
Lady Of The Dynasty
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Lee Taeyeon was turning twenty today. A youthful, sociable and stubborn girl who was loved by everyone else, she had fame (not really that famous but her parents were rich and she was one of those popular girls at school, she wasn't a Empress or anything tho), she had money, she had best friends and her life was always full of fun. She never hated her life, never. In fact, she wanted to stay like that forever. 

Today was her birthday and she would be holding her birthday party at her house pool. It was huge enough for one hundred people and she was so prepared for the night. Her parents were out and they gave her the permission to do everything she wanted since she did a great job, got into the university that they wanted her to get it. 

Taeyeon was directing people to decorate the pool, she then received a phone call from none other than her best friend forever, Yoo Seungyeon. The girl smirked as she picked up her phone. "Miss Song is very busy right now, she wishes a friend would come by to help her." She did it on purpose, groaning with a lazy voice. 

The other person on the phone chuckled. "Aigoo, Taeyeon, I just spotted Park Jimin, your ex-boyfriend! He is off with a new girlfriend, I don't really know who she is but apparently he met her through internet, her username was you? My friend told me." 

Taeyeon frowned, a maid saw her frowning face and got scared, she thought she did something wrong that pissed her master off so she broke into tears. However, Taeyeon didn't notice that at all, she was paying attention on her phone. "Do you want me to kill you or something?? That's ridiculous!" Really, it was really ridiculous because she was you... She met Park Jimin online and they fell in love... They dated for a few months before he ran off with another user on the website where they met and she swore she'd kill him if she ever saw his face again. "By the way Yoo Seungyeon, I invited Jackson Wang over! He complimented my hair a few days ago so why not, right?" 

"Kyaaa!!" Seungyeon screamed, yeah, she loved Jackson Wang, the hot guy who shared the same class with her. "Do not flirt with him, ok??" 

Taeyeon chuckled, "I don't know~ I'm afraid that he's going to be the one who ask me out first! Ahahaha– Ahyoung, why are you crying?" Meanwhile she was talking on the phone with her bestfriend, now she noticed the poor maid who was crying on the other side of the pool and everyone was comforting her. Hearing Taeyeon's voice, the maid named Ahyoung sniffed and wiped away her tears. "N-No, young master! I'm not crying..."

"Young master, please don't fired her!" The other maids then surrounded Taeyeon and they all looked like they were about to cry and Taeyeon was really confused at the scene, she could hear Seungyeon yelling her name on the phone but her attention was fully focused on the maids, now. "Calm down ladies–" Taeyeon stepped back from the maids, she looked troubled and the butler quickly came to rescue her. "What's happening here?" The butler asked.

Taeyeon smiled happily at her old hero. "Butler Yoo!!! Thank god, please tell Ahyoung that she didn't do anything wrong!" 

Butler Yoo stared at Taeyeon then sighed. "Miss Lee, she is being sensitive and paranoid again, isn't she? Are you sure you still want her here?" And Ahyoung on the other side of the pool hilariouslly, she could hear Butler Yoo and cried even louder."Y-Young master, I'm not sensitive–"  She hiccuped, "You frowned at me earlier!!!" 

Taeyeon: "...."

Butler Yoo: ".... Ahyoung-ssi, Miss Lee here was talking on the phone with her friend." 

Ahyoung looked up at Taeyeon on the other side of the pool with her wet eyes and dripping macara, Taeyeon was quite terrified by that look but she had to keep the thoughts to her self and smiled warmly at Ahyoung. "Ahyounggie, I will never fired you so..." She trailed off, walking on the edge of the pool and smiling brightly. "Why don't we forget about what happened? Everyone, let's jump in the pool in your maid outfit! Let's have a before-birthday-party party for me!" She then jumped into the pool, spraying water everywhere and the maids giggled at their childish young master.

Ahyoung looked at Butler Yoo's little smile, she wiped her tears away and looked at everyone else who was grinning widely as she jumped down the pool as well.

She was known for being the idiot. Actual idiot. 

"Ahyoung, wait...!" A maid called out for Ahyoung but it was too late. The maids suddenly had a terrifyng look on their faces and they looked at each other, started screaming Ahyoung's name and suddenly, they were all running around, calling for help. Taeyeon who was still playing near the edge of the pool frowned her eyebrows at them. 

As if they understood her, a maid started talking in fear. "A-Ahyounggie doesn't know how to swim and she just jumped down the area that is taller than 2 meters....!"

"What?!" Taeyeon widened her eyes. "Are you kidding me?! Why didn't anyone stop her?! Call for help!" She yelled at the stupid maids and immediately looked around the pool to find Ahyoung. It was useless, the female maids had no idea how to swim, she knew that, of course, she meant the 1 meter area when she told everyone to jump down the poor and a party like this happened quite often, how could Ahyoung not get it? 

She then spotted Ahyoung, as fast as she could, Taeyeon dived down and swam to Ahyoung. 

The maids were screaming her name but Taeyeon didn't care, she had to save Ahyoung. She dived deeper, her hand reached out for Ahyoung's hand. Poor Ahyoung was swinging her arms around, trying to find a way to swim up. "This idiot...!" Taeyeon thought as she swam closer to the maid. It probably was the water that hurt her eyes so Taeyeon couldn't see things clearly, Ahyoung suddenly looked more.... beautiful? Like, her black hair that was tied up into a bun now was down, floating... Her clothe seemed somewhat... loosened? Square sleeves... Long dress... Taeyeon swore, Ahyoung looked like a beautiful fairy from a fairytale. 

It was also probably her imagination but... It felt like they weren't in a pool anymore. 

Felt like they were lost in deep ocean, Taeyeon couldn't see anything that symbolize a pool around her. 

Time was still passing and Taeyeon swam faster, Ahyoung! She thought, her hand finally grabbed Ahyoung's little hand. 

It was too late, however... Taeyeon looked up, ah, she could still see the sunlight.... But she was falling down, they were falling deeper and deeper... And she promised again, she promised that she would stab herself if she was in her house's pool. She promised it like that because she knew she wasn't there anymore. It didn;t make sense. Nothing made sense at that moment, she didn't know why she couldn't move although she wanted to. 

She couldn't move, she couldn't think straight.

Along with Ahyoung, she slowly lost sight of the last ray of sunshine that she got to see in this life.



... ... ... 

Ah... But she was too young, too young to die. 

Lee Taeyeon still had many things she wanted to do. Example? Bungee jumping with Seungyeon... Movie night with Park

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milesmuffin #1
Chapter 11: Update update update ?
Chapter 11: It's okay you can take all the time you want. We'll wait for you~.
nd1903 #3
Chapter 11: take your time! great story btw!
Chapter 11: YEY, author-nim is back
Chapter 10: authornim~ when will you update new chapter? its already 2017 authornim~ pls update authornim~
jaehyun123 #6
Chapter 10: I'm begging you author nimmmmmmm. Update please
jaehyun123 #7
Chapter 10: Updateeeeee pleaseeeee
Chapter 10: it's my first time reading a historical fanfic :) and i'm already loving it!keep up the good work!pls udate soon :)