
Black Umbrella

A tall boy was seen sitting at the corner of the class with his hands on his table as he look outside the window. His well-structured face gains its shine from the sun who’s started to set, hiding behind the clouds giving him a calm orange glow. The wind that blows that evening gently ruffles his black hair through the window. The boy smiled as he look at the sky, full of clouds, white clouds unfortunately. Not a good sign, he thought as he sigh softly. It’s not like he hated them. It’s just something else, something more personal. It’s almost the end of school for that day, so he already packed most of his books in his bag, waiting for the last bell to ring as he continues watching the orange sky outside.

When the last bell rang, he quickly pack all his things before lifting his bag and grabs his black umbrella. Why did he brought that umbrella? Well, there’s a proverb that said ‘prepare an umbrella before it rains’ so, why not? Besides, that umbrella is very precious to him. It’s an old umbrella with an old design but it’s still useful for shelter against the rain. He was just about to leave the class when someone blocks his way.

“Erm… Koo Junhoe?” the voice greets him. He look at the person in front of him. A small… girl, giving him a shy smile before handing him a piece of paper or more appropriate, letter to him. Gosh, the smell of the girl’s perfume is so strong that he can vomit. He looked at the pink letter she’s holding, bright coloured pink with hearts and cute animals. He then turned back towards the girl, giving her a cold stare before pushing her aside with his umbrella. He walked away without looking back at the stunned girl who’s still standing in the middle of the hallway but if he turned back he would probably see someone else.


Jinhwan looked at the now crying girl who’s already on her knees as she wipe her tears. Her friends, he assumed, tried to comfort her with no success. He’s already got girls crying for him, Jinhwan thought. He then looked back at Koo Junhoe, who’s now slowly disappearing between the crowd of students who are probably on their way home. Jinhwan was supposed to meet him but he forgot to ask Donghyuk, which class is that Koo Junhoe from. He had to slowly search every class before he stumbles upon a stunned girl, holding a piece of love letter, being left by a tall black hair guy. Slowly regaining his senses, he quickly ran towards the tall guy as he disappeared going down the stairs. He decided to follow (stalk) the boy, keeping a distance where he can at least see his head. He followed the boy towards the gate and when he thought that the boy is going to take a left turn, the boy turned right. Isn’t he going home? iKON’s street is on the left. Where is he going? Jinhwan dialogued with himself. So, with more suspicion he followed the guy through the streets. Making sure that he would never be spotted, he would act natural when the boy turn his head left or right to avoid suspicion, or is it?

Jinhwan was like 50 metres away from the boy when suddenly, he make a sharp left turn, disappearing quickly from Jihwan’s sight. Jinhwan fasten his pace to the sharp corner to finally realise where the boy disappeared to. The place was spacious, with trees and bushes everywhere. It would be very beautiful if it’s not because of the thousands of tombstones that was scattered around. And the scariest part is …









Koo Junhoe is nowhere to be seen.


When Jinhwan arrived at his house, he didn’t enter. He just sat at the front door, thinking about what the hell just happened?!! How the hell did Koo Junhoe disappeared like that, vanish in thin air, poof! Gone! It’s quite impossible for Jinhwan unable to see him as he’s practically a giant, but no, the small boy doesn’t even see any sign that he’d ever enter the graveyard. Speaking of graveyards, Jinhwan had never feel pale than ever. Yes, he’s immune to ghost jokes but what about real ghosts? Yup, he’s scared. The thought of ‘real’ ghosts had already makes him shiver as the cold evening wind brushes his skin. And the flashbacks about his encounter with a ‘ghost’ when he was 4 years old didn’t help either.

“What’s with the tight face?” a soft voice speaks. He turned to see his mom as she sits next to him.

“Nothing, just a lot of things in mind” his mother looked at him straight in the eyes and you know how our mothers had this special power that could detect their children from lying, unfortunately she knows but eventually, she decide to let her son deals with his problem. Besides, he’s almost reach the end of adolescence, he needs to learn how to settle his own problems.

“I don’t know what you’re thinking, but it’s getting dark so I want you to enter this house or you’ll be sleeping outside” his mother jokes as she ruffles her son’s hair. Soft and delicate like a girl, a part of her heart speaks before entering back the house leaving the door open as a sign for Jinhwan to come in.

Jinhwan smiled at his mother’s actions before standing up and grabbed his backpack. When he turned, he thought he saw a shadow, a black shadow, standing under the tree in front of his house. But when he looked at the respective area, there’s no one there except for a gust of wind, sweeping the dead leaves. But the thing that bothered him is, the shadow that he thought he saw, was holding an umbrella, a black umbrella. He felt his heart rate increase and he quickly push away the thought. I’m being paranoid, he thought or is he?









‘He needs to know’ he speaks to himself as he watches the smaller boy entering the house before he decided to leave. He then turns and walk away from the tree where he was hiding with an umbrella above his head, with the same cloudy eyes stuck on his face.



