I'm Scared

Don't Be A Meanie

Rated: Teen

Tags: Vampire!Mingyu, Dark/Horror Themes, Depictions of Death, Blood, Open Ended/Ambiguous Ending 

Notes: WElp. Who knew that we would be getting TWO Vampire prompts in this drabble fic, both with very different themes to them.

Let's consider this a Halloween Special! :D (Since everyone know's that Halloween is celebrated all October long.)


There wasn’t many nights out of the year that were like this one.

It felt empty and cold. Felt void of all life, only leaving behind a feeling that chilled you to the bone. All forms of warmth and ideas of happiness were into a vortex, leaving behind a sense of nothingness that left you on edge, almost to the point of panic.

It was one of those nights where you couldn’t look directly at the dark recesses that laid beyond your open bedroom door, scared of what laid in wait beyond the safety of your bedside lamp’s glow. Left you scared that if you looked too closely, you would see something writhing at the edges of the darkness.

As Wonwoo was finally settling into bed for the night, he couldn’t shake the feeling that tonight wasn’t going to be good night.


It hadn't always been like this.

Wonwoo use to have a family. Use to be conditioned to not flinch in fear at the small sounds bumping from deeper in the house. They use to mean that there were friendly signs of life close by, reminding you that you had someone familiar and safe near.

Now those sounds only ever left a chill down Wonwoo’s spine, a cold of fear as to what might have caused it.

Wonwoo was one of the ‘lucky’ ones. Had somehow escaped a mass murder of his family, committed by a rogue Vampire that was on the loose.

Vampires were a dying race, rare to the point that people were started to claim that they had finally gone extinct. But there was still small news articles that would pop up, claiming that random bloody deaths were done at the hands of a vampire.

So the thought that Wonwoo would ever have to cross paths with one was almost nonexistent.

It was nights like this that made the memory crawl to the forefront of his mind’s eye.


He was 9 years old at the time. Young enough that the memories of that night were a bit foggy at best, but old enough to fully realize the weight of his memories, leaving an impression that was something much more akin to a scar on his psyche, forever molding his personality into something that never would have taken form if he had never had to live through such a traumatizing event.

Young Wonwoo had heard a muffled noise. Just barely loud and unusual enough to make him instantly curious, causing him to immediately throw his covers to the side and let his small body bound out of his room and into the dark that was his childhood house.

At first, nothing was immediately out of the ordinary. The house was dark but navigable, all lights off in preparation for him and his family to sleep.

But as Wonwoo made a sharp left in the living room, making his way to his parent’s room, he could smell a heavy scent hanging in the air. It was thick and muggy to his senses, only growing thicker as he made his way closer.

The door was marginally open, a small sliver of darkness that kept Wonwoo from seeing into the room. His hand was poised to push the door wider, but paused when he heard shuffling from his brother’s room.

He his heel, changing trajectory as he scampered back through the living room and down the hallway. His brother’s door was in a similar state as his parent’s, hanging open just a crack. Without hesitation, Wonwoo pushed with just enough force to have the door swing fully open.

Wonwoo could remember how the sudden fear had felt as it dropped into the pit of his stomach. His curious smile had fallen just as suddenly from his lips. Even his 9 year old self could pick up on the terrible atmosphere coming from the room.

The scene that greeted him was one he never thought he would encounter. His brother was almost completely out of Wonwoo’s sight, blocked off by a large frame that belong to neither his mother or father. The stranger had his arms tucked under his younger brother’s back, bowing his back sharply off the bed. His form was tucking close to the strangers, who was leaning greatly over both the bed and his brother.

The only thing that broke the deep silence of the room was the distinct sound of liquid plopping heavily from the bed onto the floor, making home in an already large pool that was settled on the ground.

Wonwoo looked on, petrified frozen as he took in his brother’s wide, unfocused eyes. It was the only part of his brother he could see from his position, barely peaking out from over the stranger’s shoulder. They were strained wide, fear being the only expression that you could interpret from them.

“Bohyuk?” came Wonwoo’s voice, weak and trembling. He was exceedingly afraid of this stranger who was hovering over his younger brother’s body, but he was ultimately afraid that he wouldn’t get an answer to his call.

The sudden break in the dead silence caused the stranger to whip his head first up and away from where it had been craned deep into the crook of his brother’s neck. Just as quickly, his head whipped to Wonwoo in the doorway.


Piercing red eye’s now bore into Wonwoo’s own, seeming to penetrate straight to his soul. The red of those eyes would continue to haunt Wonwoo for years to come, following and manifesting in his nightmares and dark corners. A constant reminder to the fear that had wrecked his body that night.

Only a few seconds had ticked by, but they seemed to stretch for what seemed like eternity. His young mind soaked in every detail. The strong defined features of the boy’s face, older but not old. But he couldn’t make it much farther in his inspection after registering all the red.

There was blood all over his face. Blood smeared thickly against his lips, messily reaching all the way to the end of his jaw line. It slid lazily down his throat and only ended at the stranger’s shirt collar, now stained a slightly deeper black.

The stranger twitched and Wonwoo’s fear had finally taken form in one action, and to this day it was Wonwoo’s biggest mistake in life. His greatest regret.

He had turned tail and ran.

Ran as hard and as far as his small legs could lead him. Straight out the front door and out past the familiarity that was the front yard. His bare feet slapped hard against the pavement, stinging in a far off way that Wonwoo couldn’t register through his fear. Had only stopped to take refuge at some far off distance neighbor’s porch to pound on the door for his life. Maybe even for his own family's life.


But in the end, it was only his own that he had saved.


A sudden influx of fear penetrated every one of Wonwoo’s pores.

