Chapter 15

Kissing 101
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Crazy y Feeling


Have you ever done something so crazy, so stupid, then looked back and didn't regret a thing? This was that crazy stupid moment. In all my life I had never dared to do something so 'ballsy' as what I was about to do. Placing my duffle bag in the overhead bin I now sat in my seat for a five and a half hour flight to Shimoda, Japan. The important fact was that I was here; the not so great part was that my mother thought I was on a flight to Ilsan to see Jaemi.

I had never told such a colossal lie to her before, but to finally be with Jungkook…I would have done worse. My mother dropped me off at the airport, after days of arguing and trying to convince her. I had e-tickets, so I had no proof at hand. All I needed to do was follow up with more calls than expected and I was good. But once I got on that plane, I honestly didn't care what happened when I got back, which meant this trip had to be well worth my full life's sentence.

I had squared away the details with Jaemi, in case I needed her back up. I had cash and enough clothes to carry in one bag; I was ready for the tropics and desperate to see Jungkook. The quicker the hours passed the more anxious I grew. The air of independence was a different aroma for me; I was exhilarated by this freedom, even if it was only for a couple of days. Then my hands grew shaky as the pilot announced our estimated time of arrival was 30 minutes.

My skin switched from cold to hot repeatedly. I gripped onto my bag as I walked through the airport, searching for the exit. For a moment, I forgot that I was in Japan…Aaaahhhh! I quickly called Jungkook to tell him I was finally here. He said he was in the baggage claim area. Our voices didn't do a great job at hiding ourselves, but just a few more minutes…

I dressed casually; a violet strap blouse, white shorts and sandals. I saw many people walking around with leisure and horrendous sunburns that looked quite painful. And as I approached the escalator, I saw a line of people holding up signs down below.

"Welcome, Mr. Noda San…Welcome, Back Home Suichi...We missed you, Sai!" Those were some of the signs I had read. And to my right were some more colorful ones. "Happy Birthday Daddy... I love you too!"

My eyes caught a glimpse of a huge red heart on the poster, when I lifted my eyes, I saw Jungkook's face blushing as he held up my sign. I wanted to run down the escalator, but there were only a few more steps to go. Best keep your composure Iseul…yeah right! Out of my way people!

Jungkook stepped back as people kept crossing in front, we didn't take our eyes off each other not even for a millisecond. I walked around the crowd to an open space and waited; my face held a giddy-lip-biting-love-crazy daze and his a charming wait-till-I-get-my-hands-on-you rush. Swapping the sign under his arm he hurriedly scooped me up in his arms; my bag dropped to the floor, along with my poster.

I let out a girly shriek of excitement as I squeezed him so tightly almost snapping his neck in two. He looked adorable with a white short sleeve shirt and blue shorts. His skin was tanned and his eyes twinkled more than I'd ever seen before.

"How was your flight?" he asked eagerly.

"It was great! This is crazy! I lied to my mom—I can't believe that I'm her—" I rambled off holding my cheeks.

But Jungkook shut me up by stealing a much-deserved kiss. I felt the air in my body escape me and my skin tingle once again. A simple peck on the lips from this boy and I were left dizzy and light-headed. I wanted to scream "TAKE ME NOW!" but that would be too desperate of me, not to mention humiliating.

I stared at Jungkook like a 13-year-old drooling over her favorite idol. My eyes heart-shaped and my palms sweaty…did I mention my chest racy? I had all the symptoms of a love-drugged fool, not excluding the butterflies as well. Shortly we were in the car on our way to the resort near his workplace.

Jungkook had purchased a weekend suite just for us. And while an act like that would've had me jump out of the moving car, it was Jungkook…enough said. It took us about 25 minutes to get to the hotel; meanwhile, he had been going off about how wonderful his job was. He could have recited the alphabet a dozen times and I still would have listened attentively.

He held my hand and every 10 minutes or so he'd kiss the back of it, clearly overwhelmed that I was there. We walked around this awesome waterfront resort after Jungkook got our room key. There were gorgeous Polynesian art pieces and furniture everywhere. The locals were very friendly also; like the lady that placed two leis over our heads as we made our way to the room.

We walked upon the glistening wooden floors, admiring the bamboo furnishings. The overhead fan was shaped as gigantic leaves and there were plumerias sprinkled over the table, counters and the bed. This room displayed romance!

"If you feel uncomfortable with the one-bed thing, I can sleep on the couch. No problem," Jungkook offered.

"No way! I'm not uncomfortable at all!" I said a little too enthusiastic.

Jungkook walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. As predicted, he inhaled the scent of my Herbal Essence hair and groaned.

"I love the smell of your hair. You don't know how crazy it drives me," he said while crushing my hips in his grip.

"What else do you love?" I continued, liking this game.

"I love…" he turned me around, still holding on, "how innocent your eyes look yet your lips tell me different."

"What else?" I perked up a brow.

Jungkook his lips and gave me a y smile. "I love…how beautiful and amazing you are even when you doubt yourself." His dimples looked delicious.

"Uh huh…"

Laughing as I kept putting him on the spot, he flung his head back searching for more things. Then he lowered his gaze, sending me an instant shiver as he bit his lip this time.

"I love holding you by your hips…imagining that we're..."

I couldn't ask him to continue for I was already 4 shades pinker, and he knew that would get me to stop.

"Now you tell me, what do you love about me?" he winked.

"Okay…I love your dimples," I gushed.

"Really? And what else?" I would have went straight down my list except he kept and on his lower lip and the redness was too distracting…and suddenly I felt like this room was 110 degrees or something.

"I love your sense of humor, intelligence and kindness. I love how your eyes sparkle when you look at me, and the way you hold me and …" I blushed harder.

"And?" Jungkook was too cruel to make me say it.

"The way you kiss me," I looked away stiffening a smile.

"I want to kiss you till the very last second before you get back on that plane," Jungkook slid his fingers down my cheeks.

"Well, I'm here…aren't you going to teach me some more kissing tricks?" I grinned.

His look said it all. If I was to put captions on it, something along the lines of "I'll show you more than that" would seem about right.

"I need to ask you something, before…when did…you begin to have feelings for me?" I asked in mode again.

"Since the first time I kissed you."

"But that

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Chapter 36: This was a wonderful story. Perfect, even.
I love love love the whole ups and downs of it.
Thank you so much for writing this. You are a very good writer
aienahajeerah #2
Hello there! I come here to read it for a second time. (^o^)丿
cloudsFLY09 #3
Chapter 36: T.T hoseok.. please do something about can't do this to him..please author nim. But! after all I still LOVE this story..
thank you for writing such a beautiful story like this author nim
Agrr130 #4
This fanfic definitely raised my spirits! The author, thank you for it:)
this story is wonderful^^
Altynshash #6
Loooveee uuu♡
Altynshash #7
Autor, I love u! Very perfect fanfic♡
Chapter 35: HOW ARE U GONNA END IT LIKE THIS MY HEART. A ONE SHOT SEQUEL IS IN DEMAND!!!! but good job. i dig this story. i like the whole "we met and i liked you and you liked me" idea. but everyone and their moms are doing either a romeo and juliette idea or a one sided love one and it some