Still the same

After Taekwoon family has gone, Hakyeon decide to lock himself in the room and keep his face buried in a pillow while he lets his tears out. Hakyeon act have been drawing out the concern from his mother.

“Son…are you okay?” his mother asks at the front of his locked door.

“Nothing, I just tired from all the things…”He managed to say to his mother while holding back his overflowing tears. Apparently, this was too much for Hakyeon to handle. Just a statement from Taekwoon is enough to left him with puffy eyes in the next morning.

‘How someone could change so much, where did the little Taekwoon has gone, did he eat something wrong at the abroad or did he get hit by the truck to the point that he can forget me?’ All night Hakyeon think about all possibilities that came across in his mind because he can’t get over the fact that Taekwoon has forgot all about him.

The next morning, his mother remind him once again to pick Taekwoon up from his house. Last night, he have been asked a favor from Taekwoon father to help his son enroll in a college as Taekwoon does not know how the education system in Korea work and obviously his parents was too busy to bother about it.

“Oh right….Taekwoon…college…” he half mumbled because he was too tired of keeping himself in thought of Taekwoon act last night and he did not get a good sleep.

“Are you okay son…what did you do last night to have those puffy eyes and 2cm dark circle?” “Nothing, I just can’t sleep last night….can you give me his address?”

His mother just nodded at him and find herself a pen and piece of paper to write Taekwoon address and gave it to Hakyeon. With that paper in his hand, he goes to his room to wash and dress himself with a navy loose sweater and a black skinny jeans. After putting on a cologne, once again he check his reflection in the mirror before going to his friend house (the ungrateful friend with a grandfather memory he noted in his mind)

Hakyeon rang the bell in front of Taekwoon gate for the third time and as the result he get to see Taekwoon messy hair and a confused look on his face.

“Hakyeon-ie…what are you doing here early in the morning?” Taekwoon ask him with his raw morning voice and Hakyeon just look at him with ‘are you serious’ look.

“I came here to do your father’s favor last night, do you forget about that too?” he ask with some sarcastic tone as he remember Taekwoon words to him last night.

”….Ahh that…I’ve not wash up yet, can you stay at the inside while I get ready?”

Hakyeon just nod at that and walk himself up to the Jung’s living room. He saw Taekwoon disappear to his room to prepare and with that chance he take a look around Taekwoon house. Taekwoon house was quite big than his house and it was decorated with English interior design that make it look elegant with just one look.

He then find himself a way to the kitchen at the back when he caught his eyes to something that make the hope in his heart rising. “Did he still keep this?” he ask himself grinning while holding to the mug that he know too well. It was the mug that he designed himself with a words of encouragement and a picture of them both that he create himself as a gift for Taekwoon 12th birthday and the last present from him to Taekwoon before he goes abroad.

“Hakyeon…where are you?” Taekwoon voice from the living room has awake him from his daydreaming. He then run to the living room with a giddy walk and a complete wide grinning on his face.

“Woon-ah, did you still keep this? Awww, how sweet of you…I thought that you have completely forget about me…”

“Oh that…I just found it lately when I’m packing up to move to Korea back, I found it in a box, unused…so I just bring it back to Korea again.”

Hakyeon grin completely disappear from his face and his shoulder has fall from all the anticipation and the false hope. ‘He really know how to make me feel up and down at the same time’ he say in his mind while giving a sarcastic look to Taekwoon that just keep his ever stoic and expressionless face.

“I’m ready, let’s go” Taekwoon say to him walking to outside and leaving behind Hakyeon at the living room. ‘Uhhh…that’s really close’ he mumbled himself at the front door.

After they have successfully enroll Taekwoon in a law course program at the same college that Hakyeon entered, they decided to take a snack on a ddeokbokki stand on their way home.

“What major did you enroll?” Taekwoon ask breaking the silence for the first time “Just a dance major, you know I’ve been keeping an interest on dancing since a long time ago…what about you, I thought that you like to sing, what make you change to law profession?”

“Being grew up as the only son in the family, I have to meet expectation of my family and inherit my father’s law firm in the future, it’s not that they are forcing me to take it, I just feel that it is my responsibility and beside I can sing anytime I want”

“Ummm…” Hakyeon say with his mouth full of ddeokbokki and he slightly surprised that Taekwoon has a long sentence this time. Taekwoon just chuckle at that look and quietly he get up making Hakyeon looking up to him.

“Where did you want to go? We haven’t finish it yet, look there are still a plenty of it” he say while pointing to the plate half-filled with ddeokbokki.

“No…I just want to get us some drink, is banana milk okay for you?” Hakyeon just nod with excitement at the thought of drinking his favorite drink when suddenly he stop eating.

‘Wait…did he still remember it was my favorite drink or did he just randomly choose it' he ask in his mind. He still remember the day when he sulk with Taekwoon because his friend has bought another drink when he ask Taekwoon to bring him his ‘usual’ drink. Taekwoon have mistakenly bought another drink and for the whole day he sulked with Taekwoon because he felt that Taekwoon was too ignorant to care about his favorite drink and as a result Taekwoon has never forgot to buy a banana milk for him from that day.

‘Why I feel like he is hiding something from me?’ his mind fill with Taekwoon weird act that does not match with his words.


 A/N: Thank you to all my subscribers! You guys really brighten my days. So, here is an update, eventhough it might quite bored for you guys and I don't know how long I will drag this story...*spoiler ahead* the next chapter would be Taekwoon POV ^^




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Chapter 11: please continue this story .... pretty please><
Chapter 11: I've just found this story and it's great....please update soon authournim ::>_<::
joanna20 #3
Chapter 11: Ty for updating! College kife is indeed but its one of the memories that is necessary. ^^
khasabat #4
Chapter 11: Yey! Finaly they kiss!
Taekwoon you must talk how much you love hakyeon
Ey-author i love you story! Please make more beauty moment in your story for neo...
B-) :-*
AoiMizuiro #5
Chapter 11: kyaaaa ~ read it in one go !!
celes304 #6
Chapter 11: This chapter is good! Don't be upset.
I understand, the college life is so horrible! Anyway, always waiting for your story!
Fighting!! :)
90sLineLover #7
Chapter 11: What r u talking about??? I love it!!!
Chapter 11: kyaaaaa, an update and a cute one for sure, Neo rocks kkk
thank you dear authornim.
Chapter 10: I'm a new reader and just finished reading all the chapters up to here, update sooner ;-)
thanx for a nice plot
Naralove #10
Chapter 10: Ohm... it just..