Human Privilege

Don't Be A Meanie

Rating: Teen

Warnings: Blood, Vampire!Wonwoo, Human!Mingyu

Notes: I have no idea where this came from but here you go

Mingyu stood in front of his and Wonwoo’s shared refrigerator, not sure how it had come to this.

Mingyu and Wonwoo had made a truce in the early days, where they would both get exactly half of the refrigerator. At first, it had worked, Mingyu’s things stayed on his side, Wonwoo’s stayed on his.

But sometime over the last couple of months, Wonwoo had become lazy to the rule. Now, Mingyu could barely find room for his food, having just now become consciously aware that his food stock was dwindling while Wonwoo’s had been growing.

Mingyu hadn’t really minded at first, reassured by the idea that Wonwoo had a full stock of food on hand. Knowing that Wonwoo would never go hungry was comforting, allowing them to completely avoid any…. Misfortunes.

But now, as Mingyu stared into the refrigerator, with at least 90% of it full of blood bags, he realized that his own diet had sometime slowly shifted over to more pantry items. Mingyu hadn’t bothered to make a fuss about how he barely had room for his applesauce cups and milk, which were squeezed in a small crevice on the far right of the refrigerator, taking up the last remaining 10% of the space.

But Mingyu was hungry and he had let this go on for too long.

Somewhere from Mingyu’s right, he could hear Wonwoo enter the kitchen, his view obstructed by the refrigerator door.

“Wonwoo.” Came Mingyu’s soft beckoning.

“Hmm?” Hummed out Wonwoo is response, making his way over to the boy.

Mingyu continued to stare into the refrigerator even after he could feel Wonwoo come up behind him. “What does this look like to you?”

“Lunch.” Said Wonwoo easily as he reached under the arm Mingyu still had on the door handle to grab a bag for himself.

Mingyu turned to watch Wonwoo in shock. But the boy ignored Mingyu in favor for looking through their silverware drawer, pulling out a long metal straw, which had a sharp point on one end.

Mingyu watched in distain as Wonwoo proceeded to stab his bag sharply, just like you would a drink pouch, before at it happily.

After his first good mouth fulls, Wonwoo finally noticed the look Mingyu had been giving him this whole time.

“...What?” Asked Wonwoo, genuinely unsure as to what the look was for.

“What do you mean ‘what’??” Questioned back Mingyu. “Have you seen the state of our refrigerator? I barely have anything to eat!” Shouted Mingyu as he wildly motioned at all the blood bags.

“Don’t get me wrong,” Started Mingyu as he turned his back to Wonwoo. “I’m fully on board with the idea of you being well supplied just in case. But don’t you think this is a little ridiculous?!”

“I don’t think so.” Commented Wonwoo casually, still sipping at his bag.

You don’t think so?!” Asked Mingyu, voice borderline hysterical. Mingyu then reached up and pulled out his small container of single serve applesauces, causing the bags that had been leaning on it to slump before spilling out, loud plops filling the room as each one hit the floor.

Wonwoo looked to where the blood bags laid before looking back up to Mingyu, his face clearly saying, ‘I told you so.’

“...Alright. I guess I can cut back on how much I keep on hand.” Said Wonwoo, trying to compromise.

“Oh no, not only that!” Said Mingyu as he reached down to pick up the fallen bags before turning to pull open the freezer drawer. “We are going to go grocery shopping for me.

When Wonwoo realized that Mingyu was putting the bags into the freezer, he set down his blood bag hastily, quickly running over to Mingyu to stop him.

“Wait! What are you doing? You know I hate the taste of defrosted blood…” Pouted Wonwoo, trying to pull out the bags to return them to the refrigerator section.

Mingyu huffed as he watched Wonwoo pile all the bags into his arms before shoving them back into the refrigerator haphazardly.

“We are going to the store and I’m going to buy as much food as I want. When we get back, we are going to put all the things we just bought into the refrigerator, and whatever of yours that doesn’t make the cut is going in the freezer.” Said Mingyu sternly, arms crossed in front of his chest.

