Still the same

Hakyeon running up the stairs of his home and stomping his feet on his way to his room enough for his mother to shout at him from the living room.

“Yahh! You brat kid! Why are you stomping all over my house!”

He then reached his room. Throwing his bag on his bed, he keep pacing around the room and keep fanning his heated face while rubbing his beating chest in an attempt to calm his thumping heart thanks to his idiot heart throbbing friend.

“Haishhh…why that Jung Taekwoon acting like that? Since when he was allowed to be breathtaking like that?” his mind wandered back to the time when Taekwoon hot breath and husky voice whispering at his ear alongside his hand at his waist forcing their chest beating together rhythmically. Just a few flashback is enough to make his body shiver and his stomach twist again.

“Arghhh! I don’t know…I’m so confused right now…” he throw his body at the bed with his face palm on the pillow making his voice coming half-mumbled.

But then his head spring up from the sudden idea crossing his mind.

“Is this how you are going to play? Alright, Jung Taekwoon… Let this Cha y Hakyeon play along with you.” Smirk and seductive eyes decorating all over his face.


Just after Taekwoon reach home, he let out all his grinning that he have been hold in at the thought of Hakyeon reaction at his action. Sure enough, he don’t know what have been overpowering him at that time to push his usual shyness but one thing he was certain is he did not regret it at all. Not even once especially when he get to admire Hakyeon state before.

A mere flashback of Hakyeon blushing face is enough to make him humming to a random love song all day.


A week passed after that incident and Hakyeon decided to act like nothing happened between them and pretend like it was not affecting him at all.

But what was affecting him was how Taekwoon would appear out of sudden when he finish his dance routine saying that it was just a coincidence for him to be in that area. At first, Taekwoon would say that he was around the area, the next day he said that he was just going to grab a coffee at the café near the dance studio or the other day, Taekwoon said that he just followed some random kitten to the dance studio and with some other excuse he would ask Hakyeon to go home together.

Today too, without fail, Taekwoon was waiting patiently at the doorframe waiting for his friend. Hakyeon was warming up when he arrived there, but suddenly when some upbeating music was echoing throughout that place, Taekwoon find that the air surround him was too hot.

Hakyeon was dancing sensually in front of him with his hips swaying sinfully. Taekwoon saw how Hakyeon thin white t-shirt would lift a little bit at a time only to reveal a beautiful tanned skin and breathtaking curve of his back that can make all girl die for. Taekwoon feel that it was because of his wool sweater that he was feeling hot so he just grab his sweater violently pulling it back and forth to allow some cool air on his body.

Hakyeon that saw it from the mirror reflection just smirk at his flustered friend. Of course this was all part of his plan to tease Taekwoon. He was too excited enjoying Taekwoon that he does not realize he was getting careless with his dance and ended up tripping over himself.

“Ack!” Hakyeon fall onto the floor on his bum and it was hurt that he cannot contain to keep rubbing it and he feel that he has sprained his ankle when he try to move his leg.

Taekwoon was busy fanning himself when he heard a sudden yelp from Hakyeon. He quickly run toward Hakyeon after seeing that Hakyeon was struggling to move his leg.

“Hakyeon-ah! Are you okay?” “Did I seem like I was fine…” He did not mean to reply Taekwoon in sarcastic tone but he can’t contain from feeling irritated with himself because all his teasing planning ended up with he embarrassing himself.

“Can you move your leg? Where did it hurt?” He see that Taekwoon does not affected with his sarcastic reply instead he saw how Taekwoon eyes shine with pure sincerity when Taekwoon lift his head to notice any hurt expression on Hakyeon face when he was massaging Hakyeon feet.

“Arghh…it hurts there, Taekwoon-ah” he whine in pain when Taekwoon was rubbing his ankle, immediately pull out from all admiration on Taekwoon worried state when he feel a stinging pain on his ankle.

“We should go to hospital Hakyeon-ah” Hakyeon was about to mouthing protest it since he hates the smell so much but he was interrupted by Taekwoon.

“Ahh…right, you don’t like that place so much… do you have the aid-kit?” Hakyeon just pointed towards some room at the back indicate that the aid-kit was stored there.

“Wait here…” Taekwoon say before dashing leaving stunned Hakyeon behind questioning his panic state.

Hakyeon remain speechless even after Taekwoon has finished putting on some ointment and wrapped a bandage around his ankle. “Can you walk?” ask Taekwoon as he reach out his hand to Hakyeon. Hakyeon try to stand up with Taekwoon help but he can’t walk properly without limping and hissing painfully. Then, all of sudden, Taekwoon was crouching in front of him with his back facing Hakyeon. “Hop on, I would carry you to the front, I have called up taxi.” where in the hell he got time to call taxi amidst of treating Hakyeon, no one know that. “No, I can’t do that Taekwoon-ah…you might break your back while carrying me…” “Just hop on, Hakyeon-ah…you can’t walk around at that state.” “But still….”

Suddenly, he feel a hand bending his knee and an arm wrapping around his rib and only then, he realize that Taekwoon was carrying him bridal style, immediately, he wrap his arm around Taekwoon neck.

