Late Night Visitors Part 2

Don't Be A Meanie

Rating: Teen
Warnings: Mild cussing

Notes: Alright!! The poll has ended and I wanted to give a huge thank you to all that participated! <3 And as you can see by the title, Late Night Visitors won!! So here you go~~

Wonwoo woke to too much sun in his eyes, a slightly sore body, and a strange unfamiliar scent hanging around in the air.

He squinted into the sunlight, eyes blurry from little sleep, feeling vastly confused by everything. It took a few seconds for his newly awake brain to register that he was in his new apartment and not back in his old room at his parents, which explained the window situation.

Wonwoo raised his hand to block the sun that was shining all too brightly for his liking directly into his eyes. He hadn’t gotten around to hanging the curtains yesterday and now he was really regretting it.

After realizing that he was awake for the day, he sat up and groaned lowly. His body was really protesting any muscle use, already having been over worked yesterday getting all his boxes up 2 flights of stairs. Luckily, he had the movers to get all his furniture up, but his present income hadn’t allowed Wonwoo to splurge on extra labor he was able to do himself.

Now sitting on the edge of his mattress, Wonwoo rubbed his arms, working some of the soreness out of them. Wonwoo flinched his hand away when he touched a particularly sensitive spot. He tilted his head a bit and rotated his arm so that he could get a look. A small purple bruise greeted Wonwoo, leaving him slightly confused. Sure, he did a lot of physical labor yesterday, but he didn’t remember actually doing anything that could have caused a bruise.

He shrugged it off lightly, not too worried about a small bruise on his arm. Wonwoo stretched as he stood, taking a deep breath. There was a distinct smell in the air; something clean yet warm. It wasn’t anything Wonwoo recognized, but he was happy to have it around if that turned out to be the natural smell of his new place.

It was when Wonwoo was kneeling next to his boxes in the corner, rifling around for some of his extra bathroom supplies when a feeling of deja vu hit Wonwoo.

Oh .

Suddenly, all the memories from what happened after Wonwoo had initially went to bed for the night came rushing back. The burglar scare. Tackling said intruder. Taking the stranger to bed with him.

Wonwoo whipped his head around, checking to make sure he hadn’t somehow missed someone else’s presence in the room with him. He let out a relieved sigh, now positive that he was the only person in the room.

But now that his scenes were kicked into overdrive, Wonwoo suddenly realized that he could hear signs of life coming from farther in his apartment. Once again, there was a small rush of deja vu when he heard the telltale signs of a box getting hit and a small hiss of a cuss accompanying it.

Wonwoo slumped his shoulders, a new feeling of dread and worry setting in the pit of his stomach. The kid was still here.

Wonwoo smoothed his hair down a bit before rubbing his palms over his face, pulling his nerves together before he confronted the boy who was still in his apartment. Wonwoo was honestly too tired last night to have even thought of the consequences of keeping a complete stranger in his apartment.

A sudden thought struck him. What if the guy was trying to steal his stuff now? Last night he might have been a bubbling mess of a guy, too drunk to make it back to his own apartment. But now? He was definitely sober and totally might be stealing his stuff.

Without a second thought, Wonwoo rushed out of the room.

The scene he came upon was definitely not what he was expecting.

It really was the smell that hit Wonwoo first. It smelt like food . The delicious smell of freshly cooked eggs and bacon filled the air, instantly causing Wonwoo’s mouth to water. The actual scene was the second thing to hit Wonwoo.

It was Mingyu (if Wonwoo was remembering his name correctly) standing in his kitchen, spatula in hand and ruffled apron tied to his body. When Mingyu turned, alerted to Wonwoo presence since he had came running in, Wonwoo realized that the apron Mingyu was wearing was actually his.

Wonwoo couldn’t help but stare blank faced, a huge contrast to Mingyu’s radiant one.

“Good morning neighbor!” chirped out Mingyu, waving the spatula in greeting.

All Wonwoo was really able to get out after such a sight was, “That’s my apron.”

Mingyu looked down, a small pout on his face at Wonwoo’s reaction. He had probably been expecting something a little more positive.

“Yeah…” Mingyu grabbed the edges of the fabric before twisting his body a bit, seemingly showing it off, “But don’t I look good in it?”

Wonwoo couldn’t help but huff a bit in amusement. Not only at Mingyu’s antics, but the whole situation in general.

He had just woken up to his first night at his new apartment to the hottest guy he’s ever met making him breakfast and wearing the overly cute apron his brother had gotten him as a gag gift, explaining that it might ‘encourage Wonwoo to cook more’.

“Where did you find that anyways?” puffed out Wonwoo, making his way over out of living room space and into the small designated kitchen space. Any of his earlier worries of an awkward morning had basically been thrown out the window, along side the idea of Mingyu actually stealing any of his stuff.

Mingyu turned back to the stove, a smile on his lips, taking Wonwoo’s attempt at conversation as a green light to continue.

“I found it while I was searching for your pots and pans,” explained Mingyu. Wonwoo took note that Mingyu’s voice was a pleasant rumble when it wasn’t slurred by alcohol.

He couldn’t help but feel a little twinge of worry at the idea of Mingyu going through his stuff, but he pushed the feeling to the side, since it really didn’t bother him too much in the grand scheme of things. And if it meant he would get to wake up the sight of Mingyu in a pink apron making him actual food, he would let Mingyu sift through everything he owned a few times over.

