
Lady Of The Dynasty
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Ugh, how dared him wipe with his beautiful hand?! 

She hated him so much, that god damn two-faced Lee Ten. Wow, why was she caring about him so much? She couldn't stop thinking about him, especially that conversation which made her shed tears, she wanted to know who he really was. A great Emperor or just an impulsive guy? And he made Kim Taeyeon fall for him, she had to ask Nayeon what happened before she came, seriously, she had to.

She had to...

Taeyeon opened her eyes. Woa, the phoenixes again... 

"Your Highness, you're awake!" 

She recognised that voice. Taeyeon moved her head, ouch ouch ouch! Her neck really hurt! She sat up in pain, hand rubbing her neck like an old lady, she narrowed her eyes at the girl who was sitting next to her bed. "....Nayeon, have you been watching me sleeping the whole time?" 

Nayeon nodded happily and a happy smile formed on her face. Was it her or did Nayeon look more happy than before? Or was Nayeon always that much happy? No... she definitely seemed to be in a better mood than her normal happy mood. Ancient servants sure were scary. As if Nayeon knew she was wondering why she seemed happier, the servant giggled as she flipped her haid. "Your Highness, did you remember what happened last night?" 

Last night? Taeyeon pursed her lips together... What about last night? Didn't they just sit around the bed like usual? Oh oh oh! "We have a family meeting with the Emperor and Empress last night, that's right, how could I forgot about that?!" It was so important! The Crown Prince even let her out! 

Nayeon tilted her head at the Crown Princess, blinked. "And????"

Taeyeon saw that hopeful look on Nayeon's face, she also tilted her head at the servant. "And........???" What else? They ate, they talked... Prince Ten sat next to her... "Ah, right, yesterday two new people came, Princess Sinbi and Princess Eunha." 

Nayeon nodded her head but then quickly shook her head! What the hell was wrong with this servant? Taeyeon narrowed her eyes, "Didn't they come yesterday?? Ugh, just tell me what happened already!" She screamed, she was so curious! 

The servant giggled happily as she held Taeyeon's arm, eyes shining brightly: "Yesterday was so fun, comparing to the previous meals you had together, Your Highness, you were like a whole new person! You talked a lot and you sang many strange songs but everybody loved it! You even taught them how to dance a very famous dance move called... "Gangnam Style"??" 



"H-HUH?????" Taeyeon widened her eyes the servant, she jumped down from her bed and shook Nayeon's hand off. "I DID WHAT." 

And the servant grinned even wider... Not nice, Taeyeon could feel it. She did something that was unforgivable last night. 

"Your Highness! You said it was a famous horse dance that the whole world knew about it, it was invented by your people! And the Emperor really loved it, he said he never knew Yeongnam was such a funny empire! And then you danced many weird dance movements, you taught me and the maids, everyone including Crown Prince Ten! Well, even Crown Prince Ten's wives had a lot of fun so I guess you weren't an enemy anymore, Your Highness. You are now like, everyone's ideal type of friend they should have." 

If Miyoung, Taeyong and the rest of them joined her including Jinri and Winwin then she would force herself to accept that she did a great job but... saying that Ten agreed to do stupid things with her just didn't sound right. Taeyeon narrowed her eyes at the idiotic smile on Nayeon's face, she asked: "What do you mean by 'including Ten'?" 

"About that!" Nayeon pretended to clear with a few times of coughing then hit her chest proudly. "At first he declined but you asked him to drink so many cups of wine to the point that he danced on the table as well!" 

"Hah?????!!!!" Did he really have to get to that point?! Oh my god... 

"But do not worry, Your Highness!! Even the Empress learned to dance Ganu Style and it was like, one of the most crazy and inappropiate party that has ever happened last night. Crown Prince Ten had so much fun with you, Your Highness! But he couldn't stop looking at Jinri, luckily that fox wasn't drunk so she knew how to control herself or else..." 

"Stop." Taeyeon raised her index finger and shook it. "I don't care about them, tell me more about Ten and me! Embarrassing the Emperor and Empress is already an unforgivable mistake, what else happened between him and me? I swear to god, if I smiled at him, I would never forgive myself again..." 

Nayeon chuckled at that, why was her Princess sounding like wanting to cry? "Your Highness, it's good that you are FINALLY caring about the things between the ttwo of you." 

Taeyeon widened her eyes at the servant, she totally forgot about what she just said earlier... It did give people the wrong idea. "No!" She crossed her arms. "What I'm trying to say is that I am his rival so we definitely can not have fun together! Tell me more!" Gosh, why did she even get drunk? What happened, why did she drink so much? She remembered drinking a few cups of wine, thinking that she could freshen up Kim Taeyeon's sad life, who knew things could turn out to be that much crazy? 

Her life was really full of tragedies. 

After a moment of silence, Nayeon let out a long sigh. "Your Highness, you two talked like a pair of best friends last night. There weren't any romantic moment between you." Really, the servant was hoping for more romantic interaction between them because she had never seen them being affectionate to each other for a long time. Usually at meal, they would pick food up and put it in each other's bowl, sometimes smiling at each other. When they talked, it was about "How are you" and "See you later, take care" and there was really nothing between them. She felt even more worried when Ten left the chamber palace and inside was Taeyeon crying and told her to not leave

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milesmuffin #1
Chapter 11: Update update update ?
Chapter 11: It's okay you can take all the time you want. We'll wait for you~.
nd1903 #3
Chapter 11: take your time! great story btw!
Chapter 11: YEY, author-nim is back
Chapter 10: authornim~ when will you update new chapter? its already 2017 authornim~ pls update authornim~
jaehyun123 #6
Chapter 10: I'm begging you author nimmmmmmm. Update please
jaehyun123 #7
Chapter 10: Updateeeeee pleaseeeee
Chapter 10: it's my first time reading a historical fanfic :) and i'm already loving it!keep up the good work!pls udate soon :)