I need your help

FanGirl's Dream
Title: I need your help

[MeeYeon's POV]

@helloimys I'm sorry I myself is messed up too... Maybe we shall meet up tommorrow. (in broken hangul)?

"MeeYeon... You're a pabo..." I put my phone beside me and fell asleep.

The next morning... The sun shone ini the room through the window.?

"Argghh!! Stupid sun..." I whined

I grabbed my phone and look at it with my eyes half open.?

My eyes immediately turn big when I saw 15 unread texts and 10 missed calls.

"But... But... It's only 7.30am in the morning!" I whined again.

I read each text...

From: 7777777
To: MeeYeon
MeeYeon-ah. YoSeob here. You said u wanted to meet up. I'm glad. How about meeting me at the cafe beside the Cube Company Building at 8.30am. :) See you there!
send at 05:40am

From: 777777
To: MeeYeon
Eh? Did u recieve my text? Are you still angry? If you are I'm so sorry! :(
send at 06:00am

From: 777777
To: MeeYeon

Please reply me asap! Are you okay? MeeYeon?
send at 06:30am

I continue to read the rest 12 texts that was send my YoSeob...?
"Gosh... This guy... Don't he need to sleep?!" I talk to myself.

I read the last text. This text was not from YoSeob but it was from JunHyung.

From: 888888
To: MeeYeon

Yo! I'm JunHyung The Joker. Papa Hong wants to see you today at 10am in the Cube Entertainment Meeting Room. Don't be late arrasso! :)

"Man... JunHyung seriously got some mood-swing problem... Suddenly treat me so cold and then now so nice..." I mumbled to myself sleepily.

I replied both of them after I save their numbers.

To: YoSeob
From: MeeYeon
Yah! Do you really have to send me 14 texts and call me 10 times! I was sleeping! Don't you need sleep too??
Aish... I will see you there at the cafe. Don't text me again...?

I clicked the send button.

From: MeeYeon
Arrasso! I won't be late! See ya! ^^

I send the text and head to the bathroom to wash up.

15minutes later...
I grabbed my bag and went out of my hotel room...

I decided to stroll there since my hotel is just nearby from the Cube Company.

When I was outside the cafe I peek through the windows and saw a man with a mask on his face.

"Ah... That must be him... He doesn't want any fans to notice him..." I thought.

I entered the cafe, I can feel my hear beat crazily. It was racing each time I walk a step nearer to him.

I sat down infront of him trying not to look into his eyes.

He started to speak up.

"Ummmh... Want... Something to drink-drink?" YoSeob Stuttered

"Sure. A cup of hot chocolate would be nice." I smile and replied to him.

He called the lady and help me order my drink. After that he turned and look at me.

"MeeYeon... Mianhae about..." YoSeob was about to continue but I cut in.

"Is okay. I don't mind. I...I mean I forgive you..." I mumbled and blushed.

"Oh really? Geez... I was worried how was I gonna make up to you... I felt so guilty and all... You see... I don't really know or understand girls..." He mumbled.

Wooooowooo... Wait! I Yang MeeYeon...A fangirl of Yang Yo Seob is sitting opposite him and is having a conversation with him... I'm one lucky fangirl! I was deeply caught in my thought.

"MeeYeon? MeeYeon?? MeeYeon?! Yah! Yang MeeYeon!" He raised his voice slightly.

"Huh? What! Did you say something??" I was startled.

"Did you hear what I said just now?" YoSeob returned to his normal speaking voice again.

"Eh? Yes.. You said you don't understand girls and blah blah..." I replied plainly.

"So... I need your help MeeYeon." He was playing with his fingers and looking down at his cup of coffee.

"Oh... Haha. What is it YoSeob-sshi? Maybe I can help." I replied with a smile.

"As you can see I don't understand girls so I need you to teach me how to... I like a girl and I before I want to confess to her, I want to learn how to be romantic." He mumbled shyliy.

"Bwoh! You have a crush?!" I screamed.

He was startled.

"I mean I would love to help!" I fake him a smile.

"Jinja MeeYeon? You will help me?!" YoSeob replied to me excitedly.

"I ain't happy that YoSeob likes someone...I wonder who is that girl... She must be really cute, pretty and all..." I sighed and continue to sip my hot chocolate.

"I guess we shall find out soon enough... Plus YoSeob asked for my help to make the girl fall in love with him..." I mumbled to myself grouchily.

"Huh? Did you say something?" YoSeob looked at me with those innocent eyes.

"Oh nothing. Wow.. So late already? Is 9.45am... I think I should leave now." I stood up and straighten my attire.

"Where are you going MeeYeon?" He stood up too.

"Cube company. Papa Hong wanted to see me at the Meeting Room." I replied without looking at him, I was upset for what he said just now.

"Me too~~ Papa Hong told me the same thing! Let's go together!" He chirped and jump around like a kid.

"Ummmmh.. Sure oppa. I mean YoSeob-sshi! Stop jumping around! You are making a scene here!" I glared at him.

[YoSeob's POV]

"What did you called me? You called me oppa?!" I asked to double check again.

"No... You heard it wrongly. Is already 9.52am... You want to be late then continue to stand here." She was obviously pissed.

We walked towards the company in slience.

10 minutes later we reached the Meeting Room.

When I open the door, everyone was there.
4 Minute, G.NA, the rest of the BEAST members, the crew, managers, Papa Hong and 5 unknown girls.

"Mianhae everyone. We are late." I bowed and grabbed MeeYeon's hand and walk towards our seats.

I can feel everyone staring at us.
Once we sitted down the meeting started.

"So... Is true." Papa Hong said

Teaser: What is Papa Hong talking about?
What is MeeYeon and YoSeob's reaction?
Who are those five unknown girls?

Wanna know? We shall see in the next chapter then! Hwaiting!

Chapter 6 is done! How was it guys?
Love you all readers! <3

-wenchin & jiaen- <3
Which BEAST members do you want to see more in this fanfic other than YoSeob and JunHyung?
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angelkitty #1
OHMYGOSHH ~~~ They are having an " official " date ~~

What can I say ? Junyung , you have a sad life ? :P AWWWW , sad for you JUnhyungie , Meeyeon is on a DATE with yoseob ~~ LOL :) Heh , work harder Junhyung :3
jiaen95 #2
people,can help me like and promote this link http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150703662701252&set=pu.192897256251&type=1&theater&refid=52&ref=nf thank you^^ pleade don't like other if can ^^ i will like back your^^
WenChin #3
@hyohee I will. >< having exams this coming week. I will update after my exams. Thanks for reading! ^^
update soon. ok?
WenChin #5
@iloveb2stforever I will update soon! Thanks for loving and commenting! ^^ <3
Update soon I really love your story
WenChin #7
@katie28 heh. You love to eat tangerines? :) Me too~! Thanks for commenting~ ^^
tangerine garden! i want to go there too.. :(( i wanna eat tangerines~~~~~~~~~~! i think Yoseob and meeyeon will enjoy their 3-day date.. :D
WenChin #9
@lolitsme hi! thanks for reading!<br />
And yes! Meeyeon is you. :)<br />
I will update soon. ^^
WenChin #10
@hyoyee welcome my dear new reader! <3 thanks for reading! ^^ keke