Calling Dibs

Don't Be A Meanie

Rating: General Audience

Warnings: Uhh, None? College AU

Notes: So the is the last one I have pre written, so updates are going to be going much slower. But you can always come follow me on Twitter! Sometimes I post updates to what I'm writing and small spoilers here and there.

“I call dibs on the tall brown haired one,” whispered Junhui indiscreetly from above Wonwoo’s head.

Currently, Wonwoo had the front door to his and Junhui’s apartment cracked open. He was leaning heavily onto the doorknob so he could keep both his balance and the door shut the right amount, Junhui practically laying on top of him so he could see over Wonwoo’s head and out the small crack in the door.

Not even 10 minutes ago, Wonwoo had been lounging in their living room when Junhui noticed that someone was finally moving into the apartment next to their own, which had been empty for quite some time now.

But the someone turned out to be someones, or at least that’s what Wonwoo hoped, when they saw two boys collectively start to move things from a large moving van to their new apartment across from theirs.

So they came to the conclusion that spying on their new neighbors was the best way to satisfy their curiosity. Their last ones had been an older couple, out of place in an apartment complex mainly housing college students since it was conveniently close to campus. But they had made themselves scarce after probably realizing this was not the place for them, leaving the only other apartment on their second story landing vacant for quite a bit of time now.

Luckily for Wonwoo and Junhui, the two other guys were too busy moving things up the steps to the landing to notice that the front door to their new neighbors place had been cracked open so they could watch with ease.

“You do realize that you just described both of them, right?” hissed out Wonwoo quietly, as he watched the two boys struggle a bit to get their couch up the steps.

“Of course I do,” replied Junhui nonchalantly, “I need to know their personalities first before I can call full dibs on either one.”

Wonwoo couldn’t help but roll his eyes at Junhui’s logic. But it might have been a move made out of spite on his part, slightly miffed that he hadn’t thought to call dibs before Junhui had.

Because man, if the two boys who were sweating and flexing their muscles in sleeveless shirts didn’t get Wonwoo to throw basic human decency to the wind and call dibs on strangers, then nothing would.

Their new neighbors had finally managed to get the couch up to the landing, setting it down slowly so they could take a quick breather before having to fight the battle of getting it inside their front door.

“Do you think we should offer to help out?” questioned Wonwoo when he realized that it was probably rude of them to watch these guys struggle to move all their big furniture as they just stood by and watched.

“Good idea Wonwoo,” replied Junhui as he patted Wonwoo’s back, “The perfect excuse to figure out their names.”

And with that, Junhui suddenly shoved open the front door. Unprepared for the sudden loss of stabilization, along with the fact that Junhui had yet to lift off his weight from Wonwoo’s back, resulted in Wonwoo completely losing his balance and falling through their front entrance and onto the floor with a loud thud.

Amazingly, Wonwoo had been able to throw out his hands in time though, catching some of his weight before he landed hard on the floor, sparing him the mortification of falling in front of his new hot neighbors and giving himself a black eye or a dinged nose to go along with it. He only had to deal with the embarrassment of falling.

“Whoops,” said Junhui in lieu of an apology from somewhere behind him.

“Oh my god, are you okay?” asked the boy who was closest to him, quickly setting down his side of the couch he had just picked up to rush forward to check on Wonwoo’s well being.

He didn’t have the heart to say that his pride was the only thing that ended up bruised, so he settled on a small, “Yes, I’m fine.”

He felt a hand come to hold his elbow as the boy helped Wonwoo to his feet, too embarrassed to look his helper in the eye.

Wonwoo heard a new voice coming from the other side of the landing. “You got some pretty fast reflexes though.”

“Thanks, it always helps to have a silver lining when it comes to embarrassing myself,” muttered Wonwoo softly to himself when he was finally able to stand back up and brush off some of the dust from his clothes.

Wonwoo heard a snicker from the boy who still had his hand on his elbow, having overheard what he had just said. Wonwoo sent a small amused look to the boy, only now taking note that he was taller then Wonwoo’s own tall stature.

