What are you thinking?

FanGirl's Dream

[YoSeob's POV]

"Is she avoiding me?!" I ruffled my hair obviously annoyed.

[MeeYeon's POV]

MeeYeon ran off to the toilet with a confused mind.

"Yang MeeYeon... What are you exactly thinking..." I thought. My mind was really messy and lost.?

"Should I just ignore him?Or should I treat it as nothing had happen when we are in the audition room..." MeeYeon hesistated.

"AHHHH! This is making me CRAZY!!!! I should stop thinking about it" MeeYeon mumbled to herself.



2 hour later...

MeeYeon returned back to the hotel. She told this piece of good news to her parents.


"Umma? Is me MeeYeon. I got into the Cube Company as a trainee. Can you please tell Oppa too? I will be returning back to Singapore next week.. Once I settle some matters here."

"You do us proud my dear daughter,i am going to tell all my friend about it!" MeeYeon's Umma was so glad to hear that her precious daughter had fulfilled her dreams.

"MeeYeon honey. Do take care of yourself. " MeeYeon's Umma's voice turned into a gentle tone.

"Umma. No worries. I will take care of myself. See you all soon. Good Bye."


After she hung up. She went for a quick shower.

After a refreshing shower,she plodded on her the bed and use her phone to check twitter.


"Hmmmm... Wow... 20 more followers? That's weird..." I mumbled in a curious tone.

I scroll down and look at each person's profile.

"I see... These people are the contestants from the Cube Audition." I smiled.

"What?!!! YoSeob is following me?!" I think something wrong is with my eyes..." I gasped in disbelief.

"YoSeob! What are you thinking!" My eyes widen in disbelief.



[Yoseob's POV]

"Yang MeeYeon. Follow." I clicked the follow button after much hesitation.

"Wae is she avoiding me!!! Aish... I shouldn't have treat her that way when we were in the audition room."
Yoseob was emoing alone in the room while checking twitter.

"Aishh....what should i do to make her talk to me again?? " this sentence keep appearing in Yoseob's mind.

"Should i give her a present? or Should I just wait till she talks to me or Should i just run to her and hug her?!" nonsense ideas kept coming into yoseob's mind.

"Pffftttt... Run and Hug her?! YoSeob are you mad!!! You are seriously not thinking straight!" I scolded myself.


"YoSeob-ah. May I come in?"
DuJun said in a caring tone.

"Eh... Whatever. Just come in..." I replied with a irritated tone.

"Tomorrow we are going to music bank to support Trouble Maker." DuJun said.

"ZZZZ...OKAY OKAY!!" Yoseob replied back to DuJun like a gangster.

"..." DuJun was shock by the way YoSeob replied him and walk out of the room.

"What happen to our cheerful yoseob??" DooJoon asking other members.

"Hyung,I don't know,his mood had changed after the cube audition... The happy seob we once know turn into angry and emo seob..." Kikwang replied.

"I think....is because of the girl name MeeYeon... She will be one of the trainee in Cube... Soon..." JunHyung replied.

"GIRL????!!!! YoSeob likes a girl?!" ?everyone look at JunHyung with shock faces.?

"Maybe... I'm not sure too..." JunHyung shrugged.

Yoseob heard what the members was discussing about and felt annoyed so he decided to spam on twitter.

"Yah! I'm confuse! I don't know what you are thinking! Mind telling me why are you avoiding me? If I had done something wrong please tell me!"?

"I'm lost after you ran away from me... What does it means? I'm really upset."

YoSeob type out furiously . After typing he tossed his phone on the bed and lean his head against the wall.

"MeeYeon... U mess my feelings up.." He sighed.


[MeeYeon's POV]

MeeYeon was scolling down her twitter while YoSeob's tweets appeared on her timeline.
Like other fangirls,she started translating the tweet and found out that YoSeob was talking about her....

(** take note** MeeYeon know how to speak korean. but have some difficulty reading hangul.)


YoSeob's Tweet:
"Yah! I'm confuse! I don't know what you are thinking! Mind telling me why are you avoiding me? If I had done something wrong please tell me!" (in hangul)


YoSeob's tweet:
I'm lost after you ran away from me... What does it means? I'm really upset. (in hangul)



[MeeYeon's POV]

"@helloimys I'm sorry. I myself is messed up too... Maybe we shall meet up tommorrow." (in broken hangul)

I click the send button.


"MeeYeon... U're a pabo." I put my phone beside me and fell asleep.

Chapter 5 is done,did you reader enjoy this story?? Is the story starting to get confusing? Please comment and I will try to clear your doubts.^^

Teaser for the next chapter:
What does MeeYeon want to talk? What is YoSeob's reaction when he saw MeeYeon's tweet? We shall find out on the next chapter.

Yo. Mianhae for not updating yesterday... I (wenchin) couldn't think of any ideas. I had been crushing like more than 10 pieces of paper... Finally I ask jiaen for her help. Thankfully her story was awesome. This chapter was written by her, I edited some parts so all we wish is that you like the story. Last but not least the pictures and poster is done by jiaen too~ pretty right? :P
?We love you readers! Hehe~
-jiaen & wenchin- <3


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angelkitty #1
OHMYGOSHH ~~~ They are having an " official " date ~~

What can I say ? Junyung , you have a sad life ? :P AWWWW , sad for you JUnhyungie , Meeyeon is on a DATE with yoseob ~~ LOL :) Heh , work harder Junhyung :3
jiaen95 #2
people,can help me like and promote this link http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150703662701252&set=pu.192897256251&type=1&theater&refid=52&ref=nf thank you^^ pleade don't like other if can ^^ i will like back your^^
WenChin #3
@hyohee I will. >< having exams this coming week. I will update after my exams. Thanks for reading! ^^
update soon. ok?
WenChin #5
@iloveb2stforever I will update soon! Thanks for loving and commenting! ^^ <3
Update soon I really love your story
WenChin #7
@katie28 heh. You love to eat tangerines? :) Me too~! Thanks for commenting~ ^^
tangerine garden! i want to go there too.. :(( i wanna eat tangerines~~~~~~~~~~! i think Yoseob and meeyeon will enjoy their 3-day date.. :D
WenChin #9
@lolitsme hi! thanks for reading!<br />
And yes! Meeyeon is you. :)<br />
I will update soon. ^^
WenChin #10
@hyoyee welcome my dear new reader! <3 thanks for reading! ^^ keke