Let's go!

FanGirl's Dream
[YoSeob's POV]

"We will give your your first mission... Which is... Treating each other like couples. We will give you 3 days. You can go anywhere you like in KOREA." PapaHong said.

"Couples?! Why?!" JunHyung asked loudly.

"We want the fans to see how sweet and close you are towards each other. Is just a pretend. That's what most of your fans wanted... Base on a simple survey..." Papa Hong replied calmly.

"What?! A survey...?!" HyunSeung said.

"This means ALL our fans will know about this upcoming show..!" DongWoon Blushed.

"Yes... We will give each group a car, money and whatever it is necessary. The most important thing you guys have to take note is each group will have a camera. What you have to do is take as much couple pictures as possible. The group with the most lovey dovey pictures wins a trip to Paris." Papa Hong announced.

"Wow... Paris! That's the place I wanted to go the most!" MeeYeon exclaimed.

"Then we will win it then. That's a deal from me~" I winked at meeyeon while whispering this into her ear.

I could see that she is blushing madly.

"MeeYeon. I got a sad news. Due to your busy schedule, you can't return to Singapore..." Papa Hong told MeeYeon gloomily.

"But...But.. My school! I'm still attending school, I only took 3 weeks leave...." MeeYeon said anxiously.

"No worries. I already send someone to arrange all the things there in Singapore, I even inform your parents about it, so not to worry. Just focus on your schedule." Papa Hong said with a assuring voice.

"Okay..." Was all MeeYeon could reply.

"Now. Tell me what's your plan for the show. Each group will come up with a 3 days 2 nights plan." Papa Hong asked.

After 5 of the groups had said where they wanted to go, it was my turn.

1st day: We will go to Jeju island to visit the tangerine garden, Teddy bear museum and finally ending the early night off by resting at the hotel.
2nd day: We will return to Seoul and shop till we drop! Ending the night with dinner at my parents' restaurant and introduce meeyeon to them.
3rd day: We will go to 2 amusement park Lotte World & Everland. Finally return to the dorm to have a long rest. Short and relaxing trip!" I exclaimed excitedly.

"Okay then. Tonight all of you pack your things and have a good rest. Another good news, uniqueficent dorm will be ready to move in after your uniqueB2ST schedule." Papa Hong announced and clap his hands together.

"Yeah! BEAST & uniqueficent are gonna live next to each other! Hooray!" GiKwang cheered.

"Alright! Now go back, packs your things and get plenty of rest, you guys will set off to your own destinations tomorrow. Good luck!" Papa Hong chirped happily.

"Dae!" All of us replied.

[*I will only write about Yoseob & MeeYeon's journey since this is a fanfic about them! Sorry!]

[MeeYeon's POV]

[Next Morning-9am]

In the plane to Jeju Island.

"Omg...! I'm so excited! It's like I'm gonna have a date with yoseob ALONE! And it's like not a secret date or something! Is an so called "official" one." My thoughts was running wild.

"Yeobo. We are landing soon." Yoseob gently whispered into my ears, sending chill down my spine and I blushed hard.

"Oh... Can't wait!" I mumbled.


"Let's go! Pali!" YoSeob was yelling like a small kid.

"Tangerine Garden, beware! I'm going to eat all the tangerines!" YoSeob was hype up, earning some screams from the back... It must be his fans...

[2 hours later...]

"You don't have to rent a Ferrari you know... A normal car will do!" I whined.

"No can't do! Let's go! We have reached the tangerine garden!" He chirped.

"Wow.. It's beautiful!" I exclaimed.
"Yeobo, close your eyes. I got a surprise for you." YoSoeb said in a sweet voice.
Hi! I'm sorry for not updating for a long time! Busy with school and all! Well. Chapter 14 is up! Enjoy and I will update soon! Comments are welcome! What is YOSEOB up to this time? We shall find out in the next chapter!
-wenchin & jiaen- ^^
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angelkitty #1
OHMYGOSHH ~~~ They are having an " official " date ~~

What can I say ? Junyung , you have a sad life ? :P AWWWW , sad for you JUnhyungie , Meeyeon is on a DATE with yoseob ~~ LOL :) Heh , work harder Junhyung :3
jiaen95 #2
people,can help me like and promote this link http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150703662701252&set=pu.192897256251&type=1&theater&refid=52&ref=nf thank you^^ pleade don't like other if can ^^ i will like back your^^
WenChin #3
@hyohee I will. >< having exams this coming week. I will update after my exams. Thanks for reading! ^^
update soon. ok?
WenChin #5
@iloveb2stforever I will update soon! Thanks for loving and commenting! ^^ <3
Update soon I really love your story
WenChin #7
@katie28 heh. You love to eat tangerines? :) Me too~! Thanks for commenting~ ^^
tangerine garden! i want to go there too.. :(( i wanna eat tangerines~~~~~~~~~~! i think Yoseob and meeyeon will enjoy their 3-day date.. :D
WenChin #9
@lolitsme hi! thanks for reading!<br />
And yes! Meeyeon is you. :)<br />
I will update soon. ^^
WenChin #10
@hyoyee welcome my dear new reader! <3 thanks for reading! ^^ keke