
I won't give up

He didn't knew when he had fallen asleep or for how long, but he was currently woken by fingers sorting through his hair. They were long and thin and oh so gentle. They just felt heavenly and Taekwoon couldn't help the satisfied purr leaving his throat. He hadn't felt so at easy in days.

“Taek?” That voice… Am I dreaming? “Are you awake?”

The black haireds eyes flew open and his head shoot up from it's place on the wards bed. At first his orientation was a bit hazy, but soon his eyes made out the form of Hakyeons face. He looked a bit better than before, but still sleep deprived. A tired smile rested upon his lips and the warmth he had missed for almost two weeks -if you count the week Hakyeon was on that family trip- was radiating from his eyes.

The younger still wasn't quite sure if he was dreaming or not and therefore blinked his eyes a couple of times, but Hakyeon just wasn't disappearing.
“I'm sorry.” Had he heard right? Hakyeon was apologizing to him. Why would he be the one apologizing? He wasn't the one at fault.

Seeing that the redheads mouth began to open so as to speak, Taekwoon quickly interrupted him. 
“No. Don't apologize. I'm the one who's sorry. I'm the one who had agreed on the meeting with Jessica. I'm the one who has hurt you and you had all the right to hate me, so please don't apologize.” He had talked so fast the he was slightly out of breath, but he was scarred that Hakyeon would silence him again and he would miss his chance of finally apologizing.

“Taekwoon I-” But this time Taekwoon was the one interrupting the elder.
“No, Hakyeon. Please,” he grabbed Hakyeons hand and looked deep into his eyes, “let me talk. Just this once, let me talk, please..”
Maybe he was a bit overreacting, but the time he waited felt like years until Hakyeon finally nodded and a breath he knew he was holding escaped his throat.

“I'm sorry, Hakyeon. I know you've probably heard what really happened from Minhyuk, but I want to tell you myself.” Another nod allowed him to go on with his story and so he did. He told him everything he knew, from why he went out in the first place to how he had woken up to Jessica in his bed and Hakyeon standing in his door frame.


“I know you're angry with me and like I've said already, you really have all the right to be, because I would be the same way, but please believe me when I say; I'm so sorry.
 I thought my heart was going to stop beating every time you ignored me or when the only thing I could do was watch you getting worse with every passing day. I tried everything to talk or to apologize to you, but nothing helped, so please don't leave me, Yeon-ah. I love you more than anything and I can't life without you,” tears began welling up in the blonds eyes, “I love you Hakyeon. I love you so, so much and I can't be without you, so please accept my apology.”

Tears gathered in Hakyeons beautiful eyes as well, as he spoke his next words with a voice so soft it could easily pass as a whisper of the wind. “I could and would never be able to leave you, Woon-ah.”
“You mean-”
“You're not the only one who's sorry,” he answered, his voice slightly breaking, “I-I was really stupid. I shouldn't have ignored you like that, but I was just so hurt and couldn't think straight. I'm sorry, Taekwoonie...”

By the time he had finished speaking, tears were running down both males faces.

“I'm sorry too, Yeon-ah.” And with that Taekwoon enveloped his boyfriend in his arms. Maybe he was exaggerating again, but it was the absolute best feeling in this two weeks. Hakyeons slender arms wrapped around his neck, Hakyeons warmth, his scent and the red mop of hair tickling his nose. Finally he had it back again and he sure as hell wouldn't give it up anymore. Not for anything in the whole world. Hakyeon was his and nobody was going to change that. Not over Taekwoons dead body.


“I've missed you...”
“Me too, Taek-ah.”

The blond had moved behind Hakyeon on the wards bed and had the elders back pressed to his chest with two hands wrapped protectively around his middle.
“You've gotten thinner...”
“And who's fault do you think that is?”, Hakyeon sarcastically asked, “You better thank Minhyuk and the others with their seemingly endless stock of cereal bars.”
Taekwoon nuzzled his face into the redheads neck. “You have no idea how grateful I am for that.”

“You know, that you'll get to hear quite an earful from my mum, do you?”
“I know.”

“We're dumb.”

“Yes, we are.”


