Chapter 33

Kissing 101
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Only One


I was flipping through the magazine pages looking for a new hairstyle for Suran. She was bored with her look and I didn't blame her, she had only been sporting it since the day I met her. We pointed out some pictures but nothing seemed to satisfy; until Suran saw one of the hairstylists and shouted: "I want that!" When I observed the woman, she had a bob that fell around her chin with long bangs falling on her cheekbones.

Studying her and Suran back and forth, I believed we had found the right cut; it wasn't a coincidence that they both had similar facial structure. No doubt this haircut would make her look older but it would be easier to manage when she went off to nursing school. I couldn't wait to see the transformation, while I just decided on more layers and a V-cut in the back. We still had to wait a few minutes for both our stylists, so I made use of the time with good conversation.

"Have you heard from Ian lately?"

"We text every now and then. He's supposed to go to Canada in a couple of weeks. We're only friends, though, so don't get any ideas, SIS," she nudged me.

"Oh, it was a completely honest question. I wasn't hinting at anything…for once," I winked. "You know what we should do…we should go to the Winter Festival together, remember last year?"

"At the high school?" Suran asked scrunching her nose.

"Yeah. Jimin is coming this week we could all go together, just like old times."

"Wow, we must be a bunch of dorks if a high school party is all we have to look forward to."

"C'mon, you know the idea doesn't sound half bad. Besides, it will give you an opportunity to show off your new do."

"While we are on the subject of crazy ideas…" I rolled my eyes I didn't think it was that crazy of an idea. "I was thinking we should get a tattoo together." Suran smiled brightly.

"A tattoo…hmm…do you have anything in mind?" It sounded crazy but tempting.

Suran held my hand and pointed at both our wrists "we can get the same tattoo and have it complete each other's when our wrists come together."

"But do you think the placement would be ok in the military?"

"Good point I didn't think about that."

We gave it some more thought as we finally were called to our individual chairs. In the 2 hours that we spent there, all I could see was the disappointed look on Suran's face. I could tell she really wanted this tattoo and I sort of did too. We had a solid bond as friends and sisters. We had to do this.

"What about on the inside of our arms?" I pointed two inches down from my armpit.

"That would be perfect!" Her face beamed.

Gosh, my first tattoo. We didn't even bother telling our parents much less ask for their permission. This was for us and no one else. I remembered a name of a guy and his shop Hoseok had mentioned once randomly. So as impulsive as it was we walked right in and out branded. We decided on small locket tattoos; mine had an S carved on the front and Suran had an I.

We then went to show off our tats to Yoongi at the restaurant and get a bite to eat. But when we walked in I almost fell back when I saw Jungkook already there talking with him. Suran looked at me a little lost and all I could do was shrug. This was the last thing I had ever pictured in my head. Yoongi was a cool guy and never held a grudge, so I wasn't expecting him to give Jungkook a cold shoulder for my sake; even when he knew the history between us. But I also wasn't expecting for them to be laughing and shaking hands on whatever deal they had made; like a new bromance.

Suran and I walked up to the bar and tried to play nice. Both guys smiled at us.

"I like your hair Suran," Jungkook complimented.

"Oh thanks," she replied while touching the back of her short cut.

"It looks good on you Suran," Yoongi added.

Then we carefully took off our sweaters and displayed bandaged arms.

"What's this?" Yoongi asked right away.

We proudly showed off our ink and watched the boys nod in approval.

"That looks hot ladies. But hey I have to go…Thanks a lot, man!" Jungkook shook Yoongi's hand once again.

"Bye girls."

Our eyes followed Jungkook as he left the restaurant. Then I turned to Yoongi with my arms crossed. "What was that about?"

"He wanted to know if I could bartend his birthday party, but I'm leaving town tomorrow with Sora, so I gave him Chaz's number," Yoongi explained.

His birthday…right. I had almost forgotten. I guess he wasn't planning on inviting us since I hadn't heard about till now. That also bummed me out.

Our day came to an end as we returned home and modeled off our looks to our parents while keeping our sweaters on. I went to crash in my room and heard my phone go off. When I checked it, it had private number again; assuming it was Jimin telling me he was coming soon or something.


"Hey, doll. I've missed you so so much!"

"Aww Hoseok! Me too!" I sunk in my bed. "It's been so hard not being able to talk to you as much as I'd like. It's so hard."

"I know Iseul. I can't talk long. We don't have the internet where we are stationed. But I wanted to give you my address since I've been meaning to give you that for 2 months now. I wish I could be there now sweetie, I really do. But I want to wish you a Merry Christmas doll and I love you. Have you received my letter?"

"No, not yet."

"Okay, then you should soon…Please pray and be strong for the both of us," he pleaded.

"I will Hoseok. I love you. I'm so glad I got to hear your voice. I needed it desperately."

"Me too. Tell everyone I said hello and I miss them. I will call you the next chance I get I swear," he promised.

I went to my desk to jot down his address and noticed some mail that my mom probably had placed there. I scribbled as fast as I could because he had to hang up urgently; the other guys in his unit had many calls to make as well. We hesitated to hang up but had no choice in the end. I tried my best not to cry but I released the damn when I hung up. It was actually the only way I could calm down and find peace again.
I returned to my desk to open my mail and noticed the second envelope was gray. When I opened it, I found a black party invitation with neon writing.

"You're invited to Jungkook's Black Light Party. Come celebrate his 23 birthday with us!" I read.

I could tell it was Jaemi's handwriting. Then I remembered how they had a thing for crazy costume-like parties. This actually sounded way cooler than the Winter Festival and it fell this weekend too. The address was at a private club which probably meant they rented out the place, at least that wouldn't surprise me. And while I would rather go to this, I didn't know how on board Jimin would be with the idea knowing Jaemi would be there.


We agreed to meet up with Jimin at the restaurant for lunch. I missed my friend and couldn't wait to play catch up. When he walked in I shrieked like a little girl seeing her brother for the first time in ages. He had a stylish military cut; if you could call that 'stylish'. But he pulled it off well. After our great big hug, he sat in our booth.

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Chapter 36: This was a wonderful story. Perfect, even.
I love love love the whole ups and downs of it.
Thank you so much for writing this. You are a very good writer
aienahajeerah #2
Hello there! I come here to read it for a second time. (^o^)丿
cloudsFLY09 #3
Chapter 36: T.T hoseok.. please do something about can't do this to him..please author nim. But! after all I still LOVE this story..
thank you for writing such a beautiful story like this author nim
Agrr130 #4
This fanfic definitely raised my spirits! The author, thank you for it:)
this story is wonderful^^
Altynshash #6
Loooveee uuu♡
Altynshash #7
Autor, I love u! Very perfect fanfic♡
Chapter 35: HOW ARE U GONNA END IT LIKE THIS MY HEART. A ONE SHOT SEQUEL IS IN DEMAND!!!! but good job. i dig this story. i like the whole "we met and i liked you and you liked me" idea. but everyone and their moms are doing either a romeo and juliette idea or a one sided love one and it some