Please Don't Leave

Don't Be A Meanie

Rated: Teen

Warnings: Mild cussing, Angst, uhh, Unhealthy relationship? Maybe a Hurt/Comfort

Notes: Sorry for giving so much fluff and then throwing this at you guys. But got to have variety and all that fun stuff.

Mingyu sat in his desk chair, tears streaming down his cheeks. He had his eyes trained steadily on Wonwoo, whose own eyes didn't waver as they looked at each other.

Wonwoo was sitting on Mingyu's bed, looking quite put together compared to Mingyu’s shattered composure. Which only hurt Mingyu all the more. To see his boyfriend looking so unaffected only reinforced Mingyu’s thoughts that everything was not fine.

Mingyu watched through his tears as Wonwoo seemed to think. But before Mingyu could bring himself to say or do something, Wonwoo’s straight back had slumped and he sighed.

Mingyu felt a sudden stab to his chest that he would only realize later on was his heart cracking. Not enough to fully break it, but was slowly getting chipped away at.

Wonwoo’s gaze had finally left Mingyu’s and was now trained on the floor. Wonwoo then started to look uncomfortable. Like Mingyu’s emotions were burdening him. Everything in Wonwoo’s body language screamed that he didn't want to be here doing this.

Wonwoo’s hands laced together, seemingly in a way to give self comfort. All Mingyu wanted was for Wonwoo to come lace his fingers with his. To comfort him.

"Look Mingyu... We've been over this. I told you that I might have not been able to provide for you what you wanted. I warned you."

Wonwoo’s eyes returned to Mingyu’s, but this time there was an edge to them. A very clear warning to Mingyu that he didn't want to be having this conversation right now.

And who knew that such simple words could hurt so deeply? The fact that Wonwoo could remind Mingyu so easily that at the beginning, they agreed that Wonwoo might not be able to reciprocate the kind of feelings Mingyu wanted out of their relationship.

And what hurts all the more was that Mingyu did remember. He was painfully aware of the fact that Wonwoo had warned Mingyu from the very start that he was only doing this as a test of sorts to see if he could develop the same feelings Mingyu apparently had for him.

And Mingyu heard it in Wonwoo’s voice. The warning that he didn't want to deal with this. Didn't want to deal with Mingyu emotions. But how else was he suppose to let Wonwoo know that he was upset that Wonwoo wasn't comforting him as much as he wanted? That Wonwoo hadn't been able to give the kind of love Mingyu had wanted.

And maybe Mingyu was just tricking himself into thinking he could get Wonwoo to love him as much as he loved Wonwoo. There had been many signs that they weren't doing fine.

Like how Wonwoo would pull his hand out of Mingyu’s own in public, all the while hissing a soft, "You know I don't like pda."

Or how constantly their plans were being cancelled just because Wonwoo wasn't feeling up to it.

As Mingyu stared into Wonwoo’s unwavering eyes, he thought, maybe he should have been more accommodating? Maybe if he hadn't let small things Wonwoo said get to him. Maybe he should have been less selfish, maybe then Wonwoo could have learned to love him back.

But then, a small voice would whisper back, when was Wonwoo ever selfless for you? Everything was either Wonwoo’s way or it wasn't happening. Wonwoo would never go out of his way just for Mingyu’s sake.

And the fact the Wonwoo wouldn't make any effort should have been Mingyu’s first hint that this wasn't working out.

Wonwoo sighed again, taking Mingyu’s silence as a sign that he should go. But at the first sign of Wonwoo leaving, Mingyu began to panic. He wasn't sure he was ready to give up on their friends turned lover relationship yet. Even though everything in Mingyu screamed for him to just let him walk out, to have a semblance of self preservation, his mind had other ideas.

"Wait," came Mingyu’s barely audible plea.

And Wonwoo did wait. He unbent from where he was reaching for his book bag that sat next to Mingyu’s bedroom door.

And as their eyes met yet again, Mingyu could start to feel his sadness transform into something uglier. His eyes began to burn with anger rather the tears. How could Wonwoo say he had ever cared for him if he was so willing to leave Mingyu a mess?

