Page 5

Kim Jongin, My Boyfriend...or Not?
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Page 5

Narrator's POV

Haemin would've never expected it when Kai walked over to her table in the cafeteria. The constant loud chatter in the cafeteria gradually died down as students nudged one another and turned all the attention to the two unlikely people gathered together. What was happening? People wondered. The school's most popular and rich student approaching the school's poorest and most outcasted student? This was going to make the headlines to the school's magazine, if they were to have one, that is. 

Haemin almost spit out her rice when the guy pushed Luhan further along the cafeteria's bench and sat opposite her. Luhan frowned, annoyed that he was being treated this way by someone he didn't even know. He would've scolded Kai if not for the fact that the said one seemed to have something important he wanted to tell Haemin. Luhan propped himself up using his elbow and turned to look at Kai, waiting for him to speak. 

By then, the cafeteria was so quiet that Haemin could almost hear the students breathing from three tables away. She placed her chopsticks down and raised her eyebrows, questioning Kai's intent. 

Haemin was dying to break the awkward atmosphere in the cafeteria. Literally everyone was staring. “K-Kai-sshi, do you have anything to say?” Haemin squared her shoulders and tried to face Kai up front. Needless to say, she was scared less. This was exactly the kind of situation that she did not want to be in. Sitting across the school’s most popular boy and having the whole cafeteria filled with students staring at her? Haemin would rather fight a bull, and that says a lot, given her unexplainable fear of any animal bigger than her. 

The stares from the students were too intense, even for Kai. “Aish, come with me.” He stood up and reached over to grab Haemin’s hand, pulling her along with him when he made his way to the cafeteria’s exit. Luhan wanted to run after them but was stopped by Kai’s group of friends. “Aish, let me go! Haemin-ah! Yah!” He tried to get to you but to no avail. 

Haemin heard someone gasp, “Omo, he’s holding her hand!” Haemin felt her face growing hotter by the second as she looked at her hand in Kai’s. She tried to struggle free but the more she did, the tighter he held onto. Haemin thought Kai’s little group of fangirls were going to kill her, as they stared daggers at the said one, who was, in their eyes, leaving the cafeteria with their favourite oppa hand in hand. 

Kai dragged Haemin all the way to a foreign looking place, and once they were completely out of sight, he released her from his tight grip and turned to face her. He scanned her from head to toe and assessed her accordingly. *It’s going to be so embarrassing to have her as my girlfriend. But ugh, it’s the fun that matters!* Kai smirked and crossed his arms across his chest. “Well, I’ll make this quick. Be my girlfriend.” 

Haemin gawked at him, unintentionally, due to the absurdity of whatever he was saying. “Be your what?!?” 


“Are you crazy? You must be crazy. I don’t even know you, what makes you think I’ll agree to this? What the hell kind of game are you even playing? I don’t have time for this.” Haemin raised her voice at him, turned around and started making her way back to the cafeteria to continue with lunch, if the crazy fangirls allowed her to.

What shocked Haemin the most was when Kai held her back. *Is he for real now?* She spun around and eyed him, “Kai-sshi, what-“ 

“Byun Baekhyun?” He raised his eyebrow, his lips forming into a shape of a smirk. 

Haemin immediately reacted to the name, her cheeks grew hotter than before, when Kai held her hand. 

*Bingo!* Kai knew his instincts were right, there was definitely something going on between Haemin and the new guy, and this piece of news was going to be priceless. “Yah, annoying girl. You know who I am right? I still haven’t forgotten the coke incident, and if I do, and I can, make it a big issue, you’re really dead then, you know that? So just say that you’ll be my girlfriend.” 

*Ugh, arrogant .* Haemin tried to play nice and salvage the situation she was in, before all hell breaks loose. “Kai-sshi, I already apologised and I am willing to pay for the dry cl

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ctnajihah #1
Chapter 15: <3333333
Kpopkm #2
Please update I love this fanfic!
suliman #3
Chapter 15: Love,love and love
I hope they would be happy
And i think her family should give her some freedom
Please update soon
suliman #4
Chapter 14: Where is the other kai?
I want kai to kiss her soon
What would her brothers do when they know about kai?
Please update soon
Hashtagkpop #5
Chapter 12: im really interested in this story. please continue to work on it.
suliman #6
Chapter 12: Well done kai
Please update soon
suliman #7
Chapter 10: Kai is falling in love
But what about the other him
When will they kiss on the lips ?
Please update soon
suliman #8
Chapter 8: I love this story
Please update soon
nishizouma #9
wow, nice one author nom!
suliman #10
Chapter 7: Please update soon