YoSeob's Confession

FanGirl's Dream

[YoSeob's POV]

"YoSeob-sshi... I didn't know you are so mean!" I saw her tears rolling down her puffy cheeks.

"I thought you are a sweet, caring, gentle, kind, innocent, cute and charming guy! I guess I am wrong! I always told myself, in order to meet you and fulfill my fangirl's dream, I have to work very hard to achieve what I want! I finally met you in real and know you. Most important of all I fell deeply in love with you. But I regretted all of it! You are so mean! Today is JunHyung's birthday and you ruin it! How could you just run away like this? I HATE YOU!" MeeYeon screamed in my face and ran to some unknown place.

"MeeYeon, I'm so sorry. I didn't know such simple actions such as walking away from the members would hurt you so much.. But I promise you I won't hurt you again. I will prove it to you, I will make your heart belong to me..." I sigh and walk back to the dorm.

[MeeYeon's POV]

"I can't believe I just confessed to that pabo... I hate him! I was a fool to fall in love with him!" I shouted.

I sat below the tree and cried like there is no tommorrow. It have been a long time since I cried so much. I guess I really love BEAST a lot... I hate BEAST members to fight or quarrel.. As a fangirl, I can't stand it... After all I'm forever a B2UTY, even though I'm an idol now and working together with them... YoSeob had hurt my heart so much... The guy I always see on television, fancams, concerts, shows... Is completely a different guy... I sat there for an hour or two... Trying to sort things out from my mind... I'm really lost,tired and confused...


I went back to the dorm and check out all of them in the room. 1 2 3 4 5... Missing one... YoSeob.

"Oh well... He maybe still outside roaming around the estate." I thought.

I slowly walked into my room. [*note* In this fanfic, BEAST dorm have an extra room for guest.]
I slowly close the room and locked it.

"1AM... Where have you been?" A voice from behind said.

I turned around and saw YoSeob sitted on the bed with his arm crossed and a worried look on his face.

"Why would you care? Now... Can you get out of my room now? I need some rest." I replied him coldly.

"Let me explain first.." He said.

"No. Get out." I repeated.

"I am not getting out until you let me explain." This time his voice sounded piss.

I ignored him and headed to the bathroom. Suddenly, a strong arm pulled me and toss me on the bed. YoSeob pinned me down on the bed. Our faces are only inches away.

"Let me explain!" He hissed.

"No..! Let me go! I am not going to listen to your lame explanation." I screamed back.

"Do you really need me to kiss you in order to shut you up..!" He lowered his voice this time.

I immediately shut up and tilt my head to one side while blushing.

"There... See. Isn't that good? Peace and Quiet." He said clamly.

"What do you want to say..." I asked while my face still tilted to one side.

"I want to say I am sorry for what happen just now... I admit it. I am jealous that you called JunHyung oppa and not me... I promise you I will not make the members and you upset ever again. He apologize sincerely and loosen his hand to let me go.

"One more thing... The other time I wanted to tell you something in the lift and at the beach is that... I fell in love with you the first time I met you. Love at first sight... When I hear your laughter, see your smile and lastly your tears. It made me want to protect you... So... Yang Mee Yeon, would you like to be my girl?" He confessed.

Chapter 11 done! Now click the NEXT button for chapter 12!

Enjoy readers~ :]

-wenchin & jiaen- <3  

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angelkitty #1
OHMYGOSHH ~~~ They are having an " official " date ~~

What can I say ? Junyung , you have a sad life ? :P AWWWW , sad for you JUnhyungie , Meeyeon is on a DATE with yoseob ~~ LOL :) Heh , work harder Junhyung :3
jiaen95 #2
people,can help me like and promote this link http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150703662701252&set=pu.192897256251&type=1&theater&refid=52&ref=nf thank you^^ pleade don't like other if can ^^ i will like back your^^
WenChin #3
@hyohee I will. >< having exams this coming week. I will update after my exams. Thanks for reading! ^^
update soon. ok?
WenChin #5
@iloveb2stforever I will update soon! Thanks for loving and commenting! ^^ <3
Update soon I really love your story
WenChin #7
@katie28 heh. You love to eat tangerines? :) Me too~! Thanks for commenting~ ^^
tangerine garden! i want to go there too.. :(( i wanna eat tangerines~~~~~~~~~~! i think Yoseob and meeyeon will enjoy their 3-day date.. :D
WenChin #9
@lolitsme hi! thanks for reading!<br />
And yes! Meeyeon is you. :)<br />
I will update soon. ^^
WenChin #10
@hyoyee welcome my dear new reader! <3 thanks for reading! ^^ keke