She is soooooo CUTE!

FanGirl's Dream

[MeeYeon's POV]



"MeeYeon! I can't hold it any longer! " YoSeob screamed.


"Huh? What?! YoSeob! Don't pee here! It's gonna stink! Hold on!" I screamed back.


"Aniyo! I am afraid of the dark!..." He lowered his voice and pouted.


"How do you sleep at night then?" I asked curiously trying to hold my laughter.


"Mr Teddy Bear accompany me when I sleep. I'm not afraid of darkness if I hug something or.. someone..." YoSeob mumbled shyly. 


"Eh... Oh... Okay... So... You wanna hug me?" I mumbled and sited on the floor in the lift. "Jinja?! You... will let me hug you!" YoSeob said while trembling.


"Yeah! I'm the luckiest fangirl in the world!  I know Yang YoSeob Oppa darkest secret & wants to hug me!" the voice in my head screamed.


"Ummmmh...Ye.." Before I could continue, YoSeob grabbed my waist and pull me in to a hug. I blushed madly. YoSeob hug so... Comfortable! 



[YoSeob's POV]


"I can't believe it! I'm hugging her! ><" I thought to myself.


"Oppa... I mean YoSeob-sshi.. I can't breath! You are hugging me way too tight!" MeeYeon said while gasping for breath. 


"Firstly, call me oppa~ Secondly, You ate gasping for breath? Do you want me to do CPR for you? Thirdly,  MeeYeon I think..."  Before I can continue the life door open and I saw JunHyung standing there with an old ajjusshi. I quickly let go of MeeYeon and we awkwardly stood up. 


"Sir and Miss, sorry for the problem cause." The old ajjushi said.


"Nah... Thanks to you I can hug MeeYeon~" YoSeob thought.


"Is okay ajjushi! You saved our lives! ^^" MeeYeon said cheerfully.


"YoSeob, to answer your questions in the lift.. The answers is all NO." MeeYeon said trying to make the NO sounds loud and clear to me.



[JunHyung's POV]


"Wow... When the lift door open... I saw... YoSeob hugging MeeYeon.. I know YoSeob is afraid of the dark but... He still cannot do that to a girl..." I was deeply caught in my thoughts while suddenly someone shook me awake.


"JunHyung-sshi? JunHyung? Yong JunHyung?! Yah Oppa!" MeeYeon shook me and I was shock to hear the last word... She called me Oppa... "Yah... I'm done packing already... What are you still standing there?!" MeeYeon asked slightly annoyed.


"Oh... Mianhae... I was thinking of YoSeob and... I mean YoSeob and I new song!!!" I shouted.


"Okayy okayy! I got it... Don't need to scream..." She pouted.


Gosh... She is cute...  "Oh! Where is Seob then?"  I asked trying to change the subject


. "He is downstairs helping me to check out of the hotel... He told you that before we went up on the lift..." MeeYeon replied while tilting her head to one side with a curious look on her face.


"Are you okay JunHyung-sshi?" She asked with a concerned look on her face now.


"Huh? Oh... Yeah... I'm fine. Just a little tired. Here. Let me help you with your bags." I replied trying to changed the subject again.



After everything was settled we went back to the BEAST dorm.


I helped MeeYeon with her bags and YoSeob open the door.



When we entered the dorm was in a messed... As expected...


DuJun was playing with his phone... Probably some soccer game he just downloaded.


HyunSeung was stressed due to the tight schedule he had for the new TroubleMaker Album so he is left alone in one corner to chill...


GiKwang and DongWoon was throwing their under garment to each other... When GiKwang saw us. He was shocked and accidentally threw the under garment down the open window. He immediately peek out of the window and wanted to apologize ... But it was not a really good idea...


"Ah! Omg! Is GiKwang oppa boxer!!!" A fangirl scream.


"Oh! Hi... Mianhae about that.. It is not mine.. It's JunHyung's... Continue to love BEAST!" GiKwang shouted back and gave a wink.


He close the window to prevent hearing screams...


"Guys! What are you doing! Aren't you suppose to clean up the mess?!" I yelled at them.


"Lee GiKwang! Which boxer did you throw down?!" "Pika... Pika... Chu..." GiKwang stuttered knowing that he is gonna get in trouble.


"Yahhhhhh! That one is my favorite! Pikachu boxer! Limited edition! I bought it when we were in Japan! How could you!" JunHyung umma seems like his gonna cry anytime.


"Oh no! Umma is gonna burst anytime! Pali clean up!" DuJun whispered to the rest of them.


"Yah... DuJun Appa... This is not gonna work... You are suppose to clean this messy dorm up when we are not here.." YoSeob cut in.


"Pfffttt...Buahahahahaha! You... Guys... Are... Soooooooooooooooooo... CUTE!" MeeYeon said in between her laughter. 





-their thoughts-


YoSeob- Omg... She is so beautiful!



JunHyung- Cute...


GiKwang- Angel....


DuJun- Cool... Her laughter is...


HyunSeung- TroubleMaker...


DongWoon- Noona is so adorable! 





TEASER: Uh-oh... BEAST members like her? We shall find out the next chapter! 




Chapter 9 done! How was it? Mianhae if it is boring... >< I'm quite busy with math homework lately... I hate it anyway... Haha. Well hope you readers enjoy it & I will update as soon as I can!



-wenchin & jiaen- <3

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angelkitty #1
OHMYGOSHH ~~~ They are having an " official " date ~~

What can I say ? Junyung , you have a sad life ? :P AWWWW , sad for you JUnhyungie , Meeyeon is on a DATE with yoseob ~~ LOL :) Heh , work harder Junhyung :3
jiaen95 #2
people,can help me like and promote this link thank you^^ pleade don't like other if can ^^ i will like back your^^
WenChin #3
@hyohee I will. >< having exams this coming week. I will update after my exams. Thanks for reading! ^^
update soon. ok?
WenChin #5
@iloveb2stforever I will update soon! Thanks for loving and commenting! ^^ <3
Update soon I really love your story
WenChin #7
@katie28 heh. You love to eat tangerines? :) Me too~! Thanks for commenting~ ^^
tangerine garden! i want to go there too.. :(( i wanna eat tangerines~~~~~~~~~~! i think Yoseob and meeyeon will enjoy their 3-day date.. :D
WenChin #9
@lolitsme hi! thanks for reading!<br />
And yes! Meeyeon is you. :)<br />
I will update soon. ^^
WenChin #10
@hyoyee welcome my dear new reader! <3 thanks for reading! ^^ keke