
Lady Of The Dynasty
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Three days passed by. Only three days, yet it felt like 3 years. 

Wake up then eat, then sleep, watering flowers, pretending to sleep to avoid talking to the cry baby... Ugh! She hated going back to the past but for a moment, she changed her point of view about everything. However to think about it at the moment, she really wanted to suicide. She didn't hate Nayeon, the servant was really nice but ugh, she was so so so annoying... To the point that Taeyeon wanted to avoid talking to her. 

The doctors frequently visited her since Nayeon told them Crown Princess seemed to be in a bad condition, always sleeping. Nayeon, sorry, I just wanted to kill time.. I was not tired... But would Nayeon really believe her? That stubborn brat, Taeyeon cursed to herself as she picked the flower petals. Ah, destroying flowers was a fun thing to do!

Because there was nothing else for her to do, what were you expecting? She was banned from going outside as well... Curse that Crown Prince. 

Suddenly, Taeyeon heard the door creeked opened. Ugh, she let out a heavy sigh, didn't even bother to turn around. "Yes, I'm awake, thank you, I don't want to drink or eat anything." 

"Crown Princess, is that what you've been doing all day long?" Wait, a male voice? 

She did not think she recognize the voice! Taeyeon quickly hid the flowers under her dress as she turned around to face the entrance. There, she saw her husband—Crown Prince Ten. Taeyeon blinked, she was having mixed emotions right now! Why the hell did he come here?! Didn't he hate her? He even told the guards to make sure she didn't leave the palace, now he got the nerves to show up? This man, really want to die soon! 

As if he could see right through her face, Ten cleared his throat and looked around the room. "Wow, it sure is beautiful here." Even his servant, the guy standing behind him nodded his head, admiring the beautiful ceiling of her room. Taeyeon rolled her eyes, talking in a bored voice: "You talk like it's your first time here." 

There was no answer. Taeyeon looked up at the Prince to find his face somewhat hard to look at. His eyebrows frowned, "It's true that it's my first time here."

... Oh god?! S-She knew he hated Kim Taeyeon but she had no idea he hated his own wife that much to the point that he wouldn't care about her dying in this cage! Did he have any idea how much Kim Taeyeon wanted to see him? According to what Nayeon said, Kim Taeyeon was dying to see him every day, she felt bad for her because she wasn't able to live up until this day to see Prince Ten walking into her palace. 

Taeyeon coughed awkwardly, "Crown Prince, is there anything you need?" 

"Is there a reason for a husband to wanting to meet his wife?" He walked inside the room, face remained cold just like his tone.

Yeah, right, Taeyeon nodded, he was the Crown Prince after all! He could do whatever he wanted. "Well, considering the fact that you locked me up, I won't feel surprised if you come here to see me. What do you want, apologize to me?" 

Prince Ten was shocked at that.

He never thought the timid and weak Crown Princess could be this bold. Ten hung his mouth opened for a few seconds, he wanted to laugh so bad but instead, he kept the cold look and talked in a gentle tone. "It's barely my fault that you are sick." 

Hey! This guy! A big no-no! How could he talk like that after what he had done?! To take justice back, Taeyeon raised her hand, "If you saved me first, would I be sick? No!" 

"So you are saying that you really pulled Jinri down the lake with you, then?" Crap, his voice! Full of arrogance and so assertive!

But he was dead wrong, so she wasn't afraid of that... "No, I mean, she pulled me down! What I meant is that I am your wife, right? So you should save me, not a random guy's wife." Alright, being stubborn was her strong point but at this situation? She wasn't even sure anymore...

Ten's phoenix eyes were icy, he could be the King of Ice! He slowly approached the table she was sitting at and sat down in front of her, eye to eye with her. His servant awkwardly stood behind him, couldn't stop scanning around the room. 

"Jinri is not just a random guy's wife. You understand, don't you? Crown Princess, you are an intelligent girl." He spoke slowly. "People need an Emperor who will do anything for people's goodness, not his own goodness." 

Oh... Taeyeon was completely beated. 

He saved Jinri first because she was Prince Jaehyun's wife, he would rather let Jaehyun be happy than himself? She couldn't tell what was going on his mind but Crown Prince Ten, there must be a reason why the Emperor chose him as the Crown Prince. She could see that. Any other man would put his wife above any other women but Prince Ten? He chose to kick his wife away out of his life if it meant people would obey him. But if it were to be like that, wouldn't things turn out to be, Prince Ten never cared about his wife? 

"Prince Ten, let me ask you... Our marriage is not because we love each other, right?" She assumed because Nayeon said she was from Yeongnam and he was from Gyeongdo. Basically from what she knew from novels and movies, marriages like those were to help making allies between countries only. Made sense.

Ten rested his head on his hand, leaning against the table. "Princess Taeyeon, I'm happy that you now want to face the truth, that there's nothing between us." 

Ouch. Ok, Kim Taeyeon, thankful you didn't live to hear this. "Then there's nothing to hide from each other, if you love Princess Jinri then just say it, what's wrong? Why do you have to act like you see me as your wife?" FML. She was screaming on the inside but on the outside, Taeyeon kept a serious face. That's right, Prince Ten, you do not deserve Princess Kim Taeyeon's love. "You even agreed when I said that I was the one who hurt Jinri and myself, I think it's all clear now, you don't have to explain further like because you want people to see you as a great Emperor in the future..." 

Prince Ten's face muscle didn't move. His expression remained calm and cold, however, his servant was making a very funny face. Well, he would think that the Crown Princess everyone knew had such a bold side like that?! 

Finally, Prince Ten spoke up. "I just want to know the truth, did you or did you not stand behind Jinri's accident?" 

Jinri's accident, not Taeyeon's accident or you two's accident. Taeyeon wanted to cry and laugh at the same time, he really did not love Kim Taeyeon! He was in love with Jinri, in fact! "I did not, I told you already, there's no reason for me to–" "THEN!" Suddenly, Prince Ten shouted, interrupting Taeyeon. "Why did you tell everyone that you were the one who did it?! You wanted to hurt her, didn't you? See! You are just a sly fox like any other woman in this world! At first denying but then some how you thought of a new strategy, bravely admitting it was your fault like a hero just so everyone would stand on your side, seeing how generous you were to take an enemy's fault, I really thought you were different, Princess Taeyeon. They said women of Yeongnam were beautiful, pure and intelligent but you, no, all of them, are just a wicked and jealousy fox just like you, perhaps, haha. Congratulations, Princess." Then, he smiled, a fake one. "You just did it. Now let's see what else you'll pull on Jinri next." 

.... Taeyeon sat there, dumbfounded at the unbelivable guy in front of her. What did he just say...? Oh god, she only admitted it was her fault because she was so beated that moment, she wanted to be kicked out of this p

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milesmuffin #1
Chapter 11: Update update update ?
Chapter 11: It's okay you can take all the time you want. We'll wait for you~.
nd1903 #3
Chapter 11: take your time! great story btw!
Chapter 11: YEY, author-nim is back
Chapter 10: authornim~ when will you update new chapter? its already 2017 authornim~ pls update authornim~
jaehyun123 #6
Chapter 10: I'm begging you author nimmmmmmm. Update please
jaehyun123 #7
Chapter 10: Updateeeeee pleaseeeee
Chapter 10: it's my first time reading a historical fanfic :) and i'm already loving it!keep up the good work!pls udate soon :)