Chapter 18

Kissing 101
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Desperate Times


He cut another piece of steak; I could tell he was satisfied with every bite as the corner of his mouth would curl once the flavor sunk in. I watched as Jungkook used his hands to feed himself and then grab his glass of water; those were the same hands that touched me and made me feel so magical. My eyes immediately drifted further to the sight of his caramel tanned chest peeping through his gray shirt; remembering how smooth and mesmerizing his broad shoulders and back were. It's a shame they were now hidden.

The waiter came to take our dessert order, allowing me to see a flash of those pearly whites as he kindly thanked our server. He was so dreamy and I was smitten. How could he look so cute and be so sensual in secret? I couldn't wrap my head around it. Every moment we spent together was making it harder to think that I had to leave the next day.

"Why do you keep looking at me like that?" he chuckled.

"Like what? I'm not looking at you in any way," I sprung to my defense.

"You have stars in your eyes…"

So he was on to me, but I couldn't help it. Here I was, a simple girl, in Japan with an amazing boyfriend who had shown me more wonders on this Island than the actual attractions.Yet, in less than 12 hours I'd have nothing. I wanted to cling on to him to not waste a single second…and that's why I've been called pathetic many times. But I didn't know the rules and boundaries for relationships, clearly.



It had been a month since I'd return from paradise, but I remembered our last dinner as if it were yesterday. Although I missed Jungkook it was refreshing to see Jimin and be inside my school walls again. Jaemi was back at Long Beach, however, Sora was nowhere to be found. I heard rumors that she had been cast for a small role in a film…good for her! And on a different note, I had befriended the new girl at school, Jung Suran. Having been a former new girl once, I thought I'd be that friend that Sora never truly was to me.

Suran reminded me of myself two years ago; shy at first but an overall nice person. She came from a military family, both her dad and uncle were in the Marines. Sadly her mother had passed away a few years back which compelled me to invite her over often and have dinner at my house. She took a liking to my mother; it was mutual.

Things with Jungkook were a little difficult as was to be expected. We'd text often and talked once or twice a week. From how Suran had explained it, I almost felt like one of those military wives; missing my man like crazy and hoping to talk to him again sooner each time. Unlike those strong women, I had the privilege to call and reach Jungkook when I wanted, it just wasn't always the best time. I learned to wait for his call as I never knew if I'd catch him in the middle of class, working late long hours or him simply missing my call.

For being my first real relationship, this long distance deal ! But I had my last year of high school to keep me distracted, along with the student council, my friends and let's not forget my job. Although, I was unsure about my current employment. Suran had recently gotten hired as a server at a remodeled restaurant that was still hiring.

Suran worked as a waitress over the summer at her previous job, while I wasn't sure serving ice cream would be considered the same level of experience. Though once I heard the earnings would possibly double mine, I thought I'd at least give it a shot. So on a particular afternoon, I had an interview with the manager after school. Before driving over I quickly swung by the house to switch into something more professional.

Walking through the main entrance I immediately fell in love with the scene of this place. It looked modern and definitely attracted a younger crowd. I envisioned myself working here as a turning point of my adulthood. Now I had more confidence after my recent 'transition' and I felt like this suited a more mature Kang Iseul.

The restaurant had a mystic African safari theme, decked with lots of chrome accents and marbled tables. In the center stood an island bar with fluorescent lighting underneath a glassed mini waterfall. Gosh, I wanted to start already! I walked over to the empty bar to see if anyone was there. Standing there for a few minutes, in my black skirt and lavender blouse, I felt ready to impress whoever should come my way.

A gallant bartender showed up with a box clanging bottles. I politely asked him where the manager was. He seemed older, perhaps around Jungkook's age or so. In fact, he was quite attractive with his bright hair. I smiled a little as I was reminded of Jungkook once he directed me to the back.

"Good luck! I'm Suga by the way," he kindly introduced himself.

"Suga?" I found that to be an uncommon name.

"It's Yoongi but everyone calls me Suga," he said while opening the door.

