Planning the Plan

I won't give up

 “I have an idea! Hyung, stop the episode!”, Hongbin suddenly screamed halfway through the third episode in their second drama. Jaehwan instantly grabbed the remote and paused, expectantly looking at the dimpled boy.
“You know that talent party? Isn't it this Friday?”

Simultaneous nodding came as answer. There was literally nobody (- Wonshik) in school who didn't knew about that party. It was like any other and took place at their gym. There was everything a normal party had but with the exception that there weren't any entertainers hired. The entertainers consisted only of students. Mostly ones that could sing very well, but also some with talents like dancing or doing magic tricks, and also ones that couldn't do anything but make the others laugh with their stupidity. Jaehwan was quite the expert in that category.

“My idea is that Taekwoon Hyung will take part in it. I mean Hyung can write good lyrics and has a really nice voice. So why not just write a song for Hakyeon Hyung and then sing it on the party.”

“That… That is brilliant, Binie! Why didn't I came up with that?!”
“Why not?”
“I … I can't sing in front of people...”
“That could be a problem,” Sanghyuk said as a matter of fact, thought Hongbin kept up with his plan.

He went over to where the eldest was sitting and gave him a stern look.
“Oh please, Hyung, don't be such a sissy. It's really no big problem. You just have to sing.”
“I can't, Hongbin.”
But the other wasn't having any of it.
“Believe me, Hakyeon WILL be there, even if he's mentally exhausted, and it's the only way you can talk to him without getting turned down again!
So what's more important to you? Your stage fright or getting Hyung back?!”
“I'm guessing it's the second and if you want that, you have to do something for it. So pull yourself together, write that damn song and sing like you never did!”

“Now that is what I call a speech,” Wonshik said in awe at the younger. Not only hot but also determined, he thought fondly.
“My plan is brilliant and I won't let it be destroyed just because of that,” Hongbin added with fire in his eyes at the thought of bringing their Hyungs back together.

“Jaehwan Hyung, aren't you coming?”, Wonshik questioned as they proceeded to put their shoes on.
After the brilliant plan (as Hongbin and Jaehwan would describe it) was decided and worked out for another two hours, Wonshik, Hongbin and Taekwoon decided to call it a day and go home.
“Nope. I'm staying here with my Hyukie! His parents won't be home until later this evening. Sorry, Shikie it looks like you have to walk back home. But don't worry, it's not that far away. I'm sure Hongbean here knows the way!” Jaehwan explained, while shoving the three of them out of the door.
“Well then, good night Hyungs! Get home safely! And Taekwoon Hyung, don't forget Hakyeon Hyungs song!” Sanghyuk shouted and with that slammed the door shut.

“Wow… Why is he in such a hurry…?”
“Can't wait to get into Jaehwans pants it seems,” Hongbin stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, making Wonshik cough on air and Taekwoon blush like mad.
“Now then, let's go. Jaehwan's pretty noisy and I'm not keen on hearing what they are doing,” he elaborated and proceeded to go away from the door, completely ignoring the other two reactions.
“Are you coming or what?”
“What- Ah uh yeah…!” Wonshik answered and hastily followed the younger, as well as Taekwoon who still hadn't recovered from his blush.

Halfway there, Hongbin and Wonshik said their goodbye to Taekwoon who had to go in another direction, leaving the other two alone. Okay, Wonshik you've known him for just one day but it's clear as hell that you want him and that's your chance to talk to the dimpled angle. Don't ruin it.
“Well that was an exciting day, for your first one at school, wasn't it?”
“You could say that. I definitely hadn't expected to get in the middle of a relationship crisis from people I didn't even now then, but hey at least the strangers look nice. One of them at least,” Wonshik said with a wink and internally cringed at how obvious stupid that was. Well done, Wonshik. Well done…

Hongbin also saw the hidden intention, but decided to play dumb. He had to admit, that Wonshik was his typ of man, but he wouldn't make it so easy.
“Yeah, what a shame that Hyukie is already taken.”
“Yea- wait… what…?”
Hongbin playfully elbowed him in the side, “Oh come on, I've seen your look as Hyuk and I walked up to you. Don't be shy. I also thought he was hot, when I first saw him. But hey, think positively: You didn't have to go through Hakyeon and Taekwoons Don't-you-dare-hurt-our-little-baby-speech. Jaehwan looked like he would his pants for the rest of the week, every time he crossed path with the two Hyungs.”
“Yay… lucky me… I guess…,” the other retorted half-heartedly. 

“How's it by the way? I mean living with Jaehwan? I can imagine it's pretty tiring,” the brown-haired said, changing the topic.
“It's tiring sometimes but pretty okay, I think. You get used to his stupid behaviour. And who would have thought he had such special friends.”
“Well I don't know about you but where I'm from you five would totally stand out.”
“Says the one with blue hair,” Hongbin retorted with a snort.
“Yah! I went to a military school where you literally had no free will for two years, I'm allowed to stand out and have blue hair!” Wonshik said faking to be hurt.

“So you changed school more then once?”
“Yeah my parents have quite the demanding job. It pays well and all but it affords to move to another town, or even country, almost every two years.”
“How often have you changed schools already?”
The blue-haired thought for a bit about his many changes. “I think about seven or six times, but I'm not quite sure.”
The answer took Hongbin by surprise. “Isn't it hard? I mean you surely had friends at your previous schools. Do you stay in contact with them?”
“Naw not really,” he answered as if it was no big deal, “After the third time I've decided to not get overly attached to them because I would be moving at one point or another anyway.”
“I see...” Maybe Hongbin knew the other male barely for one day, but somehow the thought of him leaving again let a dull ache behind. He really hoped that it was different this time. That Wonshik would stay longer so that he was fully anchored in their little group and that Hongbin could get to know him and his louse advances at flirting better.