“Yahh! What are you doing Taekwoon-ah? Let me down…” “You are too stubborn to let me carry you at the back and I can’t let you walk around with your limping feet…you are the one that leave me with no choice but this…” Taekwoon arch his eyebrow. “Nonono…let me down, Taekwoon-ah…the piggyback was much better, now let me down so you can carry me at the back, I swear I won’t walk!” he whine and he instantly pull his hand back when he realize that he was slapping at Taekwoon broad chest lightly and he can feel his cheek blushing from his touch on Taekwoon firm chest.

“Too late Hakyeon-ah…” that was all Taekwoon reply before he start his pace with Hakyeon in his arm. They can feel people eyes to them and some girls whispering and cooing at them.

Hakyeon can’t doing anything so he just hang onto Taekwoon neck spreading hot breath of him to Taekwoon neck.

Taekwoon feel shiver down to his spine every time Hakyeon let a hot puff of his breath to his neck and he look down only to find Hakyeon blinking repeatedly and his red blush tainting his face maybe because he find this kind of situation kinda awkward for both of them.

“You know…somehow this remind of us in the past.” Hakyeon break the awkward silence between them when they are walking and Taekwoon just look at him with an arching eyebrow questioning his words and Hakyeon chuckle slightly at that.

“It just that…the way you panicked when you see me fell on the floor just now whining in pain, it’s the same. You would be flabbergasted whenever you see me cry or in pain when we were kid. The way you would let out words more than me and I be left speechless in the whole situation, the way you would push your stoic expression over a worried face and muttering like a mantra asking if I am okay, you would stuff me all kind of sweets and snacks to stop me from crying whenever there are some brats making fun of me of my dark skin but finally only then you would realize that only banana milk would work on me and you would blabbering something to humor me, back then, anyone would found it’s weird on how you talk more than me- the neighborhood famous big mouth, haha…”

Taekwoon just look at him with a small curl form on his lips remembering all their precious childhood, when everything was beautiful for him. “I miss those time, Taekwoon-ah…” when Hakyeon look up he find that Taekwoon was looking at him with warmth pooling at his feline-like eyes opposite from the cold gaze he spare to other people. “I don’t have sweet with me right now, so I’m just going to do these to soothe your pain” and suddenly he saw Taekwoon was closing the space between their face and finally latch his plump soft lips at Hakyeon forehead.

Dinggg…Hakyeon feel that are some bell ringing inside his head and time stop ticking when he feel Taekwoon lips at his forehead.

“Instead of bringing back the past, you should treasure the present time and anticipate the future with me, Hakyeon-ah” Taekwoon say after parting his lips from Hakyeon forehead and he smirk when he see that Hakyeon face too blank to process anything.

“Look, the taxi has arrived.” He put Hakyeon on the ground to open the door for Hakyeon that look like his soul has leave his body. Once again, he carry Hakyeon to put him inside the taxi and that was Hakyeon let out a surprised gasp and Taekwoon just assume that he was back. Out of sudden, he sense a buzz inside his pocket, he grab his phone and there was a message from his classmate telling him to work out together for their project.

He let out a sigh as out of those time, why is it now? “You go first, Hakyeon-ah…I got some work to do.” He then hand out a few bills to the taxi driver.

“Bye, Taekwoon-ah” Hakyeon wave to Taekwoon before the taxi start his ride. Hakyeon head was too busy processing the things happened to him throughout this day when he eyes caught his bandaged ankle. Maybe after all, his teasing does not going with his plan but instead there was a better things hidden for him to unleash.

A/N: It's been quite a long time the last time I was updating. Eventhough it does not exceed 1 month yet, but who cares, I've been missing you guys... and I keep squeezing my head for a good update from the last time as I read the comment, there was a roar saying that a jealous Taekwoon was too hot. Truthfully, I was scared that I might not meet with your expactation from the last chapter. And fyi, I don't plan to drag this story too long so might be after a few more chapters, I'm done.

But, never mind about that. So, this is another update for you guys. Thank you to all my subscribers and all those funny comments. I might not reply to all of it, but I read them all. For real...and somehow your comment really made my day when I was going through some hard day and I really thanks for that. So that's it! Enjoy reading. N-nyeong ^^

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Chapter 11: please continue this story .... pretty please><
Chapter 11: I've just found this story and it's great....please update soon authournim ::>_<::
joanna20 #3
Chapter 11: Ty for updating! College kife is indeed but its one of the memories that is necessary. ^^
khasabat #4
Chapter 11: Yey! Finaly they kiss!
Taekwoon you must talk how much you love hakyeon
Ey-author i love you story! Please make more beauty moment in your story for neo...
B-) :-*
AoiMizuiro #5
Chapter 11: kyaaaa ~ read it in one go !!
celes304 #6
Chapter 11: This chapter is good! Don't be upset.
I understand, the college life is so horrible! Anyway, always waiting for your story!
Fighting!! :)
90sLineLover #7
Chapter 11: What r u talking about??? I love it!!!
Chapter 11: kyaaaaa, an update and a cute one for sure, Neo rocks kkk
thank you dear authornim.
Chapter 10: I'm a new reader and just finished reading all the chapters up to here, update sooner ;-)
thanx for a nice plot
Naralove #10
Chapter 10: Ohm... it just..