Late Night Visitors

Don't Be A Meanie

Rated:  Teen

Warnings: Mild cussing, Under the influence of alcohol

A loud crash resounded around Wonwoo’s nearly empty apartment. Wonwoo’s eyes sprung open, but he didn't dare to move a muscle. He was about 85% sure that he had just woken up to a loud banging nearby, but he didn't want to jump the gun by making assumptions. So he laid there, still tightly wrapped in his comforter and stared at the blank wall of his new apartment, waiting.

This was actually the first night he was sleeping there, and he was not mentally or physically prepared for his new apartment to be haunted. Could a single apartment unit even get haunted? Sure, this building wasn't the newest one on the block, but it certainly couldn't be old enough to be haunted just yet.

When Wonwoo heard another, albeit smaller crash come from his main living space, he cursed his landlord for renting him the haunted apartment and flung the covers off him. He couldn't just lay there and expect it to go away, so Wonwoo went over to the corner of boxes he had yet to finish unpacking and searched for anything that could be used as a makeshift weapon.

While Wonwoo was busy rummaging, he heard another small bang, but this time it was accompanied by a small curse. Wonwoo once again found himself frozen in his spot when he realized that ghosts don't curse when they hit something, meaning that there was probably a burglar out there. It was Wonwoo’s turn to curse, a small mantra of ' ' said under his breath as he resumed his search at two times the speed.

Wonwoo felt dread settle in his stomach when he realized that the only thing he had in the boxes that could even resemble any type of weapon was a hanger. The rest of the items were office supplies and papers he was going to organize sometime tomorrow, all of which useless in defending himself. The worst part was that he could start to hear footsteps getting closer to his room.

He shouldn't have been so surprised, since there really wasn't much in his apartment for the thief to take. Most of his stuff was still stuffed deep in boxes since Wonwoo was too tired to do much more then reassemble his bed before going to sleep.

With the hanger in hand, Wonwoo turned so he was facing the door. He wasn't about to let this guy get the drop on him. Wonwoo thought up the quickest plan that he could under the time crunch and pressure, which was to hide and attack when given the opportunity.

Moving as silently as he could, Wonwoo took up a squatting position, his side flat to the wall next to the door. If the burglar came in, Wonwoo would be in the best position to tackle the intruder, hopefully catching the guy off guard enough to give Wonwoo some time to make a run for it. His eyes flicked over to his phone lying on the floor, connected to the charger for the night. He had half a thought to just ditch his current plan and call the police but thought better of it before he even considered doing it, the intruder would have been in his room before he even made it back over to his phone.

The doorknob to his room was soon gripped and jiggled a bit, even though it didn't have a lock on it. Adrenaline hit Wonwoo hard, body finally reacting now that there was proof right in front of him that he wasn't alone. When the trespasser finally seemed to remember how doorknobs worked, he started to push open the door.

When the door was about half way open, and the guy was about a half step into his room, Wonwoo sprung forward and tackled the intruder back into the hallway. They both landed hard, as the guy under Wonwoo let out a surprised "Unf!". Unfortunately for Wonwoo, his hanger and only hope of a weapon sprung out of his hand when they both landed, and ended up far into the hallway.

Before Wonwoo could catch his bearings and get the hell out of there, he caught a good look of the guy he just tackled. Wonwoo was stunned into not moving when he realized the guy under him was gorgeous. Like, 'the guy you see on the front of magazines' gorgeous. The guy didn't seem too stunned that he was now on the floor with some random guy on top of him. If anything, it seemed like he was a bit slow on the uptake, as he had just then brought up his hand and started to rub at his head.

"Damn, Jihoon, why did you think it would have been a good idea to leave a ing mine field out in the living room?" asked the stranger, whose speech was slightly slurred and slow. It didn't take a scientist to deduce that this guy was drunk.

Wonwoo sat up a little, stunned at the turn of events. Adrenaline was still coursing through his veins, but the oddity of finding a drunk stranger in his new apartment took a toll on Wonwoo’s ability to think. The first thing he could think of to say was, "My name's not Jihoon."

The stranger had been trying to sit up as well, and when he finally got up on his elbows, they both got good looks at each other. If Wonwoo couldn't have figured out that this guy was drunk from the way he talked, he definitely would have known now, the deep red of his cheeks were a dead giveaway.

The hot stranger then sent a very drunk smile at Wonwoo before saying, "Holy . I have a hot guy in my lap. Best party ever."

Wonwoo flushed when he realized that, yes, he was pretty much sitting in this guy’s lap. Wonwoo scrambled off and up, before looking down at the now disappointed face of the stranger.

Wonwoo eyed the intruder, trying to deduce if this guy should still be considered a threat or not. But when the guy tried to stand up, and ended up with his face pressed against Wonwoo’s hallway wall for support, he shook his head at how unthreatening this guy was. Like a giant drunk puppy, but it did intimidate Wonwoo slightly when he realized the guy was taller then him when he finally was able to stand up straight.

"Why are you in my apartment?" Asked Wonwoo, a slight tinge of exhaustion in his words. Now that the threat was gone, Wonwoo was feeling tired and slightly annoyed. The last thing he wanted to do at the crack of dawn was help a drunk who somehow wandered into his apartment.

