Let the Act Begins

More than that




JaHye’s POV


“Yah! Can you stop being clingy?” I said to Taetae who keeps holding my hand and putting his arms around my waist.


We are now in a celebration for my co-deisgner for his 10 years in Fashion Industry.


“Shh.. Im acting sweet here. What if Hyeri will saw us? Please act like my girlfriend” He whispered

“We both agreed that I will do this because you want to make her realize that you are a man who can date a descent girl, not to make her jealous”

“Well, that’s the same!”

“It’s not!!!” I reply angrily

“Uhmm excuse me?”

Due to our little fight we didn’t notice that someone approach us.

“Kim Taehyung?” She said while looking at Taetae

“Oh, Hyeri. You’re here” Taehyung replied in a happy tone. Then automatically put his arms around my shoulder. The real acting is now beginning. Hmm, so she is the girl he’s talking about, well I have to admit she’s pretty, let’s see her attitude then.

“Yeah, I’m with Daejin and some girls whose have a date”

“Ah, well by the way this is Park Jahye” I bowed at her

“Yeah, I know her and actually I’m a big fan of her” She smiled brightly “I adore your creations it’s pretty cool”

I smiled and thanks to her compliment
“Uhm, guys I’ll leave you for a while, you can have some chats and I’ll just get you some foods” Tae said

“Is it okay with you Jahye?”

I just smiled but honestly I don’t like that idea

“Taehyung” I whisper to him and I take a pinch on his arm before he leave.

“I’ll be back” he said then left



“You know, I really want to meet you personally. Yes, I’ve seen you before but I didn’t have a chance to talk with you. I really adore you, at your very young age you are now a successful fashion designer”

“Hmm.. not really successful but thanks” She’s really nice but I do feel weird things

“I heard you’ll having a fashion show next week”

“Yes, but I’m with the other fashion designer”

She nodded


Silence.. The atmosphere becomes awkward. Sorry but I’m not a type of person who loves to ask questions or talk about something.

“By the way, How long have you known Taehyung?” she dropped a question that breaks the silence

“Hmm.. almost 13 years? We grew up together. Since our parents known each other and we live next door”

She nodded “I see…” she smiled a little “If you don’t mind asking but are you not bothered to Taehyung’s playboy image?”

I laughed “People misjudged Taetae. They fail to see the real him. He’s actually gentleman and a loving person. He’s maybe a little sensitive but he loves to take care people especially the one who close to his heart”

Hyeri look amazed “You must be really close to him. But really? I thought he’s just a typical playboy”

“No he’s not”

“So I guess, I misjudged him. What about his parents?”

“His parents are both in Australia, they are doing a Wine business, and it’s one of the biggest companies there. Actually Taetae was the one who managed it first”

“Really? Then why he’s here now? Don’t tell me because he wants to be a photographer”

I nodded “In fact, you’re right. Photography is his passion”

“Hey girls, what are you talking about?” Tae appeared in front of us.

“Nothing, girls talk” Hyeri said and laughed

“Oh, okay.. Come on let’s eat”


I’m quitely eating my food, while Taehyung and Hyeri are having a conversation. I really don’t understand what they are talking about since my mind keeps on thinking about random things

“Uhm, Excuse me? I’ll just go to comfort room” I said that interrupted their conversation

“Okay” Tae said and nodded so I leave them two. I don’t like what I’m feeling; it seems like Taehyung already forget what we’ve talked about as if he seems to forget that he’s with me. He’s now enjoying having a little chat with her; I can see it in his eyes. Oh no, I couldn’t be jealous.


After using the comfort room, I go back to their table.


“Uhm, excuse me but Taetae I think I have to go. I’m not feeling well” Actually, it’s just an excuse but I do want to go home now.

Taehyung looked at me “Why? Are you okay? What’s wrong? Tell me.” He said in a concerned tone, well he’s my bestfriend

“I think I have some headache” I lied

“See? I told you don’t over work yourself! Come on I’ll take you home” he grabbed my hands

“You’re going home already?” Hyeri said as if she wants Taehyung to stay

“No need to take me home Tae, I’ll just take a cab—“

“No! I’ll drive you home” he insisted “Sorry Hyeri but we have to go; I just can’t let her go alone if she doesn’t feel well”

Hyeri pouted and take a deep sigh “Okay, I understand. We could continue this next time. Please be home safely”

“Sorry again” Tae apologized and we leave the party



We’re now heading at my house

“Taetae!!! Let’s grab some snacks in a convenient store! Then let’s watch some movies before you go home” I said in a excited tone

Taehyung look at me then frowned

“Why? Is there something wrong?”

“I should be the one to ask you that, I thought you’re not feeling well and wanted to take some rest. Do you really have a headache?” He questioned and I didn’t reply

“Why do you have to pretend?” He said angrily

“I just want to leave the party, that’s all!” I answered him loudly

He stopped the car and look at me

“Then why don’t you just tell me directly?” he is now in loud voice. I’m starting to get nervous I really don’t like it when Taehyung is shouting me. I feel like crying.

“I know you will not allow me” I murmured but good enough to be heard.

“Tell me, why you don’t like her?”

“I just don’t feel good anything about her!”

He smirked “There you go again, judging people” he said sarcastic.

“I’m just stating the obvious”

“Look, maybe she’s not Ms. Perfect but I like her”

I look at him then laugh bitterly “You’re crazy! After what she did to you?”

Suddenly his phone ring

“Hello? Oh, Hi. Later? Okay I’ll try.. Text me the address. Okay bye” he hanged up. “It’s Hyeri, she invite me to have some talk with her friends, is it okay with you?”

“Why are you asking me?”

“Oh please babe, I’m sorry okay?”

“I told you, I can go home alone. So I guess the acting is over?”

He smiled “come on, I’ll take you home. Let’s settle this tomorrow. You know I love you right?”





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Vtae84 #1
Chapter 14: Omg..what will happen then? They did the deed..not a bff anymore..
Chapter 13: wooooow I did not expect this
Aussieturtle #3
Chapter 13: Tae that's so cute^^
CherryTotomatoZELO96 #4
Chapter 12: Yes continue!!!!XD
Aussieturtle #5
Chapter 12: Please do continue
Chapter 12: yes continue please
mikasa07 #7
Chapter 12: Of course authornim!! You should continue writing this story ~
to tell you the truth authornim, everyday i'm always looking forward for your next updates :)
So please continue writing this story, I really love it ~
Chapter 11: !!!! what just happened ?
mikasa07 #9
i really hope things will work out with jungkook
I really felt bad for ja hye, she deserve someone better like jungkook
and i really hope to see taehyung will suffer...
Chapter 8: kookie to the rescue YES kookie yes international playboy XD... but really is it right that I feel mad at taehyung I mean he's her friend not boyfriend but I think he's selfish. I hope things will work out with kookie. Update soon ,,,fighting ,,,