Twelve, Thirteen

Letters From a Forgotten Lover

Ah, Bummie... I can't believe this happened! Kang Dae... Kissed me. Like, on the lips!

I swear I didn't want to! He's a kid for crying out loud! Only eight teen! I thought I'd made it clear enough to him that I wasn't interested, but he somehow managed to get me alone long enough to plant one on me. At least I didn't react to him. I stood still and waited him out. Afterwards, I once again explained to him that I do not like him that way. That I have someone else who I deeply care about and I'm not available. What he responded with... Pissed. Me. Off.

"Oh, you mean that Key guy in the hospital? Who cares? Not like he even knows who you are. Rumor is, he's cracked."

I... Did not react well. Okay, that's an understatement. I punched him in the face. Needless to say, my superior was not happy with me. However he saw footage of the incident and understood that I was provoked. Still... I've been... Grounded. Attending additional training, eating meals alone, and extra chores. Also... Talking to a shrink. They're finally forcing it. Ah well. I don't mind much. I know I shouldn't have hit the kid, but... I hated hearing him talk about you that way, Bum.

I'll try to keep on my best behavior.

Love you always,




I've been avoiding Kang Dae like the plague, but it doesn't seem to be doing any bit of good. Even though he's been written up for ual harassment, we've been given different schedules to keep us away from another, and I practically run in the opposite direction whenever I see him... Somehow he's cornered me twice more. Thank god nothing else has happened though. Both times, someone else came along before he could do anything. I think I've gotten myself stuck with a sasaeng...

Bummie, I wish you were here. I wish I could sneak up behind you and kiss your neck the way I used to. I miss you, Key, my Almighty Kim Kibum. I just have to hold on a few more weeks. A few weeks, and I'll be granted leave, and will be able to come and visit you. Until then, I'll be strong.

Love you always,


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Chapter 10: Like I said to the other story... I'll be waiting for the sequel!
I read the whole story.
ABout SM shipping Bummie to the country side. SM has given up, but in one way it might be healthy for both of them. And of course it's thousands better than isolating him in a hospital hoping his memory would be retrieved soon.
And again I will be rooting and waiting for the sequel.
Hope they'd get back together. I don't care about their professions at the point. They need each other to be happy and healthy .
Chapter 1: OH MY GOD I"M CRYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 9: Oh damn.... I thought that Kang Dae was a sweet guy, I didn't think he's turn out the way he is. Anyways I'm glad that Jonghyun didn't fall for the kid's trick of kissing him. I'm glad he's still thinking about Kibum. Man that's true love right there!
So excited that Jonghyun only a few weeks more. That means Jongkey is going to be reunited rightttttttt
Hotsauceandfuntimes #5
Chapter 8: These letters are so heartwarming
Chapter 8: Oh no what if he doesn't want to hurt Kang Dae and accepts him and feels guilty because of Kibum
Chapter 8: I'm loving your storyy!!! THE FEELS ARE REAL JDJAIAJSHS ♡ will be waiting for the next update patiently hehe!
Chapter 8: Such a nice story. I've found it today and I'm glad I did. I wish there was more chapters! ^^
Chapter 7: This story makes me so sad ;-; and yet I love reading it jsnynsnsnnxxn
Thanks for the chap, cant wait for the next update ^^
Chapter 7: I love the fact that even far away he still remembers Kibum. Even for that morning he didn't have Kibum in his head right away, he still thought of him in the end. It's as if Kibum is why he still going through life. I really do wonder what would happen to Jonghyun because it seems like he isn't well at all