
I won't give up

“Okay, where the heck is he??”
“Calm down, Hyung,” Sanghyuk tried to calm his boyfriend like he did since the first break. After that “feeling” Jaehwan and the others had, he was everything
besides calm. Well, none of them were exactly calm, but the brunett was the worst. 

In a constant course of five minutes he asked when they would finally be able to talk to Taekwoon. Of course nobody could answer him that, so he just opted for asking extremely often.
During lessons they were luckily saved. At least for some time, but now it was lunch break and they were bluntly exposed to the elder, from Taekwoon no trace. So to get him to shut up, they were now satnding in front of his classroom. It was already half empty but still no trace from the blond.

“Hyoshin hyung!” Sanghyuk shouted as he discovered the brown haired male who was just leaving the classroom. The older male turned and smiled as he spotted his dongsaengs.
“Hey guys. What are you doing here? Taekwoon isn't here.”
“Where is he then?”
“You don't know? He's in the ward.”
“What?!” Jaehwan instantly asked as everyone got a small panic attack.
“The nurse came in before lessons began. I don't know what happened, but it didn't seem bad-”
“Oh god, we have to go see him! Now!” And off Jaehwan went, without listening to the elders complete sentence.

“We uh should probably… you know, follow him,” Hongbin said to Hyoshin, while pointing in the direction their eldest had disappeared in, “ahm… Thank you Hyung for … uh- for telling us...” Is he nervous about something or why the stuttering?, Wonshik asked himself at the odd behaviour of his one-day-crush, purposefully ignoring the slight blush decorating the youngers cheeks.
“Sure thing. Wouldn't want Jaehwan to send some other poor soul to the ward,” the other answered laughing slightly and waved at them before setting off into the canteens direction.


“You still haven't told him?”, Sanghyuk asked as soon as the elder was out of sight and them begining to move.
“Told who what?”
“Don't play dumb. You know exactly who I mean. Hyoshin hyung.” Hongbin instantly reddened at the mentioning of the elder males name and slapped Sanghyuk across the back.
“Oh, shut up!”
“But when will you do it though? He sure as hell won't wait forever.” Wonshik who was silently walking besides Hongbin didn't understand one word, or more like he didn't want to understand.
“I don't know if he's even waiting! What if I make a complete fool out of myself?”
“Oh Please, that spot is reserved for Jaehwan. I hope you remember that I was dating a girl at the time Jaehwan asked me to go out with him. And that even in the presence of her. You definitely won't top that.” The dimpled one laughed at the almost forgotten memory. “That was hilarious! He tough she was your sister or something, didn't he?”
“Yeah… And on top of that it was almost in front of everyone on the campus,” the younger added and they laughed some more, while Wonshik just awkwardly walked besides them.

“But seriously now… I'm still not sure about it. You know I don't want it to end like the last times...”
Don't ask, Wonshik.
“I don't think he's the type for that.”
Don't ask! Don't ask!
“You can't say that for sure though.”
“What,” NO! DON'T ASK!!, “What are you talking about?”
NO!! Why did I do that?! I don't want to know it!!
“Oh yeah, you don't know. It's about Hongbins crush on Hyosh-”
“Please just stop talking about it!” Hongbin intervened with a hand clasped over the youngers mouth, though it didn't help.
Wonshiks brain was functioning well enough to figure out the last part of Sanghyuks sentence.

And that was Wonshiks problem. He's just falling in love to easily. Every time he saw a girl he liked, his heart just thought it had to jump head first into love. That led to him constantly getting heartbroken, even if he only knew that person for a short while.
Though it had happened so often, it didn't help getting better. The opposite even: with every time it just got worse.

Was it really so hard to find someone who also loved him back? At least he had discovered it now instead of next week or something, because he was sure that would have hurt like hell.
Seems like it shouldn't be…

“Wonshik hyung?!”
“Huh? Uh what??” he answered startled as he was ripped out of his thoughts.
“Is something wrong?”
“N-No… Why should something be wrong?”
“You spaced out for some time there...”
With a nervous smile the blue haired tried to cover his sadness. “Just thought about what aunty would make for dinner.”
“You sure?” the youngest asked with a raised eyebrow, to which he addressed just nodded. “Come on, we have to catch up to Jaehwan! Who know what he's doing to torment poor Taekwoon hyung.” And with that he fastened his steps a slight bit to hopefully reach the ward very soon. He didn't catch the unsure looks Hongbin and Sanghyuk threw at each other though, before following his lead.

Being the first one to set into motion meant Jaehwan was the first one to discover that there was no Taekwoon in the ward. Instantly every possible horror scenario raced through the brunets head at an alarming speed. What if Hyoshin hyung had lied? What if Taekwoon was hurt so badly that he had to be sent to the hospital? What if he was kidnapped by aliens?!

