Cute Delivery Boy

Don't Be A Meanie

Rated: General Audience

Tags: None really? College Au, Mingyu being a cute idiot

Mingyu sat lazily on his couch, tapping away on his precariously perched laptop. He shifted slightly, trying to wake up his with minimal effort. Mingyu switched between music tabs, research tabs and social media tabs, trying to keep himself at least a little bit alive as he tried to finish his overly procrastinated paper by his 10 am class tomorrow. His eyes flicked over to the clock in the corner of his screen, checking the time.

Mingyu let out a small huff when he saw that it was 10:32 PM, 3 hours after he started his damn paper. No wonder he was hungry. A quick check on a word count told him that he had no time to actually get up and make food, so he was quick to open a new tab and typed in his friendly neighborhood pizza chain that he knew was just down the street.

Mingyu silently thanked his mom for giving birth to him in the day an age where awkward phone calls were eliminated from the equation of getting pizza. After ordering an extra large meat lover’s pizza (He figured that if he was buying something, might as well get something that was going to feed him at least for another day), he scrolled down to click the checkout button. Mingyu paused his descent when he scanned over the small box which prompted 'Extra Requests'.

Mingyu usually left the box blank, for he had no use for 'Extra napkins' nor did he need to ever give special instructions to his small apartment. But this time, Mingyu decided to add a small innocent comment.

"Send your cutest delivery guy ;)"

Mingyu almost laughed at the ridiculousness of it, but instead he just let out a small huff of air from his joke. He silently wondered at how often the poor late night pizza crew had to deal with childish comments like his as he entered his memorized card number into the website.


It wasn't long before Mingyu’s typing was interrupted by 3 loud and precise knocks on his front door. Sliding his laptop off his lap and onto his small couch, Mingyu stood up and walked over to answer the door.

When he pulled it open, he was greeted by a bored faced delivery worker. He had his eyes downcast, as he began to recite Mingyu’s order off the small receipt taped to the pizza box. When the boy looked up, all Mingyu could think was, "Oh god, they actually did it."

The boy lifted an unamused eyebrow at Mingyu’s statement. It took Mingyu a second to realize that he accidentally verbalized his thought. Before Mingyu could try and save and/or cover his , the boy seemed to have caught on to where Mingyu’s statement had come from.

"Oh, are you talking about the 'send your cutest delivery guy' comment?" Asked the boy in the a smooth deep voice, face still in a defaulted neutral look.

Mingyu was once again going to try and defend himself, but was interrupted by the boy then winking at Mingyu, nearly killing him in his spot. He had to consciously hold himself back from gripping his chest at how cute the boys action had just been. Who knew winking while looking bored was the way to Mingyu’s heart? All he could bring himself to do was smile and nod slightly.

The boy then pushed Mingyu’s pizza towards him, while pulling out and placing a pen on top of his pizza box. Mingyu stiffly reached for both, taking note that the boy seemed very unfazed by this whole interaction.

"You must get use to dealing with people’s , huh?" Asked Mingyu, amusement evident in his voice as he scribbled his signature onto the receipt.

The boy hummed in response, not really confirming or denying the question. It was then that Mingyu realized that he liked this boy. He seemed to have an interesting sense of humor, which peaked Mingyu’s interest.

When Mingyu was done, the delivery boy was quick to grab and pocket the signed receipt. Mingyu then took the box from the boy and offered the pen back to him, all the while sending the boy his signature toothy smile. He knew the effects is had on people.

The delivery boy kept his gaze up at Mingyu as he reached for his pen, which Mingyu took as a positive sign. Maybe he had just then caught the boy’s attention too.

When the boy tried to take the offered pen, he was met with resistance, for Mingyu hadn't yet let go of it. The boy seemed to have been caught off guard as a flash of confusion came over his face, the first real expression he had given. Mingyu then leaned a little bit forward, trying to ooze as much charm as he could as he asked, "Could I get the cute delivery guy’s name?"

The boy seemed to have quick wit though, and quickly caught onto the fact that Mingyu was now trying to flirt with him. But instead of an answer, a small clicking sound entered the air. It was Mingyu’s turn to be caught off guard as he looked down to the origin of the noise. It turned out to have come from the boy tapping his nail against the name tag on his shirt, which read, 'Wonwoo'.

Mingyu sheepishly grinned at the boy, he must have been too caught up in the boy’s looks to have noticed it earlier. All the newly named Wonwoo could do was smile and shake his head in amusement. Wonwoo then tugged the pen out of Mingyu’s grasp, pocketed it, and turned away with a, "Have a good night." tossed over his shoulder as he left.

Mingyu smiled as he closed his apartment door. He knew who he was going to request next time he ordered pizza.

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Chapter 8: I know it's the sequel but.. Can we have the sequel for the sequel uh??? >.<
BubbleLightBaek #3
Chapter 8: oh this is cute! i'm so happy that this one got a sequel tbh :)
SiiYin #4
Chapter 3: i :) I'm SiiYin from Viet Nam. And, I want to ask, that: Can I translation and edit "Please Don't Leave" by Vietnamese ? I will cre for you :)
Chapter 6: Update soon ^^
Canxiubemybaby #6
Chapter 5: Lmao he called dibs on Wonwoo~ this is really cute❤️
Chapter 4: this is so cute and funny tho. Hahahaha
Jihoon_98 #8
Chapter 4: Sooooo... It's vampire wonwoo and human mingyu
But seriously, the title remind me of Hansol
Chapter 3: I WANNA CRY RYT NOW. BUT I CANT. I have been feelings this kinda feelings since 2 weeks ago. Where i cant get myself to cry hard. I really wanna cry hard but I cant. I dunno what happened to me. To me, this chap is so sad and I feel like I want a wonwoo real life because I want to hug someone and cry out loud. T.T