Page 15

Kim Jongin, My Boyfriend...or Not?
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Page 14

In the middle of class, Haemin's phone rang. She unlocked it and stared at the new message. 

From: Da Ge

We're here. See you soon, little sis.  


She stared at it for a little too long, that even Baekhyun noticed it. "What are you looking at? Anything interesting?" He teased playfully. "A-Aniya! It's nothing!" She immediately locked her phone and placed it back in her pocket. She smiled sheepishly and urged Baekhyun to look forward and concentrate in class. 


I guess I'll have to do everything I can to avoid them...There'll be a day when we cross paths, but that's definitely not today. Haemin let out a deep breath and temporarily chucked her troubles one side, to at least enjoy the remaining days of freedom.  



Even during lunch, Haemin avoided the crowd and spent the whole time at their usual spot with Luhan. "You know you can't avoid them forever right?" Luhan said as he shoved a piece of kimbap in his mouth and started chewing away. Haemin nodded solemnly, "I'll just count the days as they past, I want to avoid them for as long as I can. I don't want people to know I'm related to them... I just want to pass through high school without any drama."


Luhan looked at her and probed some more, "You sure it's not because of someone by the name of Kai?" Haemin choked on her kimbap and turned to smack Luhan on the back, causing him to choke on his food too. "Yah!" He glared at her. 


"They don't know about him so don't you dare mention even his name in front of them. I'm warning you, Luhan!" Haemin returned the hostile glare. "What, you're afraid they won't approve?" Luhan scoffed, "Well that's kinda true, you know your Father definitely would not approve of someone like him. He might come from a good family but not someone that can match a Kang." 


 "Yah. Don't talk about him like that." Haemin pursed her lips. Luhan raised his eyebrow and cocked his head to one side, "Carebear, you've fallen for him? So fast? I thought you were just going crazy over Baekhyun the other day." Heat crept up Haemin's face, "No! We're just together because he's threatening me with Baekhyun! Kai's just a friend.”


Luhan continued chewing away, “Sure sure, whatever you say.” Haemin narrowed her eyes, “Yah, I’m being serious here. You know how he treated me before, there’s no way he really likes me, and there’s no way I’ll fall for him!” Luhan shook his head slowly, really not taking Haemin seriously, “Anyhow, just be careful alright, you know they won’t approve of him right. As soon as the news spreads to them, you can say goodbye to Kai.” 


I know that…That’s also why I’m trying my best to distance myself from that arrogant … Haemin lost her appetite and just continued poking at her lunch, dwelling on the different consequences of her family finding out that their precio

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ctnajihah #1
Chapter 15: <3333333
Kpopkm #2
Please update I love this fanfic!
suliman #3
Chapter 15: Love,love and love
I hope they would be happy
And i think her family should give her some freedom
Please update soon
suliman #4
Chapter 14: Where is the other kai?
I want kai to kiss her soon
What would her brothers do when they know about kai?
Please update soon
Hashtagkpop #5
Chapter 12: im really interested in this story. please continue to work on it.
suliman #6
Chapter 12: Well done kai
Please update soon
suliman #7
Chapter 10: Kai is falling in love
But what about the other him
When will they kiss on the lips ?
Please update soon
suliman #8
Chapter 8: I love this story
Please update soon
nishizouma #9
wow, nice one author nom!
suliman #10
Chapter 7: Please update soon