Mingyu then abandoned all hope for this to have ended nicely. He could feel his rage bubble up and start to manifest into words that spilled out of his mouth.

"Were you going to just ing leave and act like I mean nothing to you?" came Mingyu’s spiteful words.

Mingyu felt a small twinge of misplaced satisfaction that came from seeing Wonwoo’s stunned expression.

Mingyu never got angry. He only ever got sad. So to feel the burn in his stomach was new and almost frightening.

But Wonwoo was quick to recover from the initial shock. He took a cautious step toward Mingyu, almost like he was trying to coax a scared animal out of trying to bite him, which wasn't too far off from reality.

"Mingyu...," started Wonwoo. He seemed almost reluctant to speak. He's never had to deal with an angry Mingyu, and he had to choose each of his words carefully. "You know that you don't mean nothing to me. We're best friends. I just was trying to give you time to think."

Mingyu seemed to bristle, his rage all the more fueled by Wonwoo’s words.

"That's all you ever do! But I don't want you to leave! I want you to fight to stay with me!" Mingyu let out a loud sob at the end, the truth of his words hitting hard, causing his anger to recede and uncover the sadness that laid within.

Mingyu couldn't stand to look at Wonwoo’s weary expression anymore. He lowered his eyes to his lap, allowing silent fat tears to fall onto his lap. He wanted to end this fight with at least a little bit of his dignity still intact, so he didn't allow himself to make a sound as he cried, the earlier sob already embarrassing enough.

Wonwoo didn't speak, letting the weight of Mingyu’s words soak into the air between them. The longer the silence stretched, the more embarrassed and upset Mingyu became. He had let his emotions get the better of him and all he could think of was how desperate he had just sounded.

But it wasn't the fact that Mingyu was desperate that embarrassed him, for he had know for a long time how desperate he was for Wonwoo’s attention. It was that now Wonwoo knew how pathetic he was.

Mingyu strained his ears for any indication of what Wonwoo was doing. His pride wouldn't allow him to move his eyes to anything but his lap.

But suddenly, Wonwoo’s legs had come into Mingyu’s view. Before Mingyu could react in any way, Wonwoo crouched then sat on the floor in front of Mingyu’s sitting frame, so he could look up at Mingyu. Wonwoo’s hands came up to grip Mingyu’s knees, his expression soft. It only proceeded to make Mingyu cry harder.

Mingyu shut his eyes, not knowing what to do now that he was getting the attention he so desperately wanted. A small, "Hey," came from Wonwoo, trying to coax Mingyu into looking at him.

It worked almost too easily, as Mingyu opened his eyes to look at Wonwoo.

Wonwoo smiled softly and opened his arms, before saying the two words Mingyu so desperately wanted to hear from him. "Come here."

And Mingyu wasn't one to not take an opportunity given to him. He easily slipped off his desk chair and onto the floor into Wonwoo’s embrace. He tucked his head into Wonwoo’s neck and continued to cry silently, but this time in relief.

All Wonwoo could do was rub Mingyu’s back and allow Mingyu to ride out his emotions, but this time in his embrace rather than alone.

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Chapter 8: I know it's the sequel but.. Can we have the sequel for the sequel uh??? >.<
BubbleLightBaek #3
Chapter 8: oh this is cute! i'm so happy that this one got a sequel tbh :)
SiiYin #4
Chapter 3: i :) I'm SiiYin from Viet Nam. And, I want to ask, that: Can I translation and edit "Please Don't Leave" by Vietnamese ? I will cre for you :)
Chapter 6: Update soon ^^
Canxiubemybaby #6
Chapter 5: Lmao he called dibs on Wonwoo~ this is really cute❤️
Chapter 4: this is so cute and funny tho. Hahahaha
Jihoon_98 #8
Chapter 4: Sooooo... It's vampire wonwoo and human mingyu
But seriously, the title remind me of Hansol
Chapter 3: I WANNA CRY RYT NOW. BUT I CANT. I have been feelings this kinda feelings since 2 weeks ago. Where i cant get myself to cry hard. I really wanna cry hard but I cant. I dunno what happened to me. To me, this chap is so sad and I feel like I want a wonwoo real life because I want to hug someone and cry out loud. T.T