It got silent for some moments, just the two of them. The only noises besides their mixed breaths came from either outside the ward or the schools yard.
Hakyeon though was never one for silence and therefore broke it first.
“You would never do that for real, would you?”
Taekwoon didn't need to ask what the other was talking about, for there was only one thing he could possibly mean.

A soft kiss was pressed to the joint where Hakyeons throat and neck were connected. Oh how he had missed that neck.
“I promise, to never cheat on you, no matter what. You're way to precious to me as that I could ever have the heart to put you through that again.”
Yes, Taekwoon normally wasn't a great talker because Hakyeon was already filling that spot, but when it was about his precious the words just flow out of his mouth like a waterfall. That's probably also the best way to show, just how much Hakyeon had made an impact on his life and finally he could speak his favourite words again.

“I love you, Cha Hakyeon.”
Warm, tanned hands were placed over Taekwoons cold, white ones.
“I love you too, Jung Taekwoon. Did it all the time.”

“Guys, did you fell that just now?” Jaehwan suddenly asked out of the blue while they were currently eating.
“Yes. Something grate has just happened,” Hongbin agreed, a big, fat, dimpled smile stretching over his whole face.
“You mean...” Sanghyuk spoke up, leaving the sentence hanging.
“Yes, I really hope so.”

Confusion was practically written all over Wonshiks face, as he didn't get what they were talking about. He for his part didn't feel anything like Jaehwan had said. And why were they suddenly talking in puzzles?

“What could it possibly be beside that?” The currently oldest of their group shrugged while continuing to eat his sandwich, the smile never once leaving his lips. “It's definitely more than time for that to happen.”

Was he really that stupid or why didn't he get what that could possibly be?

“Okay, what are you talking about?? Did I miss something?”
The Maknae though just laughed and patted his back with one hand. “Either you figure it out by yourself or you wait until it's officially true, but we won't tell you.”
“Wouldn't want to jinx that of all things,” the dimpled beauty said while throwing a wink in Wonshiks direction and suddenly it clicked.

“Is it about-” a hand was quickly clasped over his moth, effectively shutting the blue haired male.
“Don't you dare ruining it,” they said in unison while throwing death glares at him.

Okay, so maybe he should really consider moving to his parents house in America instead. 

Hey Hey ^^ 

Yes, I've made it!! I really thought I had to delay the uplod because I wouldn't get this chapter finished, but I did! Yay me!! \^o^/
And for all of you who waited so long, it's finally here: NEO FLUFF!! *^* 

Thank you so, so, so, so much for all the support you give me >w< *throws finger hearts at you* 
I hope you've liked it and I hope we'll see us again in the next chapter ;) 

MegaLia <3

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Chapter 26: So I read this story years ago and I was kind of a ghost reader back then. Today I remembered it but I couldn't remember how it was named ^^' but finally I found it. I just wanted to say I love this story a lot, it had me hooked from beginning to end.
Dulanga #2
Chapter 27: I found this story just today and I couldn't stop reading.. Wonderful story. Keep writing more stories. I love your writing so much
signorina_klutz #3
Chapter 27: Wait. there's a sequel? Gotta read it now.
DevilNextToYou #4
Chapter 16: Hey I think u mixed up the time line a little
Taek confessed 5 years ago but 4 years ago was the incident between him and jaehwan
Lylia00 #5
Chapter 26: How can I just found this ;_;
I found it at around 2 a.m out of curiosity and think like, "just 2 chapters then sleep". I want to read it because of the fluff tag, but really, this is like an emotional rollercoaster till the final chapter..
I can't stop reading it and now it's 5a.m.
This story is just wonderful and though the concept is pretty simple, your writing is so nice that I can feel all the emotions and keep tearing up and also grinning.

Thanks for the wonderful story authornim, really love it!!
hyukmin86 #6
Chapter 26: i just started to love neo couple
excited for the sequel
Kokechan #7
Chapter 26: Thank you! It's such a perfect story! I'm looking forward to the sequel! Thank you!
Chapter 26: I'm really hoping for a happy ending for Wonshik in the sequel ;A;
Chapter 26: Goosshh. So excited for the sequellll!!^^