There I was greeted by another friendly and much older man. Namjoon, the manager, had me fill out an application to have on file. He understood that I had little experience, yet he was impressed that I had made assistant manager to the rinky-dink shop. Other than liking my personality he was willing to give me a break, but I also had Suran's high recommendation to thank. I'd start training in the weekend by shadowing her and helping the other servers. I had sadly given my two weeks notice at my other job believing that this was a good decision.


My time was done. I had passed my training and resigned my first job. I actually enjoyed waitressing. Even when I shadowed Suran, I had made some decent tips; thanks to her sharing heart. For now, I worked on the weekends till midnight or so. My boss was hilarious and pretty awesome. Well, what can I say when he suddenly dancing foolishly to the song we put up, around the restaurant when we have to clean the place, say the least while the rest of the crew made the nights entertaining as well.

The only problem was the weekends, they were my only chances to talk with Jungkook. Having a different schedule made it harder, at times, I'd make quick runs to the bathroom to catch his call. I couldn't always do that as it got pretty busy after 7 o'clock.

By now everyone knew I had a boyfriend and even proceeded to tease me whenever I was caught texting. I'd hardly seen his cousin Jaemi except when she came once with Jimin on a date. I wish I could simply go out with Jungkook or snuggle up to a movie like normal couples do. Belief me, I saw plenty of couples on their dates at the restaurant, that only made me more depressed and lonely.

One night, as I waited for one of the bartenders to make my drinks, I quickly checked my phone to see if I had any texts, then frowned in disappointment.

"No text from your man yet?" Yoongi interrupted.

"Hmmm no," I tried to seem unaffected.

"Yeah, long distance relationships are tricky like that. I had one once but we remained friends…not that I'm trying to discourage you or anything," he added.

"Thanks. It's just really hard I guess."

"Cheer up! I'm sure you'll hear from him by the end of the night."

I appreciated the pep talk. Normally I didn't care for honey eyes, but Yoongi's looked pretty cool right next to the blue neon lights. I collected my drinks and went back to the table to continue with the customer's order. As the night progressed the families disappeared and the young couples and singles took over the place.

After I came back from my 10-minute break, Suran broke down in full detail about how she exchanged numbers with a cute guy she waited on. She gave me a full description of the guy as we picked up the dishes around the tables. Somehow we ended up talking about our fellow coworkers and their hotness ratings. Suran thought V, the busser, was pretty cute. He looked like another typical surfer guy, which also was the same description of the guy she swapped numbers with.

When she asked me who I thought was a number 10, I didn't have an accurate answer. I had a boyfriend I was madly in love with; I had no time to entertain thoughts of who was hot or not. Of course, she insisted, for the sake of conversation, I mention at least one guy. I looked around the vast room, glancing over some of the waiters and then over at the bar.

Staring at the pair of bartenders as they cleaned their area I caught sight of Yoongi. He was wiping down the counter and happened to look right at me. I quickly turned my head as I gathered the remaining dirty utensils and moved on to the next table. It is one thing to know you're surrounded by attractive people and not care versus actua

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Chapter 36: This was a wonderful story. Perfect, even.
I love love love the whole ups and downs of it.
Thank you so much for writing this. You are a very good writer
aienahajeerah #2
Hello there! I come here to read it for a second time. (^o^)丿
cloudsFLY09 #3
Chapter 36: T.T hoseok.. please do something about can't do this to him..please author nim. But! after all I still LOVE this story..
thank you for writing such a beautiful story like this author nim
Agrr130 #4
This fanfic definitely raised my spirits! The author, thank you for it:)
this story is wonderful^^
Altynshash #6
Loooveee uuu♡
Altynshash #7
Autor, I love u! Very perfect fanfic♡
Chapter 35: HOW ARE U GONNA END IT LIKE THIS MY HEART. A ONE SHOT SEQUEL IS IN DEMAND!!!! but good job. i dig this story. i like the whole "we met and i liked you and you liked me" idea. but everyone and their moms are doing either a romeo and juliette idea or a one sided love one and it some