Still the same

A few days left from the competition, Hakyeon surely work his off determine to work this out and making sure everything goes perfectly with no space for a mistake to happen.

“Hyung, let’s call it a day” Ravi says with a panting breath and end up flop down on the floor. Hakyeon see that his dongsaeng really worn out from all the practice from the morning until now with just a couple minutes break to gulp down some water and he thought that maybe he push him too much.

“Aww, poor thing you…you can go back first, I just need a few moves to get it right…” Hakyeon says with an assuring tone and a hand wave to gesture Ravi that it is fine for him to go first.

“Hyung, they are fine hyung, your dance…let’s go home, you don’t eat anything yet right? You might go sick before we have a chance to perform it”

“I’m alright, Ravi…I just need a few minutes to do this, it’s not going to last an hour, I promise”

“Oww, you are so frustrating….don’t do it too long, I’m sorry I need to go first, actually, my long-distance relative is going to visit this night and my mom told me to go home early…” Ravi says while scratching his nape.

“Why are you telling me now?! Go ahead, you might be late and I’m sorry for hold you back”

“It’s okay hyung, don’t stay too long here…I’m going” Ravi get up grabbing his backpack and taking his step to the exit door without forgetting to turn around and saying goodbye to Hakyeon. Hakyeon trail Ravi figure until the doorframe and he waves at him before going back to his practice. “Now, let’s do this…” and the loud beating music starting to resonate around the studio once again.


It just take not more than 30 minutes for Hakyeon to find the right way to make his body moves gracefully and it takes 10 minutes more for him to realize that his stomach demanding food from being abandoned for a long time. He decided to grab something on his way back home at some café that he see first.

He then saw a café with a vintage style interior much bring a comfort for whoever that dine in it and decided to grab some coffee or maybe a pastry if they have it. To his delight, once he entered it, he was welcomed with the warm air of the café and a delicious buttery and some cinnamon smell of bread and some other pastry that he can’t recognize and the rich smell of coffee was poking on his nose. The café was very warm with its vintage interior design and some slow R&B songs were being play creating a sweet and romantic atmosphere around the café. Just one step into it can make him forget about his aching body from all the dance practice. Not so many customer occupied the café with some couple chitchatting and other people sitting at the window view on their own and he decide that it’s not bad if he take some time sip on coffee at this café instead of a takeaway. When he make a way to the counter, he saw the cashier guy at the counter with a familiar face that he can’t remember if he ever met or if it’s just some random guy that he passed by at the college and to his surprise the other guy was giving him a squishy smile and a hand wave to him as if they know each other.

‘Did he know me? Why he seems familiar? Where did I saw him? Oww, Cha Hakyeon…your memory has been eaten up by your age! Or…did this café greet all their customer like this?’ Hakyeon questioning on his own mind while he make his way to the counter.

“Hakyeon hyung, right?” the cashier guy greet him first while tilting his head cutely. Hakyeon just look at him a shock expression as he can’t remember the guy in front of him at all and to his surprise he wonder how he could forget some cute and puppy-like guy like him.

“It’s me, Hyuk…Taekwoon hyung neighbor when he was abroad…we have met once right?”

“AAAAA!!! Hyukkie! I’m sorry that I really can’t remember you, it seems that my old age slowly creeping me up…” Hakyeon raised his voice when he is getting flashback of Hyuk and he immediately bowing his head apologize when some customer in the café was glaring at him either by annoyed look or shocked by his loud voice. Hyuk also end up bowing his head when he feel that it was part of his fault too.

“How can you remember me? It must be good to be young…” Hakyeon say after he finished mouthing apologize to the other customer.

“Eheyy, it’s not that easy to forget you, especially when Taekwoon hyung always pestering me to tell me about you. He really story a lot about you, you know…I thought that I’ve had enough of him telling me about his Hakyeon that he bragged a lot back at abroad, but when he was back here and have found you back, it seems to have become more worse than before…aigoo, and I have to become a good dongsaeng by lend an ear for him, he can be really talkative when talking about you, I thought that he was a giddy high school girl talking dreamily about his crush…” Hakyeon feel his cheek hot after hearing Hyuk words.

Hyuk shake his head after finished his sentence when suddenly he remember that he was stalling a customer. “Aigoo, where is my manner? What can I help you hyung?”

“Ooo…ca-caramel macchiato and some pastry that you would recommend…” Hakyeon says without failing to stutter on his words and he give a few bills to Hyuk.

“Hyung, just grab any seat…I will deliver it to you since I have been taking your time by rambling some nonsense earlier.”Hyuk say while giving his balance back.  Hakyeon just nod at that and he set off to find any seat that he can find.

A few minutes later, he was served with a creamy and rich smell of caramel macchiato and tiramisu and bread on his table. Now, he really feel his stomach grumbling at the sight of good food in front of him.

“Thank you…Don’t you have work?” He say when he saw Hyuk pull out the seat in front of him and flop down while keeping his grinning wide.

“It’s not a busy hour right now, and if there is customer, I would just run there” Hyuk say while pointing towards the counter.


“Do you like Taekwoon hyung?” Hakyeon choke on his drink when he was calmly sipping on his drink and suddenly the kid in front of him blurted out something that totally out of place.

“Wh-what?! What with that sudden interrogation?”

“It’s just…you seem so flustered when I told you that Taekwoon hyung told me about you a lot” Hyuk chuckled while he reach out a napkin to Hakyeon.

Hakyeon snorted on that. “I’m just taken aback on that…the first thing that he told me after 8 years long without no contact was that he had forgot about me and you just blurted out the opposite thing from what he had said.”

Hyuk smirk. “As expected from Taekwoon hyung… another white lies he made up.”

Hakyeon tilt his head in confusion. “What do you mean?”


A/N: Uwahhhh!!! ^o^ Finally an update. Congratulation on me, the biggest lazy on the Earth. I have the idea from a long time ago, but it takes every ounce of my energy to open up the laptop and lifting a hand to start writing. I'm sorry for stalling this story. No excuse is acceptable for my lazy nature.

AND YAYY! For another appearance of cute Hyogi and adorkable Wonshik, kekeke^^ and stay tuned for Hongbin appearance later. No worry! Our Kongie will make his way later.

And is that a cliffhanger I made as the ending?  Well, I don't know about that...*act innocent*

Well, have a good day everyone. Till next time I will find a slightest inspiration to write again. ^^



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Chapter 11: please continue this story .... pretty please><
Chapter 11: I've just found this story and it's great....please update soon authournim ::>_<::
joanna20 #3
Chapter 11: Ty for updating! College kife is indeed but its one of the memories that is necessary. ^^
khasabat #4
Chapter 11: Yey! Finaly they kiss!
Taekwoon you must talk how much you love hakyeon
Ey-author i love you story! Please make more beauty moment in your story for neo...
B-) :-*
AoiMizuiro #5
Chapter 11: kyaaaa ~ read it in one go !!
celes304 #6
Chapter 11: This chapter is good! Don't be upset.
I understand, the college life is so horrible! Anyway, always waiting for your story!
Fighting!! :)
90sLineLover #7
Chapter 11: What r u talking about??? I love it!!!
Chapter 11: kyaaaaa, an update and a cute one for sure, Neo rocks kkk
thank you dear authornim.
Chapter 10: I'm a new reader and just finished reading all the chapters up to here, update sooner ;-)
thanx for a nice plot
Naralove #10
Chapter 10: Ohm... it just..