The next day

I won't give up

-The present days-

“You're late,” was all Wonshik said as he stepped into Jaehwans car. On the back seat of course, because Sanghyuk was already in the passenger seat.
“Good morning to you too, grumpy cat,” Jaehwan answered sarcastically, as he started the engine again, “what happened? Stood up with the wrong leg or why are you so friendly today?”
“Don't even ask...” Yes, Wonshik had definitely seen better days already.

First off, he was cruelly woken from his beautiful dream by his alarm clock and promptly fell out of his bed onto the cold hard ground, just to realise with a groan that he was wet and painfully hard. And he totally knew why. He almost felt shameful after that realisation had hit him. Wonshik honestly had a wet dream about Hongbin. A man.
A man that he knew for barely 24 hours.
Way to go, Wonshik…

But as if that wasn't already bad enough, he ran against the bathroom door in his haste of getting relieve and promptly stubbed his poor little toe on the halfway opened door, which was followed by a manly wail piercing scream, then a loud thump resonated through the house as the blue-haired made contact with the floor, again.

Other things that had happened this morning included a more then awkward encounter between Wonshik and his aunt in the bathroom, his favourite mug falling onto the ground after he had burnt his fingers on the steaming hot cup and at least getting three doors slammed into his face. 
Honestly, how he could still be alive without a single scratch, he didn't know.

“Admit it, you've just missed your beloved cousin this morning,” Jaehwan chirped as he drove out of their gateway and onto the streets of Seoul.
“You won't believe it, but I actually didn't miss your presence even one second.”
“Yeah, you're right: I don't believe you. You love me way to much, because everyone loves me.”
At that Wonshik could only roll his eyes, “Yes, believe the lies Sanghyuk tells you, just to get into your pants.”
“Yah! Leave me out of this,” the youngest retorted, “I can get in Jaehwans pants even without compliments. Whereas I can't say the same about you.”
“You don't know .”
“I know enough to get into Wahnies pants.”
“Okay, I really love you guys, but could you please stop speaking about who's getting into who's pants?”
“You don't seem satisfied with last night. Was Sanghyukie really so bad?”
“I'll just let you know, that-”
“If you two don't stop talking about that topic, I'm going to drive to god knows where, and throw your sorry asses out of my car!”
Needless to say; both males instantly shut up, because they knew really well, that Jaehwan didn't do empty treats.

Finally arriving at school Wonshik couldn't get out of the car fast enough. It wasn't that Jaehwans voice was horrible, the opposite even, but he sang with such intensity that the blue-haired thought his poor ears would fall off.

“Why so eager, Hyung?” A voice asked amused. The addressed didn't even have to turn around to know who that voice belonged to.
“Binie-ah! I've missed you!” Jaehwan screeched as soon as he was out of the car, enveloping the younger in a hearty hug.

“You know, that you don't have to hug me to death, just because Hakyeon Hyung is not hear,” the black haired dead panned as he finally got his freedom back.
“Speaking of him: Have you seen him already?” Sanghyuk asked before his boyfriend could say anything else.
“Nope. But I've heard he's already sitting in class.”
“I see… What about Taekwoon Hyung?”
“He should be here in a few moments-
Ah! There he is!”, exclaimed Hongbin and pointed at the gates behind them, where a blond male strode towards them.

“Hey, Hyung! How are you?” Jaehwan immediately asked as the blond came to a halt in front of them.
But said male stayed silent, only shortly shrugging his shoulders and moved on towards the school doors.
“Doesn't seem very good,” Wonshik mumbled under his breath.

“Hyung…! I can't stand it anymore! I want our tooth rotting, sweet Hyung couple back…!” whined Hongbin as they also began making their way into the school building.
“I know, Binie-ah,” the brown haired male said while putting a hand on the youngers shoulder, “but don't worry, we'll get them back together in no time and then you'll wish they would finally stop being so over affective.”

“Come on, Yeonie… You have to at least eat something,” the redheads mother pleaded while knocking on the bathroom door.
“I'm not hungry, mum,” came the short reply, before the hair dryer was put on, leaving his mother no other choice as to go back into the kitchen where she sat down with a heavy sigh leaving her lips.
“You know if my Hakyeonie is going to collapse because he's not eating and sleeping enough, I'm so going to kill Taekwoon,” she said huffing under her breath.