“And where did the food come from?” asked Wonwoo and he picked up a loaf of bread that was on his counter.

“My place,” Mingyu stirred the cooking eggs around the pan, “Turns out I’m only a few doors down.”

Wonwoo raised an eyebrow at Mingyu. “Yeah, I would hope so. Since you did come stumbling in here piss drunk last night, thinking that this was your apartment,” teased Wonwoo, voice light.

Mingyu suddenly put his spatula down and turned to Wonwoo, causing him to jump at the unexpected movement. Mingyu then grabbed Wonwoo’s hands into his own, before pulling them up to face level, his eyes looking sad and pleading.

“And I’m so sorry about that!” suddenly apologized Mingyu, “I promise I really don’t usually get that drunk. Yesterday was a bit on an exception since two of my friends just got engaged and we were celebrating..” explained Mingyu, keeping Wonwoo’s hands clasped tight in between his own.

“And that’s why I made breakfast!” exclaimed Mingyu, sounding like he had just remembered that he should mention that, “As an apology for literally breaking in and taking over your bed.”

“Hey now, I was just joking,” backtracked Wonwoo. Mingyu looked like a kicked puppy, his eyes wide and slightly glistening. Ultimately, he looked unconvinced in Wonwoo’s small reassurance.

“I really am,” continued Wonwoo, squeezing Mingyu’s hands back in comfort, “If I really had a problem with it I would have just kicked you out last night.”

Mingyu’s hands loosened, but only slightly.

“And it looks like I made the right choice, if having you make me breakfast and seeing you in that apron is anything to go by,” joked Wonwoo, now slightly worried that Mingyu was legitimately torn over what had happened.

At that, Mingyu finally dropped Wonwoo’s hands before promptly turning to mess with the eggs again. Wonwoo worried for a second if he had gone to far, but he soon caught sight of the faint pink dusting Mingyu’s ears.

This close, Wonwoo was able to realize that it was Mingyu had been the source of the nice smell that was hanging around in his sheets.

“How are you feeling by the way?” asked Wonwoo, wanting to change the subject so he could talk to Mingyu more.

“What do you mean?” questioned back Mingyu, who was now back to cook mode and was just then plating the eggs.

“No hangover?” clarified Wonwoo as he leaned his hip against the countertop, content to watch Mingyu work at a close distance.

“Oh, no actually!” Mingyu smiled over to Wonwoo conspiratorially, like he was about to share a secret, all traces of his earlier embarrassment completely gone. “I actually rarely get hangovers, they usually don’t happen unless I throw up.”

“Must be nice,” commented Wonwoo lowly. Mingyu just hummed in acknowledgment before turning his complete attention back to breakfast.

It was about 5 minutes later when Wonwoo broke the comfortable silence that had settled between them.

“So when are you going to be done?” His stomach had slowly started to naw away at itself, upset that there was food so close by but none of it was currently being digested.

“Just about..” drawled out Mingyu as he plated the rest of the bacon onto two separate plates, “Now!”

Wonwoo smiled a bit, watching Mingyu untie the apron before folding it a bit haphazardly.  

“Thanks for doing this by the way,” spoke up Wonwoo, tone light, reflecting the mood he was in.

Mingyu glanced over to Wonwoo, a small knowing smile of his own gracing his lips. “Anytime.”

Wonwoo couldn’t help but feel his cheeks warm slightly at the implication of Mingyu making another visit sometime soon.

“Now, any more questions you’d like to ask?” teased Mingyu good heartedly, handing over Wonwoo’s own plate of food.

“One last question. Your name’s Mingyu, right?”

Wonwoo couldn’t help but feel a warm spot heat up in his abdomen as he watched Mingyu throw back his head before letting out of the most chest deep, legitimately happy laughs that had ever graced Wonwoo’s ears.

“Yep! And you’re Wonwoo, right?”

Wonwoo could easily see himself getting use to seeing Mingyu in his apartment. The idea of getting to hear Mingyu laugh like that on a daily basis was all too tempting to let slip by.

Knowing that Mingyu was willing to wear the pink apron was just an added bonus. 

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Chapter 8: I know it's the sequel but.. Can we have the sequel for the sequel uh??? >.<
BubbleLightBaek #3
Chapter 8: oh this is cute! i'm so happy that this one got a sequel tbh :)
SiiYin #4
Chapter 3: i :) I'm SiiYin from Viet Nam. And, I want to ask, that: Can I translation and edit "Please Don't Leave" by Vietnamese ? I will cre for you :)
Chapter 6: Update soon ^^
Canxiubemybaby #6
Chapter 5: Lmao he called dibs on Wonwoo~ this is really cute❤️
Chapter 4: this is so cute and funny tho. Hahahaha
Jihoon_98 #8
Chapter 4: Sooooo... It's vampire wonwoo and human mingyu
But seriously, the title remind me of Hansol
Chapter 3: I WANNA CRY RYT NOW. BUT I CANT. I have been feelings this kinda feelings since 2 weeks ago. Where i cant get myself to cry hard. I really wanna cry hard but I cant. I dunno what happened to me. To me, this chap is so sad and I feel like I want a wonwoo real life because I want to hug someone and cry out loud. T.T