Jinhwan lays on his bed, shirtless. He doesn’t know why he doesn’t feel like wearing a shirt that night. The night was cold, he left his windows open, he wanted to feel the night breeze on his skin. He didn’t even turn on the air conditioner. He wants to feel calm, he wants to forget for a while all this weird events. He close his eyes as an attempt to sleep and slowly he drifts to dreamland.

When he opened his eyes, he’s not in his room, instead he was at a field or somewhere full of flowers. He’s not a botanist so he couldn’t recognize any of the flowers. All he could say that they were bright and colourful. He was looking around the field to realise a familiar black figure. A tall boy, dressed all black, with a black umbrella in his hand. The boy was sitting in the middle of the field and staring at the sky. Jinhwan looked upwards and what he sees amazes him. The sky is full of clouds that you can’t see the blue sky, and the clouds are coloured with light pink with a hint of orange, like a cotton candy. Jinhwan couldn’t help but smile at the scenery. He looked back at the tall boy upon realising that the boy stood up. He walks towards a bush of flowers, a unique kind of flowers, their colours are assorted and he pluck some of them. He turned towards Jinhwan and starts walking towards the smaller before handing him the bouquet. The tall boy smiled but his eyes didn’t change, cloudy and sad as the first time Jinhwan saw them.

“Bougainvillea” The tall boy spoke while looking back at the sky. His voice are deep but smooth, somehow it felt calming and at the same time sad.


“The flowers” he turned looking at the smaller boy. “They’re like humans” as he touches Jinhwan’s cheeks. Cold. That’s what Jinhwan felt. “So fragile” he continued as a drop of tear rolls down his left eye.

“Who are you?” the tall boy chuckled at the question. “Koo Jun – “

*beep beep beep*


Jinhwan woke up to the sound of the alarm. He stretched his limbs before reaching out his phone and he received a couple of messages.


From: Hanbin

Bring your camera because I’m going to held a test for the new members who’s selected and you need to capture these moments because I’m gonna hurt them real bad. HAHAHA but if you can’t do it, I’ll ask Chanwoo or Donghyuk to do it.


He smiled before he moves to the next message.


From: Chanwoo

Hyung, one of my friends is volunteering and could you persuade Hanbin hyung and Jiwon hyung to… you know. He’s my best friend and I would definitely do anything for him to join the same club as me!


Aish this kid. Jinhwan would love to help him but he had no power. Chanwoo is a good boy but too good, that he didn’t even show his true colours. It’s like he’s still uncomfortable with the other members so having a best friend in the club could change the atmosphere a bit.

Jinhwan got up from his bed, before heading towards the showers. Today is going to be a tiring day, he thought but when he close the bathroom door, he could see flowers on his bed. Then, the wind blows from the opened window, bringing the flowers to his feet and he knew right away what flowers are those. Bougainvillea. 


I told you guys that this might be my last update, but I figured I should write at least write 5 chapters before going on hiatus. Let's see how it goes, shall we?

The number of subscribers kept increasing! I'm so happy, thank you for subscribing and thank you for those who commented. And since most of you would surely want a good ending, I'll try.

This chapter is a bit confusing I think hahaha tell me your opinion! Love you guys! XOXO


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For those who had been waiting, I'm so sorry. I'll try to update the next chapter in the second week of January so please wait and thank you for being loyal :)


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Ai_Fang90 #1
Chapter 11: Interesting plot and story!!good job authornim:)
There's so much unclear things here..and I would love to know it little by little as story goes on.Why Junhoe's mother still young and why Junhwan go to Jinhwan...
Chapter 11: Junhoe being junhoe hahaha anyway if i can request for other character i'd would like nam joo hyuk to appear, maybe he have crush on jinhwan for make junhoe jealous
mxv0109 #4
Chapter 11: OHH GOD I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR YEARS AUTHOR-NIM, june wants to be more than friends cool, I'M SOO EXCITED FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER
I think junhoe's mother is a spirit (like actually dead) I can't think of anything anymore my remaining brain cells has fused while reading the chapter. btw I MISS IKON TOO I'M WAITING AND CHECKING EVERYDAY I CAN'T WAIT FOR THERE COMEBACK
Chapter 11: with the last notice u made me more impatient!
will jinhwan be the incarnation of junhoe's bro? or maybe his mother is a dead person ?
maybe the girl will try to get a revenge and try to seduce june?
nothing related but i tried :p
Chapter 11: youre back author-nim xD
please update soon author-nim XD
when u will update authornim :'(
Haniyakun #8
Chapter 10: Whoah nice story!!!

Cant wait for the next chap!

Chapter 10: Its going to be fluff?? Omg yess!! Haha
Just give me the fluff and keep the angst for other stories. Haha :D
Thank for updating!!
Chapter 10: Ah Dahyun is my bias i wish u dont make her character bad :"3