Page 13

Kim Jongin, My Boyfriend...or Not?
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Page 13

Kai parked his motorcycle in the garage of this expensive looking apartment. He got off and opened his arms widely, offering to help Haemin off the motorcycle. "I can manage." She whispered but her lips trembled. She swung her leg over the seat and hopped off but didn't land right, causing herself to stumble right into the pair of arms she just rejected. 


"Stubborn." Kai frowned as he caught her. He placed an arm around her shoulders and hugged her close. Haemin still struggled though, "I'm fine, I still can walk on my own." 


That was when Kai grew frustrated, "Yah, Kang Haemin. Which part of 'Just lean on me' do you not understand?" He grabbed her waist this time and Haemin's eyes widened at the sudden gesture. She relented after realising Kai was not going to leave her alone. "I just don't like depending on people..." She muttered under her breath, meaning for that to only be heard by herself, but Kai caught it. "Just this once alright? You look like you're about to collapse." 


Haemin didn't have the energy to fight him anymore, so she just nodded and rested her head against his shoulder as he helped her up to one of the apartments. "Your place?" Haemin raised an eyebrow after he gestured for her to enter the place he opened the door to. Kai chuckled at her expression, "You expected more?" 


Haemin shrugged, "Well according to Kim Sojin and practically everyone else in school, you are 'Kai, the school's richest and most popular student'." She rolled her eyes, remember how the girls in school were all almost drooling even at the sight of him. As Haemin sat down on one of the chairs in the dining area, she looked at Kai as he was preparing something in the kitchen. The view of his strong back and finely chiseled muscles made her heart go ba-dum ba-dum. 


Haemin shook her head to remove those thoughts of him, but her eyes never left Kai, and unfortunately for her, he noticed and walked towards her, settling a hot cup of ginger tea in front of her. Kai smirked, "I see you would also add the 'most handsome' part to my description." Haemin narrowed her eyes, "You wish. You're not even top 3 on Kang Haemin's 'List of Handsome Men'."


And that spurred Kai's curosity. "Yah, aren't you being too much? How many guys do you know that I'm not even on top 3? With this face?" He cupped his face with both his hands and pouted. Seeing the cold and cool Kai from school pouting, it was really something new. Haemin giggled and shook her head, "Fine, if you count in school, you're just behind Baekhyun and Lu." 


Kai pursed his lips at the mention of a name he didn't want to hear from Haemin. "He's not even that good looking, he and his stupid black hair." Kai didn't notice how ironic his statement was, considering his hair was as black as charcoal too. Haemin reached over and ruffled his hair, "And what color is this?" She tilted her head sideways and Kai thought he was going to have a heart attack from how fast his heart was pounding against his chest. 


He looked down at his hands and mumbled, "I'll let it go since you're so cute." Haemin didn't catch that and asked him to repeat what he said, but he brushed it off and held out his hand to help Haemin into one of the rooms. 


He sat her down in what looked like his bedroom. The walls were painted sky blue. Everything else were either blue or black. "You're the only one here?" Haemin asked as she sat on his bed while he grabbed something from the bathroom. "This is not the Kim's Estates, I stay here when my parents aren't home, and that's most of the time." Kai chuckled but it sounded bitter. Haemin didn't prod on and just admired the tidiness of his room. Is this even a boy's room? It's almost neater than mine!


Kai snapped her out of her thoughts when he came over to her and sat on the floor while she sat on the bed. He opened the first aid kit that he got from the washroom and grabbed the disinfectant. He dabbed at the wounds on her knees softly and blew on them. Haemin winced when the disinfectant came in contact with her

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ctnajihah #1
Chapter 15: <3333333
Kpopkm #2
Please update I love this fanfic!
suliman #3
Chapter 15: Love,love and love
I hope they would be happy
And i think her family should give her some freedom
Please update soon
suliman #4
Chapter 14: Where is the other kai?
I want kai to kiss her soon
What would her brothers do when they know about kai?
Please update soon
Hashtagkpop #5
Chapter 12: im really interested in this story. please continue to work on it.
suliman #6
Chapter 12: Well done kai
Please update soon
suliman #7
Chapter 10: Kai is falling in love
But what about the other him
When will they kiss on the lips ?
Please update soon
suliman #8
Chapter 8: I love this story
Please update soon
nishizouma #9
wow, nice one author nom!
suliman #10
Chapter 7: Please update soon