Wonwoo couldn’t help but pout harder at Mingyu’s words.

“But..but.” Started Wonwoo, already in despair over the idea.

“No buts,” Cut off Mingyu. “I’m sure you can deal with it until you use up all the excess ones you have.”

Mingyu watched as Wonwoo’s shoulders slumped in defeat.

“...Fine. But you’re lucky I like you.” Said Wonwoo defiantly, like he actually had any say in if Mingyu was going to get his way or not.

Mingyu only smiled sweetly before he walked up to Wonwoo, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. “Go get ready to leave, a new grocery store opened up close by that I want to go to.”


Luckily, It was only a short walk from their shared apartment to the grocery store. The place was newly opened, and this marked the first time the pair had visited.

When they reached the store, Mingyu dismissed Wonwoo with a small, “Go on ahead, I’ll go grab a cart.”

Wonwoo nodded as he headed towards the entrance, listening to Mingyu without a second thought.

Mingyu walked over to where all the grocery carts were kept, looking over the small list he had wrote down before leaving. He was getting excited, thinking of all the things he was going to get to cook again now that he was reclaiming part of the refrigerator.

When Mingyu turned back to the storefront, cart acquired, he was greeted to the sight of Wonwoo standing in front of the door, frozen in place. His eyes were set forward, staring straight into the closed doors of the store, body unmoving.

Mingyu felt a wash of worry come over him, noticing right away that something was off with Wonwoo.

“What’s wrong?” Called Mingyu, pushing the cart hard in his rush to get to Wonwoo’s side. Once he made it close, he watched as Wonwoo continued to stare straight ahead, his face void of expression.

After a few heart pounding seconds, Wonwoo finally replied.

“The door won’t open.”

“...What?” Mingyu left the cart behind as he took a few steps towards Wonwoo, reaching out for his cold hand. When Mingyu made it in front of the sensor, he could hear the telltale signs of the automatic door sliding open.

Mingyu watched as Wonwoo’s blank face morphed into a scowl.

“Why did it open for you and not for me?” Obviously feeling upset that the door was being selective.

Mingyu looked from Wonwoo to the door, finally putting together what had happened, feeling relieved that it wasn’t something serious.

Mingyu let out a deep sigh before walking back to where he left the cart, causing the doors to shut with Mingyu’s departure. Wonwoo scowled deeper before he waved his arms about, trying to get the door to open on his command.

Mingyu couldn’t help but chuckle at his boyfriend’s antics. He then walked back to him with the cart, causing the doors to slide open again.

“I heard that a lot of stores are using infrared sensors instead of motion sensors,” Voiced Mingyu, trying to explain to Wonwoo why it hadn’t opened for him. “You must be too cold.” Said Mingyu with a smile, finding humor in his small joke.

Wonwoo crossed his arms as he followed after Mingyu into the building, all the while muttering something along the lines of humans and their grocery store privileges.

Mingyu decided to ignore him.

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Chapter 8: I know it's the sequel but.. Can we have the sequel for the sequel uh??? >.<
BubbleLightBaek #3
Chapter 8: oh this is cute! i'm so happy that this one got a sequel tbh :)
SiiYin #4
Chapter 3: i :) I'm SiiYin from Viet Nam. And, I want to ask, that: Can I translation and edit "Please Don't Leave" by Vietnamese ? I will cre for you :)
Chapter 6: Update soon ^^
Canxiubemybaby #6
Chapter 5: Lmao he called dibs on Wonwoo~ this is really cute❤️
Chapter 4: this is so cute and funny tho. Hahahaha
Jihoon_98 #8
Chapter 4: Sooooo... It's vampire wonwoo and human mingyu
But seriously, the title remind me of Hansol
Chapter 3: I WANNA CRY RYT NOW. BUT I CANT. I have been feelings this kinda feelings since 2 weeks ago. Where i cant get myself to cry hard. I really wanna cry hard but I cant. I dunno what happened to me. To me, this chap is so sad and I feel like I want a wonwoo real life because I want to hug someone and cry out loud. T.T