His senses were in overdrive, kicked into action by the sudden rush of adrenaline that coursed throughout his veins, his hearing attuned even greater thanks to the pitch darkness he left his eyesight in, too afraid to open his eyes.

He had heard a far off noise. A small squeak of an old floorboard. The small ratty shack of a place he found himself living in was almost historically old, the floorboards noisy to the point that Wonwoo never really registered the noise anymore as he roamed his house on the daily.

But he was tucked into bed for the night. He had no other visitors or relations that could be the culprit to the noise. The unexpected noise had set Wonwoo’s senses ablaze, his hearing tuned in almost unbearably for anymore noises to indicate that he might not be alone in his house.

But it was quiet. His ears strained for any more noise, but for a significant amount of time, there was nothing. The silence almost roared in his ear, causing a white noise effect on his hearing. Not even the usual crickets dared to make a noise on this night.

He could feel his tense muscles relaxing after a long few minutes of silence. Wonwoo reasoned with himself that the atmosphere of the night had set him into such a mood, making him grasp fearfully for anything that would explain just why he was feeling this way.

It was right when Wonwoo was settling back into the idea of trying to fall back asleep that he heard the small puffs of breathing coming from directly above him.

Wonwoo’s eyes shot open, immediately zeroing into the only color visible in his pitch black room.


A piercing red pair of eyes hovered only inches above his face.

Wonwoo was petrified. His fear had peaked and skyrocketed at an alarming rate, pushing him straight past the point of even thinking of retaliation. The scream that was trying to form in his throat was clogged down by his clamped closed throat.

Fear strapped him to his bed. It penetrated deep into his bones, making them heavy like lead. The fear froze both his body and mind; the only movement he was capable of was his heaving chest and his eyes that had immediately flashed over the face that hovered mere inches above his own.

Recognition of Wonwoo’s awareness to his presence formed in the red eyes before a wide white smile stretched almost sickeningly long over his face. Sharp, elongated canines came into Wonwoo’s field of vision and he could almost feel himself becoming dizzy from just how much unutilized adrenaline was being flooded into his system.

He could feel the small tickles of the boy’s bangs as they brushed over Wonwoo’s forehead.

“I’ve finally found you,” taunted the boy in a low voice, just a minuscule amount louder than a whisper.

Wonwoo felt something cold brush against his neck. Only after swallowing thickly did he realize that the sensation was caused by the vampire running his fingertips lightly over his prominent adam’s apple.

Wonwoo could never forget this face, no matter how much everyone around him told him to.

The face of his family's murderer was seared into his memory. Even though he had only ever gotten a split second look, Wonwoo knew. And even if his memory had failed him, his subconscious remembered. The whole night of feeling on edge now made sense, but Wonwoo had failed to take heed to the warning it created.

The boy’s face was exactly the same as it had been 12 years ago. Youthful even to this day, never aging thanks the boy’s condition. Wonwoo had spent a good year or two obsessed with the details of his family’s murder when he reached the age of 13, spurring him into uncovering every detail he could.

It was then that he had come across the news articles that his 9 year old self had never thought of looking for. It was where he had found out the name of his family’s killer.

The article told of the main suspect, an unanimous suspect since the vampire had been on a killing spree. He had traveled in a predictable pattern from town to town, picking off families as he passed through.

Wonwoo’s was the fourth family this vampire had murdered. But it was the first family where someone had escaped alive.

Wonwoo’s 13 year old self had almost thrown up when he had came across a photo of his family’s murderer. It had been taken from security camera footage, low quality and blurry, but was released to the public so they could have a face to look out for in the corners of their homes.

“You have no idea how long I’ve been looking for you,” cooed the boy above him, in an almost lovingly manner. Wonwoo couldn’t help but feel that if it was anyone else whispering those words to him in such a tone, they would have sounded loving. Reverent even.

The cold fingers had slid from his throat up his jaw, now cupping Wonwoo’s face delicately. The maniacal grin had softened to something more human, but it only proceeded to scare Wonwoo all the more.

Wonwoo didn’t know how or why he had done it. It was an unconscious act done without his mind’s permission. But somehow he was able to get one weak word through the vise like grip his fear had on his throat. His single word was almost too loud and too raw for the stillness and slick that was the atmosphere that had overcome the two boys.



The last thing Wonwoo remembered was the searing hot feeling of one lone tear as it etched a trail down the side of his temple.

It was the last sense of warmth Wonwoo would ever feel.


Notes: I've been rereading over all these small prompts and I feel like I enjoy how much variety I have in all the themes.

That being said, I've also realized how much I enjoy each one of these chapters as an individual plot. So I decided to make a poll so I can make a sequel for the one you guys want the most! So keep and eye out for that!

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Chapter 8: I know it's the sequel but.. Can we have the sequel for the sequel uh??? >.<
BubbleLightBaek #3
Chapter 8: oh this is cute! i'm so happy that this one got a sequel tbh :)
SiiYin #4
Chapter 3: i :) I'm SiiYin from Viet Nam. And, I want to ask, that: Can I translation and edit "Please Don't Leave" by Vietnamese ? I will cre for you :)
Chapter 6: Update soon ^^
Canxiubemybaby #6
Chapter 5: Lmao he called dibs on Wonwoo~ this is really cute❤️
Chapter 4: this is so cute and funny tho. Hahahaha
Jihoon_98 #8
Chapter 4: Sooooo... It's vampire wonwoo and human mingyu
But seriously, the title remind me of Hansol
Chapter 3: I WANNA CRY RYT NOW. BUT I CANT. I have been feelings this kinda feelings since 2 weeks ago. Where i cant get myself to cry hard. I really wanna cry hard but I cant. I dunno what happened to me. To me, this chap is so sad and I feel like I want a wonwoo real life because I want to hug someone and cry out loud. T.T