“Oh god! Hyuk!!”
No second after the horrified scream, the younger already stood by the door.

“What?” What happened??”
“What's with him?” Hongbin immediately asked as he and Wonshik had followed up to Sanghyuk.
“He… He isn’t here!”

Looking around the three had to agree. There was no sign of the elder. Just two empty beds in an empty room.
“What if he was kidnapped by aliens?!”
“You really should stop your boyfriend from watching so many bad movies...”
“Hey! I don't have any control over what he watches at home alone,” the younger said in his defence.
“Yeah, as if your not sleeping together every night, like our married Hyung couple,” the dimpled male dead panned and gave him the look.
“Okay, Okay… Maybe we've been watching one of these movies yesterday...”
“That explains where he's coming from.”

A distressed Jaehwan cut in. “Guys, I'm serious!”
“No, you're Jaehwan.”
“Don't start with that or I'll murder you in you sleep you punk!”
“Calm down, Jaehwan. His mum probably just took him home.”

“Oh?” the three teens jumped at the sudden voice behind them, “Are you searching someone?” Turning around, they came into contact with a long, black haired woman in her mid twenties.
“Uhm yes… We're searching for our friend,” the blue haired male answered, seeing as the others were still calming down from the shock.
“Which one? The red or the blond haired? I'm just an apprentice.”
“Did you just say red haired?”
“Yes, he was the main reason for them to come by. Poor boy was found unconscious and with a slight fever. Though the other one didn't look so good himself.”
Well, that was something no one of them could've imagined.

“Just to make sure; their names weren't possible Cha Hakyeon and Jung Taekwoon, were they?” Hongbin asked as clarification to which the nurse just nodded.
“Yes, that's them. Lucky for Hakyeon to be found by Taekwoon. Who knows how long he would have had to lie on the floor...”
“Where are they know?!” the eldest asked hastily as he looked up at the nurse with concern glimmering in his eyes.
“They were taken home by one of their parents.”
“Told you so!” Sanghyuk explained triumphantly.
“That's great! That means they're back together!” the addressed stated completely ignoring his boyfriends sentence. “I knew my intuition was right!”

“Well, in that case we just have to wait and see tomorrow.”
“Isn't Hakyeons sick? I don't think he'll come tomorrow-”
“Oh please, Shikie. We're talking about Hakyeon and Taekwoon. At one point or another in the past, they came dead sick into school because they didn't want to miss anything. Believe me, a slight fever won't stop them.” 

Hey Hey^^ 

I'm back and this week on time ;D 
Please don't hate me. You wanted Rabin and you've got it... more or less ^^'

Your lucky that most of you have voted for a sequel to this, because I'm a bad author... I swear, Rabin wouldn't have had a satisfying end and I would probably be dead. It's just that I'm not really a fan of this super fast progressing relationships <.<   >.>   >.<'' 

While I'm at it, I want to thank you all for participating in the poll ~_~ This story will presumably only have one more chapter (maybe two. Depends on how much I'll write). I'll most probably upload the sequel in about three to four weeks, because there's some palnning to do ^^

Well then, I really hope you've liked this chapter and we'll see us next week to the (probably!) last chapter T.T 

MegaLia <3

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Chapter 26: So I read this story years ago and I was kind of a ghost reader back then. Today I remembered it but I couldn't remember how it was named ^^' but finally I found it. I just wanted to say I love this story a lot, it had me hooked from beginning to end.
Dulanga #2
Chapter 27: I found this story just today and I couldn't stop reading.. Wonderful story. Keep writing more stories. I love your writing so much
signorina_klutz #3
Chapter 27: Wait. there's a sequel? Gotta read it now.
DevilNextToYou #4
Chapter 16: Hey I think u mixed up the time line a little
Taek confessed 5 years ago but 4 years ago was the incident between him and jaehwan
Lylia00 #5
Chapter 26: How can I just found this ;_;
I found it at around 2 a.m out of curiosity and think like, "just 2 chapters then sleep". I want to read it because of the fluff tag, but really, this is like an emotional rollercoaster till the final chapter..
I can't stop reading it and now it's 5a.m.
This story is just wonderful and though the concept is pretty simple, your writing is so nice that I can feel all the emotions and keep tearing up and also grinning.

Thanks for the wonderful story authornim, really love it!!
hyukmin86 #6
Chapter 26: i just started to love neo couple
excited for the sequel
Kokechan #7
Chapter 26: Thank you! It's such a perfect story! I'm looking forward to the sequel! Thank you!
Chapter 26: I'm really hoping for a happy ending for Wonshik in the sequel ;A;
Chapter 26: Goosshh. So excited for the sequellll!!^^