
The Quake Inside Me


I scrubbed my body as the water ran over my skin. I cried silently, the tears mixing with the water that poured from the showerhead. I was scared. I worried about Sun-ah.

Is she okay? Is she looking for me?

I let my heels slide as I slunked into the tub. I turned off the water and curled my knees to my chest.

Is she lonely?

My throat felt tight as I choked back my sobs. I couldn't bear the thought of my friend being alone and scared. I had to think of a way to search for her. 

I gripped the sides of the tub and pulled myself up and out, stepping over the rim. The water trickled down my legs and soaked the bath rug. I couldn't remember the last time I had showered in an actual bathroom. I had to bathe myself in the creek water with Sun-ah by my side. I shivered and held my arms to my abdomen. 

The door to the bathroom swung open and the man who brought me here stepped in. His eyes ran quickly over my body, but dismissed me nonchalantly. He grabbed the clothes he had given me and threw them in my arms. "Get dressed and come out. I have to teach you how you must live from now on."

He left the bathroom and closed the door behind him. 

I dried myself and pulled his clothes on. They were much too big, but I was grateful for the fresh and clean cloth. I slowly entered his bedroom and closed the door behind me as quietly as possible. He looked up at the sound of the latch quietly clicking. "You're finished?"

I nodded.

"Sit down, I'll tell you how things are going to be."

I noticed that something about his posture made me feel more comfortable, but I was still afraid to trust him. Why had he taken me here?

I sat at the edge of the bed.

"I'll give you the facts and hold nothing back. This place is our headquarters. I am a gang member. Our leader is Suho, and he is allowing you to stay here if you study under me and contribute. We are not normal people. Every member here at EXO is special, we each possess a skill that humans do not. For instance, I use teleportation. It might sound crazy, but you will soon accept it. I brought you here because you are different. I don't know in what way, yet, but I will learn soon enough."

I shifted uncomfortably. So he's going to use me. He doesn't know what I can do, but he knows I'm like them in some way.

"When are we going to find my dog?", I asked.


"When is later?"

He balled his hand into a fist and smashed it into the wall. I jumped, fearing his outburst. I studied his jaw as it clenched, his patience was dimming. 

"Don't ask me anymore stupid questions. You're going to follow my lead and trust me. You have no choice but to do so."

The bedroom door opened and a tall man with waving locks and a wide smile entered the room. In his hands were paper sacks that smelled like food. He came closer and set the food down on a desk, pulling his suit cuffs up and clearing his throat. He looked at me.

"Is this him? The boy you found?"

"Yes, thank you, Chanyeol."

Chanyeol reached a hand out for me to shake. His teeth gleamed in the light. He was extremely handsome. "I'm Chanyeol, it's nice to meet you. I'm sure I'll be seeing you around. What's your name?"

I took his hand gingerly and he closed his grip around mine firmly, with a confident shake. "I'm Do K-"

"It doesn't matter what his name is. We won't be using it here."

Chanyeol looked at the man who brought me here. "Are you going to make him like you, Kai? What are you going to name him?"

"I haven't thought it through."

Chanyeol nodded and made eye contact with me. I looked away quickly. "He's a timid thing, isn't he? Eyes like an owl. He looks so innocent. Are you sure you want to drag him into our lifestyle?" 

Kai shot Chanyeol a look. 

"Why not D.O.?", Chanyeol suggested.

Kai shrugged. "Sure. It's whatever."

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poopgargle #1
Chapter 8: hey now..where are the updates my friend?! dont tell me youve given up on this story
Sanafatima #2
Chapter 2: Ohh this sounds really good... Can't wait till the next one I think my fav Charecter is gonna be the dog :'))
_chanchan #3
This sounds so good!!!