The boy looked at Wonwoo skeptically, who was finally able to find his balance without the help of the wall. "This is your apartment? Then where's mine?" The guy was now staring at Wonwoo’s ceiling, like it actually held the answers to his questions.

Taking a deep breath, Wonwoo dredged up all his past memories of taking care of drunk friends, and turned to his drunk intruder with a calm smile.

"Alright," began Wonwoo, talking slowly and clearly, "What's your name?"

The stranger returned his gaze to Wonwoo, who apparently realized that he did need the wall for support, for he was back to leaning heavily on to the wall next to him. "It's Mingyu," said Mingyu before pointing a finger at Wonwoo and shooting it like a gun, with added "tsk" sound effect for emphasis. "And don't you forget it sweetheart."

Wonwoo thinks that he also tried to wink at him, but it was more of a blink so he couldn't quite tell.

So not only did Wonwoo have a drunk in his house, he had a drunk that was trying to flirt with him. "Alright Mingyu, let's get you out of my apartment so we can go find yours."

Wonwoo turned and started to walk away, but was pulled back by a firm grip on his shoulder. He then felt what must have been all of Mingyu’s weight fall onto his back as Mingyu nuzzled his cheek against Wonwoo’s neck. "Carry meeeee," drawled out Mingyu into his skin.

Wonwoo was too tired to deal with this, even if this huge clingy drunk was hot. "Okay new plan," said Wonwoo as he turned and started to detach Mingyu from himself, "How about you stay here and I go look around for your place," reasoned Wonwoo.

Wonwoo was still trying to fight off Mingyu’s arms, but he was a pro at keeping himself attached some how. He must have practiced clinging to someone who really didn't want him there to get this good at it. "Noooo, I want to stay here with youuu," said Mingyu, who had now adopting a whine to his voice.

"No. You don't even know my name. I could be a murderer for all you know." Wonwoo was starting to get exasperated, and damn, he needed to work out more or something, because his arms were starting to get tired from trying to fight off Mingyu’s.

Wonwoo then dropped his arms, resigning himself to the fate of being this drunk’s teddy bear. Mingyu was quick to take advantage of it, for he stuck his head in under Wonwoo’s chin and nuzzled before sighing contently.

After Mingyu got comfortable, he replied with, "No murder would let me do this." He squeezed Wonwoo a little tighter for emphasis. Wonwoo felt his cheeks burn, just now realizing that the really hot guy had his body flush to Wonwoo’s own. And now the guy wanted to spend the night.

Wonwoo was really tempted to take this guy up on his offer, it's not every night you get to snuggle with a model worthy guy. But still, Wonwoo was raised to be a level headed and rational person.

"If you tell me how you got in, then you can." Okay, maybe not too rational, and maybe he liked to indulge a little bit too, so sue him. Plus, he really didn't want to go knocking on his new neighbor’s doors at 4 o'clock in the morning.

"Psshhh, that's easy... I just walked in, the door was unlocked," explained Mingyu, who was now starting to sound more sleepy than drunk.

Wonwoo looked down at the boy in disbelief. Did he really forget to lock the door last night?

With that settled, Wonwoo began to waddle back to his room, for Mingyu was too stubborn to let go long enough to allow them to walk back like normal people.

Wonwoo deposited Mingyu onto the bed, who seemed to melt into the soft surface, looking all too satisfied with how his night had turned out.

Wonwoo turned to leave, but for the second time that night, he was stopped by a tug on his shirt. Damn, this guy had good reflexes for being drunk.

"Where are you going?" mumbled out a half asleep Mingyu.

"I just need to lock the door, so we don't get any more late night visitors," explained Wonwoo before turning and going to lock the door.

When he reached the door, he laughed at the fact that even though Mingyu had entered the wrong apartment too drunk to immediately tell it wasn't his own, he had still taken off his shoes at the door.

On his way back to his room, Wonwoo realized that he was almost glad this happened. What was life without experiences like this?

When he made it to his bed, he pushed an already asleep Mingyu to the side to make room for himself. Under the covers and comfy once again, he couldn't help but feel something stir in his chest when Mingyu turned over and cuddled into his side.

It was going to be one hell of an awkward morning when they woke up.

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Chapter 8: I know it's the sequel but.. Can we have the sequel for the sequel uh??? >.<
BubbleLightBaek #3
Chapter 8: oh this is cute! i'm so happy that this one got a sequel tbh :)
SiiYin #4
Chapter 3: i :) I'm SiiYin from Viet Nam. And, I want to ask, that: Can I translation and edit "Please Don't Leave" by Vietnamese ? I will cre for you :)
Chapter 6: Update soon ^^
Canxiubemybaby #6
Chapter 5: Lmao he called dibs on Wonwoo~ this is really cute❤️
Chapter 4: this is so cute and funny tho. Hahahaha
Jihoon_98 #8
Chapter 4: Sooooo... It's vampire wonwoo and human mingyu
But seriously, the title remind me of Hansol
Chapter 3: I WANNA CRY RYT NOW. BUT I CANT. I have been feelings this kinda feelings since 2 weeks ago. Where i cant get myself to cry hard. I really wanna cry hard but I cant. I dunno what happened to me. To me, this chap is so sad and I feel like I want a wonwoo real life because I want to hug someone and cry out loud. T.T