my best in a competition for a ride I didn't like?" Hyungwon didn't sound very convincing but it lead to Minhyuk's next question.

"Then what's wrong?"

"I feel like I've told you all my life problems yet I haven't heard any of yours."

"I promise I'll tell you after you explain why you're all glum."

Hyungwon sighed but turned his head towards Minhyuk, the other was staring at him intensely and he tore his gaze away, suddenly feeling like he was making a big deal out of nothing. Instead of looking into Minhyuk's eyes he watched the ground get farther and farther away.

"You remember the other guy that was chosen?"

"Wonho right?" Hyungwon nodded.

"His real name is Hoseok. I was friends with him a while back..." Hyungwon stared at the crowd of people, scanning for someone, he didn't know who.

"What happened?" Minhyuk shortened the explanation and Hyungwon silently thanked him.

"Cheated. They're still together, I saw them." Hyungwon smiled at the look Hoseok had as he looked at the beautiful girl, her make-up looked natural, her hair had the best curls, and not to mention she was the perfect height for him.

"How long ago?"

"Five years?"



"So why-"

"Because I thought I was over him. Hoseok cheating was my fault, I wasn't giving him enough attention. At that time I would choose Kihyun over him, can't blame him, really." The explanation was getting too long.

"Then why are you so upset about it?" Minhyuk's voice was small like he was afraid Hyungwon would break down.

"Regret, that I didn't go for Kihyun when he's the exact reason I gave up Hoseok. He was great, I wasn't."

Hyungwon frowned when the Ferris wheel completed a whole second turn and they were loading people off. The rest of the ride was spent in silence and he hated it, feeling like he ruined Minhyuk's day with his negativity.

"Look you don't have to-"

"Sh." Minhyuk cut him off and opened the car door for him. Hyungwon stepped in and Minhyuk moved towards the back of the car to get to the driver's seat.

Hyungwon was left sitting in the passenger's seat alone for a long time. The car wasn't even on and the cold crept through the windows.

Minhyuk came back and started up the car without a word, Hyungwon didn't think he was worthy of speaking, or falling asleep. He felt his eyelids threatening to drop the whole way home but he managed to keep them open.

"Hyungwon." Minhyuk finally spoke. He already parked the car and Hyungwon was on his way out. "I grew up with my mom, both my parents actually," Minhyuk's eyes never turned towards him, "they never locked me out of our house and they never left me. I've never been in a foster home and the first time I went to a club was at a legal age." Hyungwon moved back to a normal sitting position.

"My friends only went away to college and we still stay in touch. I don't have a lot of problems in my life but there's this one that I think you could relate to a lot."

Hyungwon waited, feeling something like fear but more anticipation than anything. If Minhyuk never went through any of those things then what would be bothering him?

The only think he could think of was-



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miarael20 #1
Chapter 12: Yes yes YES!!!!
Naighy #2
Chapter 12: I’m Taking this to my „Favs” list
Naighy #3
Chapter 12: dId THe BOyS aDoPT cHaN
chimchimbts #4
Chapter 12: this just makes me happy
Chapter 11: I'M SCREAMING ><
lullaegyo #6
Chapter 12: One of my most fave monstax fics has ended and I'm not too sure what to do with my life.

I actually believed Wonho would have convinced Hyungwon to go back when he first called him but I guess they all realistically needed time to heal. ( Hyungwon using Wonho as a 'dear diary' and life updater hurt so much for Wonho's part :'( ) I'm glad Wonho told Hyungwon his flaw of shutting people off when he old wants to let them stay.

Again, thank you for this story, I hope you write more for Hyunghyuk <3
Chapter 12: thank you for this wonderful fic. i have loved this with my full heart. ♥
Jun_nnnn #8
Chapter 11: I love you for writing this! This is all feels and makes me emo, it's beautiful! I can't wait for the next update! Thank you for your hard work (: XoXo <3
Silvergold101 #9
Chapter 11: Ahhhh it's been a while since the last update but this was such an emotional roller coaster! That last sentence made me feel really bad for Wonho! ;-;