“Hi there! You must be our new neighbors!” chirped up Junhui, quick to overshadow Wonwoo’s embarrassment and move on to the official business. Wonwoo couldn’t help but think that this must be the reason why he still kept Junhui around, he was equally as harmful as he was helpful.

The boy who had been stuck behind the couch that was now only halfway in their doorway finally crawled his way over to join their group.

“Yes, we are. My name’s Minghao, and this is my roommate Mingyu. We are new to the area,” explained Minghao easily, bringing his hand forward to shake both Wonwoo’s and Junhui’s own in greeting.

Wonwoo smiled friendly to Minghao, happy that everyone seemed to be on the same page and was decided to move on from Wonwoo’s unconventional first impression.

It was the boy who had helped him, Mingyu’s, turn to shake hands with both of them.

“Yeah, so hopefully we will be able to get along,” spoke up Mingyu, his voice a pleasing baritone.

“We were actually coming out to ask if you guys needed a hand with anything?” asked Wonwoo conversationally, easily skipping over the part where he had fallen on his way out to help.

“That would be great actually, thank you,” replied Mingyu smoothly, graciously accepting the offer with a smile.

Wonwoo finally allowed himself to look his helper in the eye, unprepared for what laid there.

Wonwoo couldn’t help but feel trapped, caught off guard by what he found there.

From afar, Wonwoo had been able to tell that both his neighbors were hot, but up close, it was almost unbearable to look away. This close, he could easily see the small sweat trail that lined from Mingyu’s hair down his jawline, his sharp canines that Wonwoo already knew he would be obsessed with just like how every other person who had met Mingyu probably was.

So basically, Wonwoo wasn’t complaining that he couldn’t seem to look away.

To which Mingyu must have also felt, for they had definitely by now been looking at each other for much longer than what was probably socially acceptable.

Wonwoo felt a flush of embarrassment come over him again when he realized this, but this time the embarrassment was for much different reasons than earlier.

From off to the side, Wonwoo processed that Minghao must have went back to the blockade that was his couch, for he was saying something about how it was the first thing they should deal with.

“Mingyu?” called Minghao when he realized the boy hadn’t crossed back to their side of the landing, causing Mingyu to finally break eye contact with Wonwoo so he could look over to see what Minghao had wanted from him.

When he realized he was being summoned, Mingyu turned back and sent a sheepish smile to Wonwoo, almost like he was apologizing for what he must have thought was unwanted attention. Wonwoo would beg to differ.

Wonwoo trailed his eyes after Mingyu who finally left his side to rejoin Minghao. Suddenly, he felt a sharp jab in his side, causing him to flinch into himself. Before he could elbow Junhui back in retaliation, he was stopped by Junhui whispering into his ear.

“I don’t think it matters anymore who I call dibs on, I think he just did for you.”

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Chapter 8: I know it's the sequel but.. Can we have the sequel for the sequel uh??? >.<
BubbleLightBaek #3
Chapter 8: oh this is cute! i'm so happy that this one got a sequel tbh :)
SiiYin #4
Chapter 3: i :) I'm SiiYin from Viet Nam. And, I want to ask, that: Can I translation and edit "Please Don't Leave" by Vietnamese ? I will cre for you :)
Chapter 6: Update soon ^^
Canxiubemybaby #6
Chapter 5: Lmao he called dibs on Wonwoo~ this is really cute❤️
Chapter 4: this is so cute and funny tho. Hahahaha
Jihoon_98 #8
Chapter 4: Sooooo... It's vampire wonwoo and human mingyu
But seriously, the title remind me of Hansol
Chapter 3: I WANNA CRY RYT NOW. BUT I CANT. I have been feelings this kinda feelings since 2 weeks ago. Where i cant get myself to cry hard. I really wanna cry hard but I cant. I dunno what happened to me. To me, this chap is so sad and I feel like I want a wonwoo real life because I want to hug someone and cry out loud. T.T