
I won't give up

-7 years prior-

The rest of the way was spent with Hakyeon talking and Taekwoon listening, and occasionally answering to some of Hakyeons questions. It was hard for him to understand everything Hakyeon said, but he overheard so much: He's becoming twelve in less than two weeks; he likes banana milk and dancing; he has a little dog named puffles and he moved here during the fall holidays. But the most interesting to Taekwoon was, that Hakyeon, just like himself, lives together with foster parents.

“It sounds like a really bad drama cliché, but my mum died during the birth of my sister, who just shortly after followed and my dad lost his life in the war. Their deaths weren't really far apart, which was the reason, why I fell into some sort of depression for one and a half year. I didn't want to talk to anyone, I hated my foster parents -even thought they were really nice people- and disobeyed everything they said and completely lost my interest in school. My grades dropped like they were rolling down a mountain and so it occurred, that I had to re-do my last class. But now, I'm quite alright with it. My step parents cared for me with all their love and after I've seen the therapist so often, that I knew him inside out, I finally got along with school again."

“Oh...” The younger was really flashed right now. It sounded so much like his life. Maybe not so bad, but still something.
“Sorry, I didn't mean to drag you down or something.”
“Ah no… it's okay. I was the one who asked and I have quite the same past...”
“Yeah… I'm also living together with my foster parents since four years, because my parents died in a car accident...”
“Oh, I'm sorry. It must have … How do you get along with your step parents?”
“Alright I would say. We don't have the best relationship, but we get along just right.” Taekwoon was really surprised by himself. He normally told nobody (and by nobody he meant absolute nobody) about his life and the accident of his parents, moreover some stranger he met just minutes ago. For some reason thought it just slipped so easily from his tongue. Maybe because Hakyeon had somewhat the same fate as him, or because of the warm and safe aura the other had. Taekwoon didn't know and would probably never know, since their ways would eventually part. Hakyeon was older than him and therefore would surely be in another class as him, find other friends there and forget about Taekwoon. Normally he was alright with it, but somehow he didn't want it, that Hakyeon would eventually forget him. But it was unpreventable, because Taekwoon is the silent, awkward stone faced nerd, nobody likes and everybody forgets about as soon as he's out of their sight.

The last five minutes of their walk, Taekwoon spent memorizing Hakyeons melodic voice and beautiful smile as good as he could, because he wouldn't see him again. They've reached the school gates and by now every step seemed heavier and heavier to the black-haired. Taekwoon just held his head down and tried to make himself as small as possible, while Hakyeon on the other hand greeted everyone with a bright smile and loud greetings. All the attention was drawn to them and Taekwoon could literally feel how the others gazes pierced his back. Hushed whispers were exchanged and even thought he couldn't quite catch them he was sure, that it was about him walking around with someone other than himself.

“You surely have no problem of showing me where the office is, do you?”
“I uh...” Should he or should he not, that was Taekwoons question. They would've to part ways anyway so it would just spare him dragging out the unnecessary pain.
“Sure.” Well, so much to 'sparing the unnecessary pain', Taekwoon thought dead panning, as he lead Hakyeon the way. Just like outside they earned quite the stares which made him even more than uncomfortable. The more Taekwoon thought about it, the more he questions his decision of showing Hakyeon they way. Why did he thought it would be a good idea anyway? Little Taekwoon had just reduced Hakyeons chances of getting along with the other students.

As paradox as it was, everyone knew Taekwoon, even thought he was so shy and had such an unnoticeable presence. Taekwoon was the schools nerd number one. He skipped one class, has straight A's all the time and won the Taekwondo junior championship two times in a row for the school. The teachers loved him and students hated him. They were envious of Taekwoons success and he knew that but they also used his shyness as attacking point. Taekwoon was to good of a mind, as that he would hurt anyone. He wouldn't even hurt a fly, even thought rumours said other things but it did prevent bully’s from attacking him physically.

Back to Hakyeon. If one of Taekwoons bully's saw them together, they would eventually attack the elder too and Taekwoon couldn't let that happen.

Finally in front of the office door Taekwoon said, “Here we are. I hope you are doing well in the future.” And with that he darted away in the direction of his classroom, leaving a stunned Hakyeon behind. It didn't hurt as much as Taekwoon thought it would and so he continued his way without problems. As he finally reached his classroom he instantly went over to his desk and waited until the class would start.

Class started ten minutes ago, but Taekwoon couldn't get himself to listen. His mind was occupied with thoughts about Hakyeon. Had he found his class? had he found friends already? Were they going to bully him? Had he already forgotten Taekwoon? Thousands of questions bombarded his mind but were instantly interrupted by the knocking of the door.
“Yes!” The teacher said as the door opened and the schools principal stepped through.
“I'm sorry for interrupting your class, Ms. Lee, but here's the new student.”
“Ah yes! Come in!” Ms. Lee said, while the principle stepped aside. At the mentioning of a new student all attention was immediately directed towards the door, anticipating the new students entry.
At first Taekwoon wasn't really interested in the new student, but suddenly a thought came into his head. What if it's Hakyeon?! Immediately his head snapped towards the door, where now a boy stood. A boy with brown hair and light tanned skin to be exact.