A whole week had already passed since they've come back from their family trip.
A whole week in which she could only watch her beloved adoptive son getting worse and worse with every passing day.
A whole week since Hakyeon came back home with tears streaming down his face. That day was still verry fresh in her mind.

She and her husband just got home, after dropping Hakyeon at Taekwoons, and where twenty minutes into unpacking their luggage, as they heard the front door slam shut. All alarm clocks, plus her mother instinct, setting off in her head, she speed walked towards the entrance just to see Hakyeon. Her dear son, with big tears running down his beautiful face. She remembered how she had taken him into her arms, how he had sobbed into her shoulder for a good half an hour and how devastated his voice sounded as he told her what happened.

If it wasn't for the fact that she had to comfort her son, she would've went back over to Taekwoons house and told him a piece of her mind. No matter if he was nice or not: If someone hurt her son, she'd take an instant dislike to that person.

Suddenly a warm pair of arms, that came to rest on her shoulders, brought her out of her thoughts. “Don't worry, honey. I'm sure there's some kind of misunderstanding,” her husband reasoned, “You know Taekwoon. He's a good boy and I'm sure he would never hurt Hakyeon.” Somewhere deep in her consciousness, the brunette knew her husband was right, but she just couldn't accept that. Not when she saw how bad Hakyeon looked.

“Misunderstanding or not; either way he's hurt my Hakyeon. Have you seen how bad he looks? He hasn't eaten a proper meal in almost four days and the longest he has slept till now were three hours.”

“I know and believe me, I'm worried as well, but I'm also sure, that he'll soon be himself again. Taekwoon isn't someone who gives up easily. If it really was a misunderstanding, than he'll surely try everything in his power to clear it up,” the black haired male placed a kiss on top of his wife's head, “And once that's out of the way, our Yeonie will be back to his usual self in no time.”

The brunette lady sighed again, “But if that's not the case, I'm personally going to send Taekwoon on the path of hell.”
That earned her a bemused chuckle from her husband and another kiss, but this time on her left cheek. “If that's the case you have my fullest support.”

Hey Hey ^^ 

Here I am with the next chapter, even thought it's a bit late (But it's still friday were I am right now ;P) 
I hope you've liked it and sorry that the chapter is so short. I'm on holidays now and if I manage to, I'll upload another chapter before friday ;) 
Until then; Comment, Subscribe and Upvote and thanks for your sweet support ^-^

MegaLia <3

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Chapter 26: So I read this story years ago and I was kind of a ghost reader back then. Today I remembered it but I couldn't remember how it was named ^^' but finally I found it. I just wanted to say I love this story a lot, it had me hooked from beginning to end.
Dulanga #2
Chapter 27: I found this story just today and I couldn't stop reading.. Wonderful story. Keep writing more stories. I love your writing so much
signorina_klutz #3
Chapter 27: Wait. there's a sequel? Gotta read it now.
DevilNextToYou #4
Chapter 16: Hey I think u mixed up the time line a little
Taek confessed 5 years ago but 4 years ago was the incident between him and jaehwan
Lylia00 #5
Chapter 26: How can I just found this ;_;
I found it at around 2 a.m out of curiosity and think like, "just 2 chapters then sleep". I want to read it because of the fluff tag, but really, this is like an emotional rollercoaster till the final chapter..
I can't stop reading it and now it's 5a.m.
This story is just wonderful and though the concept is pretty simple, your writing is so nice that I can feel all the emotions and keep tearing up and also grinning.

Thanks for the wonderful story authornim, really love it!!
hyukmin86 #6
Chapter 26: i just started to love neo couple
excited for the sequel
Kokechan #7
Chapter 26: Thank you! It's such a perfect story! I'm looking forward to the sequel! Thank you!
Chapter 26: I'm really hoping for a happy ending for Wonshik in the sequel ;A;
Chapter 26: Goosshh. So excited for the sequellll!!^^