For some time it got quiet around them as they walked down the road.
“You know, that we won't let you half- your way into our group. Once your around us for longer than one hour you're never able to leave. Even if it means that we have to bribe you into staying.”
That statement caught the elder a bit surprised and he looked at Hongbin with even more surprised eyes, before he chuckled lightly. “From what I've witnessed today I could already figure that there wouldn't be any possibility to do so. And honestly; I don't want to.
I know you guys for roughly one day and just like Jaehwan said before we arrived at school this morning, I can't imagine a life without you guys. Come to think a life without you.”
And with that sentence Wonshik reached a goal he didn't even know he had. He had made Hongbin blush. It was just a light streak of red but still present and Wonshik couldn't be any more happy with himself.
The dimpled boy on the other hand just groaned while trying to hide his blush, “Oh god… Why do you all have to be such saps??”

That night Taekwoon couldn't even get one minute of sleep (not like it was different from the previous days). As soon as he arrived at home he re-heated the meal from yesterdays dinner, because his parents were at work, made himself a cup of coffee and barricaded himself in his room as soon as his food was ready. He sat on his office chair and put the plate + cup on his desk.

While he waited for his food to cool out a bit he pulled a block and pen out of his school bag and began to think. Sure it still made him uneasy to think about him singing in front of the whole students of his school, but Hongbin was right: If he wanted Hakyeon back he had to do something. There were probably easier ways, but as long as he hadn't found them he had to stick to the actual plan. But after a week of being completely ignored and turned down by Hakyeon he was ready to murder to get his red-haired angle back, no matter what.

It was his fault that it came to this situation in the first line, because if he hadn't given in to Jessica's request everything would be as it was. Hakyeon would have come home from his trip, visited Taekwoon and cuddled him into oblivion and they wouldn't be fighting now.

He already had turned Jessica down two or three times and he really thought that she was over it by now and would have accepted that there was no possibility of them ever getting together, but Taekwoon was stupid. He should have put more distance into their relationship and not granted her request. But Taekwoon also had a soft heart. He just couldn't find it in himself to turn her down. She was a human too and she could hurt too, because she had feelings like everyone else.

Thought what she did was really low of her, he was sure that he would forgive her one day. Just like he had in the past with Jaehwan. He wasn't one to hate people. Everyone had their reasons for doing what they did, some had more noble reasons and some less. They were humans and humans are destined to make mistakes at one point or another.
So Taekwoon was sure that he would forgive Jessica. But not any time soon and it would definitely not be like it was before. He would put more distance between them so as to not give her the wrong signs but he wouldn't cut their connection completely.

Ending that train of thought, the blonde put away the now empty plate and put the block in front of him. He took two sips of the lukewarm coffee before he grabbed his pen and began to think as to what he should write. Normally he would just carelessly write down some stray lines that would pop up in his mind and then somehow bring them into connection. But this time it was different. It wasn't just something he could do half-heartedly. It was something he really had to put his thoughts and his heart into. It was something that would decide if Hakyeon wanted him back or not. It was something that was so important to him, as if it would decide whether he would live or die.

A sudden memory crossed his mind and he had the feeling that that would happen more than one time this night. But it could help him digging for ideas so he just let them play in his mind. 

Hey Hey ^^ 

Here I am, back with another Chapter ^_^
Thanks for your lovely comments and 100 subs, really now?!! 
I'm so happy right now! As I began this story I wouldn't have thought that there would be so manny people reading it *~* 
Thank you, Thank you so much *o* 
I hope you've liked this chapter and be prepeard for another flash-back for the next chapter ;D 

MegaLia <3

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Chapter 26: So I read this story years ago and I was kind of a ghost reader back then. Today I remembered it but I couldn't remember how it was named ^^' but finally I found it. I just wanted to say I love this story a lot, it had me hooked from beginning to end.
Dulanga #2
Chapter 27: I found this story just today and I couldn't stop reading.. Wonderful story. Keep writing more stories. I love your writing so much
signorina_klutz #3
Chapter 27: Wait. there's a sequel? Gotta read it now.
DevilNextToYou #4
Chapter 16: Hey I think u mixed up the time line a little
Taek confessed 5 years ago but 4 years ago was the incident between him and jaehwan
Lylia00 #5
Chapter 26: How can I just found this ;_;
I found it at around 2 a.m out of curiosity and think like, "just 2 chapters then sleep". I want to read it because of the fluff tag, but really, this is like an emotional rollercoaster till the final chapter..
I can't stop reading it and now it's 5a.m.
This story is just wonderful and though the concept is pretty simple, your writing is so nice that I can feel all the emotions and keep tearing up and also grinning.

Thanks for the wonderful story authornim, really love it!!
hyukmin86 #6
Chapter 26: i just started to love neo couple
excited for the sequel
Kokechan #7
Chapter 26: Thank you! It's such a perfect story! I'm looking forward to the sequel! Thank you!
Chapter 26: I'm really hoping for a happy ending for Wonshik in the sequel ;A;
Chapter 26: Goosshh. So excited for the sequellll!!^^