“Hello! I'm Cha Hakyeon, eleven years old and your new classmate from today on! If you're wondering why I'm eleven already; I had to re do one class, but I hope we're still getting along well!” Taekwoon thought his eyes would fall out. There he stood. The stranger that gave Taekwoon his umbrella. The stranger that talked a hundred words per minute. The stranger that somehow made him feel at ease and at the same time tormented his mind like no one else did.

Taekwoon couldn't believe his luck, but soon slipped into his former thoughts. He couldn't converse with him or else he would be an outsider as well and Taekwoon couldn't let that happen. Hakyeon was too fragile of a soul, to go through something like that.
“Very well, Hakyeon. You can either sit next to Jaehwan here in the middle row or at the back on the window side by Taekwoon.”

Jaehwan waved at the brown-haired friendly smiling, but at the mentioning of the latter’s name Hakyeons eyes began to sparkle with excitement, which Taekwoon himself didn't seem to notice. Taekwoon thought that there wouldn't be a chance, that Hakyeon would sit next to him, because Jaehwan was a lot like Hakyeon himself. The two of them would perfectly fit together as friends. But once more the black-haireds theory would be proven wrong.
“Taekwoonie!!” Hakyeon exclaimed and strode past the tables in the direction of Taekwoons table.

A few shocked gasps were heard and instantly the whispering began.
“How did he know the loner?” a girl in the front row asked her neighbour unbelievingly.
“Why didn't he choose Jaehwan-shi? He's ten times better than that Taekwoon,” the boy on the left whispered.
Taekwoonie, did you hear that? He knows the nerd...”
“Can't believe he has a friend… Surely he's just like Taekwoon,” another girl stated, giggling with her friend.

But Hakyeon didn't care about the others talking. He didn't even here it. He was just glad, that he was in the same class as Taekwoon.
The black-haired on the other hand wanted nothing more than to disappear. Not only did Hakyeon shout his nickname for him to the whole class, but also directed everyone’s attention on Taekwoon. His face became red like a tomato and he let his face fall flat on the table.
“Yah, Taekwoonie! Aren't you happy to see me?” Hakyeon said, followed by his angel-like laugh, as he took the seat next to the younger. Yes, Taekwoon was happy, but at the same time felt a heavy guilt on his shoulders. Without even hearing the exact words of the others, Taekwoon knew that Hakyeon was already in the out together with him.

“I hate changing schools during the year, because I don't know anyone at this schools, but here I have you. Ah, I'm so glad…” How can he still say such things? Didn't he hear the others talking?, Taekwoon questioned in his mind and finally lifted his head to look in the brown-haireds face. The same big sparkling eyes, the same wide smile and the same warm face trades.
“You know, even if you don't say anything; I know that you're happy, that I'm here. Who doesn't?” The elder stated laughing.
“It's nice that you know each other, but you can talk later, when Taekwoon shows you around the school. Right now I would love to continue my lesson.”
“O yeah. Sorry,” Hakyeon apologized and all eyes went to the blackboard again, while Taekwoons just stayed glued on the brown-haired boy next to him for the rest of the lesson. 


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Chapter 26: So I read this story years ago and I was kind of a ghost reader back then. Today I remembered it but I couldn't remember how it was named ^^' but finally I found it. I just wanted to say I love this story a lot, it had me hooked from beginning to end.
Dulanga #2
Chapter 27: I found this story just today and I couldn't stop reading.. Wonderful story. Keep writing more stories. I love your writing so much
signorina_klutz #3
Chapter 27: Wait. there's a sequel? Gotta read it now.
DevilNextToYou #4
Chapter 16: Hey I think u mixed up the time line a little
Taek confessed 5 years ago but 4 years ago was the incident between him and jaehwan
Lylia00 #5
Chapter 26: How can I just found this ;_;
I found it at around 2 a.m out of curiosity and think like, "just 2 chapters then sleep". I want to read it because of the fluff tag, but really, this is like an emotional rollercoaster till the final chapter..
I can't stop reading it and now it's 5a.m.
This story is just wonderful and though the concept is pretty simple, your writing is so nice that I can feel all the emotions and keep tearing up and also grinning.

Thanks for the wonderful story authornim, really love it!!
hyukmin86 #6
Chapter 26: i just started to love neo couple
excited for the sequel
Kokechan #7
Chapter 26: Thank you! It's such a perfect story! I'm looking forward to the sequel! Thank you!
Chapter 26: I'm really hoping for a happy ending for Wonshik in the sequel ;A;
Chapter 26: Goosshh. So excited for the sequellll!!^^