Butterfly Part 2

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Jimin: “I know what you’re worrying about. I’ll stay away from you until you’re really comfortable with me. But… I must protect you.”

With all of his words, I felt more rest assured. I packed my bag and left the hospital with Jimin. On my way home, we took the public transport. I found a spot to sit when I boarded the bus. Jimin asked if he could sit beside me. Seeking approval before coming near to me. Hmm… I could gradually feel that he’s a trustworthy… angel.


I leaned my head near to the glass window. All in my mind was my aunt. I realised that I did a lot of stuff with her during her last days. That includes the bus trip with her, I was sitting beside her too, and leaning on her. She pats me like how a mother will do to her child. Strangers would think that she’s my mother and I’m her child. It was such a relaxing trip. But now, I’m all alone. No, at least there’s Jimin now accompanying me.


However, despite thinking positively, my tears still fell down when I thought of my aunt and holding onto the necklace that she gave me. While I was tearing up, there’s a hand slowly approaching me with a tissue on his hands. I tilted my head a bit and saw Jimin’s wings appearing again.


Me: “Wings…?”

Jimin: “Ah~ you can see my wings again?”

Jimin whispered to me, and I started to look around. The other passengers were in their normal state. They did not panic or stared at us.

Me: “What…?”

I wiped my tears and looked at other passengers again. Jimin’s wings were spreading really widely and it’s glowing right in front of me. But no one noticed it. Why? I kept wondered to myself.

Jimin: “Why are you looking around? Is there somebody that you recognised?”

Me: “No… it’s just that… are you even visible to the others? Or are you just part of my delusion?”

Jimin: “Oww what do you mean? I helped you to do the discharging process from the hospital! Obviously I can be seen by others so that I can help you to do your stuff…?”


Me: “But… shouldn’t people felt afraid of it or curious when they saw your wings appearing?”

Jimin: “Ah~ so that’s the question that you’ve been wondering about!”

Jimin leaned towards me a bit, I don’t know why but I didn’t back out. I just freeze there. He smells so good, and I started to wonder again if all angel smells like this.


Jimin: “You’re the only one that can see my wings.”

Me: “Really…? But why?”

Jimin: “Have you realised that only when you’re sad and crying while holding onto the necklace, my wings will then be visible. Otherwise, I’ll look totally like a human.”


I was so amazed by the entire discovery. There’s still special condition for the wings to appear. It just feels like the wings will just appear to cheer me up every time I feel sad. I guess that’s the purpose of it. I do hope that one day the wings will be able to bring me up to the sky for a flying trip.


We reached my house very soon after that. I searched through my bag for

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