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Kim Jongin, My Boyfriend...or Not?
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Haemin’s POV

*Omona, please tell me he hasn’t seen me yet.* I shielded my face with my hand as I turned my face towards the window. 

*Why on earth is he here? What should I do now? Ugh I really need to talk to Luhan now!!!* I closed my eyes and tried to calm down.

“Annyeonghaseyo, I’m Byun Baekhyun, I’m 18 this year but I’ll be in the same year as you guys as I took a break from school for some time, and I’d like to spend more time catching up! Please take good care of me!” Baekhyun bowed and listening to his voice made your heart beat faster. 

*Yah, Kang Haemin, get a grip! Just pretend you don’t know him!* I squeezed my eyes shut, took a deep breath and turned back to face the front of the class. *It’s gonna be alright. Who knows, maybe he can’t even remember me!* I tried to be optimistic, but boy, was I wrong. 

“Ok, Baekhyun, go pick a seat that you like! The rest of you, take out your economics text book, I’ll start lessons now!” The teacher tapped his long ruler against the blackboard. 

The students groaned and reached into their backpacks to retrieve the thick and heavy book that really closely resembled doom, or so everyone thought. 

*Please don’t sit here. Please don’t sit here. Please don’t sit here.* I prayed hard as I watched Baekhyun make his way across the class room. 

His lips curled into a smile and his eyes glistened, only focusing on one thing. 

*Yah, why is he coming over??? Does he remember me? Oh god, Kang Haemin! What are you going to do now?* I tapped my feet nervously as I saw Baekhyun walking towards my ‘personal’ corner slowly. 

All eyes followed him, especially the girls’, as who wouldn’t want a guy as handsome as Baekhyun as their desk partner? Some girl even gasped when Baekhyun made his way towards me. 

I placed my backpack on the seat beside me and turned my face back towards the window, hoping that he would take it as a sign that I didn’t want anyone sitting beside me. 


“Hey, do you mind?” Someone tapped my shoulder and I froze. I gulped and turned to face the source of the voice. Seeing him up close, I seemed to lose all my abilities to function as a normal human being. *I wouldn’t forget this face even if I died a thousand times…* I almost smiled until I realised the situation I was in. 

“N-No…” I reluctantly shifted my backpack to it’s original position and emptied the seat beside me. I prayed and prayed that he wouldn’t talk to me.

“Kang-“ Baekhyun started and before he could complete his sentence, I stood up. 

“Teacher, I need to go to the washroom.” I shouted, then mentally scolded myself for making such a scene. I quickly left the classroom after I got the teacher’s permission, not wanting to witness the aftermath of the awkward commotion I caused in the classroom. 


I kept my head down while running towards the toilet. In a hurry, I didn’t notice that there were a group of people in front of me. I stopped in my tracks when I bumped into something - wait no, someone. I lifted my head, *Oh crap.* 

“What the hell? Do you not have eyes?” The voice, cold as ice, pierced through me. I gulped and bowed, “I-I’m sorry!” I tried to walk around the student but his friends blocked my way. 

“Where do you think you’re going?” I looked up at the student in front of me, he raised his eyebrows and questioned me. 

“Erm…toilet?” I said meekly. *Can’t they just let me go? I apologised and even bowed!* 

“You just bumped into me and made me spill Coke all over my uniform. You think an ‘I’m sorry’ would suffice?” The boy scoffed. 

I was too out of sorts to notice that black, sweet-smelling liquid was spilt all over the floor, and even stained the boy’s white school uniform and white shoes. *Oh crap. Oh crap.* 

I bowed again, “I’m so sorry! I’ll help you clean your uniform! I’ll even pay for it!” 

“Pay? Do you even know how much Kai hyung’s uniform costs? With what are you going to pay?” Another male, who looked even you

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ctnajihah #1
Chapter 15: <3333333
Kpopkm #2
Please update I love this fanfic!
suliman #3
Chapter 15: Love,love and love
I hope they would be happy
And i think her family should give her some freedom
Please update soon
suliman #4
Chapter 14: Where is the other kai?
I want kai to kiss her soon
What would her brothers do when they know about kai?
Please update soon
Hashtagkpop #5
Chapter 12: im really interested in this story. please continue to work on it.
suliman #6
Chapter 12: Well done kai
Please update soon
suliman #7
Chapter 10: Kai is falling in love
But what about the other him
When will they kiss on the lips ?
Please update soon
suliman #8
Chapter 8: I love this story
Please update soon
nishizouma #9
wow, nice one author nom!
suliman #10
Chapter 7: Please update soon