Chapter 29

Kissing 101
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Expect The Unexpected


We made it. We pulled through some years of reckless adolescence. Now to graduate into the real world which was more than likely nothing at all how we expected. Because the high school does a 'great job' in preparing their students to take charge and direction from here on out…pfft! We were all sad and lost, only before we were in a protective bubble and now we're being thrown in with the sharks.


Not to fret, some of us had a plan. Some of us were moving forward to distant places while others stayed behind and made the best of it. Jimin and I had road trips to make. As for Suran, her path was unclear. Weeks after my mom returned from her honeymoon we had finally made the big move into the Jung's house. I got the smaller room down the hall, though I didn't mind because I spent most of my time in Suran's anyway.

Suran was slowly coming out of her emotional coma. It took her a while to realize that things just happen, accidents happen. And she couldn't go around carrying the burden that wasn't even hers, to begin with. Taehyung was doing much better but had to take a break from surfing to allow his body time to fully recover. That pleased Suran's ears more than he'd ever know.

However, Suran had distanced herself from Taehyung, from everyone a bit actually; except me. She couldn't stand not seeing Jaebum at work so she decided to quit. Everyone was sad to see her go but they understood why. I took on one of her shifts and encouraged Sora to think about taking the position. It worked to her advantage as she could spend more time with her boyfriend…Yoongi of course.

Suran insisted on watching Lilan some nights while Mark did others. That worked out perfectly for Sora so she committed to night shifts and would drop Lilan off at our house before work. I'll never forget when I walked in to find Hoseok playing with the 5-month-old while Suran had stepped out to the store. I couldn't decide who was cuter: Lilan giggling or Hoseok trying to make her laugh.

Among all these subtle changes came Suran's decision to swear off drinking. I was all for positive change, just as long as it was for the right reasons. I didn't want her feeling obligated to because she owed Jaebum and Taehyung her life or something. Regardless, we all supported her choice.

I remember back in the day, fantasizing about Prom and all the hype. But when it came, the excitement just couldn't compare to the amazing dates I already had with Hoseok. I decided to go with Suran instead, she preferred me versus an insignificant date. We went with Jaemi and Jimin, though that was bittersweet as well, it was one of the last hangouts with our buddy before heading for boot camp after graduation.

Later that evening Yoongi and Sora joined us and I thought this was the last time we would all be together like this. Yet this sadness wouldn't compare to the joy set before me in San Francisco. That night as Suran and I returned home, a brilliant idea hit me.

"Hey Suran, what are you going to do about nursing school?" I wondered as I took my shoes off.

"Well…I haven't told dad yet, but…I can't find the motivation to do it, Iseul."

"What if you just took a semester off? I'm sure he would understand given the circumstances."

"Yeah but I already quit my job. And I don't want to go back there. Maybe I'll become a full-time nanny or something," Suran shrugged and ped her dress while following me up the stairs.

"Suran, what if…you came to live with me?" I offered and walked into her room.

"You mean it?"

"Yeah, it would be fun…roomie!" I nudged her as we plopped on her bed. "I would love to have my sister with me, I won't know a soul out there."

Suran was smiling and nodding as she could picture a wonderful couple of months in the artsy city.

"I would love that! Dad would totally be on board with it too since I'll be living with you. A breath of San Francisco air could do me some good for a while. I'll get a job around the area too, to help out with rent," she proposed.

Lucky for us, our parents were paying for my rent as a graduation present, for a couple of months anyway. And I knew dad wouldn't object to the idea. And yup I managed to call Mr. Jung 'dad'. At first, it quite awkward for me since that it had been waaay too long I called someone as a dad. But, well I'm feeling at ease calling him my dad.


We still had all summer before the next big move. I wanted to spend as much time as possible with my boyfriend before trying the long distance relationship for the second time. I wasn't worried knowing that Hoseok would do whatever it took to spend time with me, not to mention the unfailing calls and texts.

This time around, I'd probably be so busy with my classes and studies that this separation wouldn't pose a threat but benefit our relationship. I'd feel horrible if I didn't make the time Hoseok and I deserved. Thank goodness for technology and Skype, though. And that brought another thought. I'm so grateful Hoseok and I don't have a relationship solely based on the physical. We're pretty well balanced…sort of.

Speaking of the physical, though…I needed more of it! My birthday was hectic.. and I don't know how to describe it, but since then Jungkook and I kind of fell back on that terms being a friend, I must say that my head feels much lighter. We have been in a good term lately. Big smile for me then. Now, I just have one person to worry about and love only; Jung Hoseok.

I'll admit to being busy with Prom, work, and graduation, Hoseok wasn't able to come down some weekends; we were bound to miss each other and the opportunities.

But now that it was the beginning of summer and we had nothing but time, two months to be exact. I also made time for my other friends. I got to see Sora more often at work and with Jimin being gone, Jaemi and I had hoped to make the time to reconnect. Sadly, Yoongi and I slowly drifted but that was to be expected.

It felt weird talking to Suran about my relationship with her uncle, so every time she asked how we were doing I always gave her the same answer…"fine!" But Sora and I spent our breaks talking about our boyfriends with me taking mental notes. I remembered venting about how I wished we were more daring and exciting as opposed to being safe and comfortable all the time. I guess that was the one thing I couldn't forget about Jungkook...his spontaneity.

She suggested that I initiate some at random times and places if I wanted to 'spice it up'. I thought that could be fun and exciting. I mean I loved Hoseok and his respectful 'old-fashioned' manners, but maybe it was time for me to do the teaching for a change.

I got home that evening to start on my assignment, searching girly websites for some juicy tips. Suran had invited me to go for a walk with Lilan in the stroller, but I told her I

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Chapter 36: This was a wonderful story. Perfect, even.
I love love love the whole ups and downs of it.
Thank you so much for writing this. You are a very good writer
aienahajeerah #2
Hello there! I come here to read it for a second time. (^o^)丿
cloudsFLY09 #3
Chapter 36: T.T hoseok.. please do something about can't do this to him..please author nim. But! after all I still LOVE this story..
thank you for writing such a beautiful story like this author nim
Agrr130 #4
This fanfic definitely raised my spirits! The author, thank you for it:)
this story is wonderful^^
Altynshash #6
Loooveee uuu♡
Altynshash #7
Autor, I love u! Very perfect fanfic♡
Chapter 35: HOW ARE U GONNA END IT LIKE THIS MY HEART. A ONE SHOT SEQUEL IS IN DEMAND!!!! but good job. i dig this story. i like the whole "we met and i liked you and you liked me" idea. but everyone and their moms are doing either a romeo and juliette idea or a one sided love one and it some