Still the same

A week after Taekwoon college entrance, they haven’t meet from their last meeting. A small voice inside Taekwoon heart said that he miss his friend but like he would ever admitted to it.

‘Where is he? Is this the right way to the dance studio?’

Like always, without he realized it sooner, his body has follow his own heart rhythm rather than his mind. Taking the girls guidance that he met on the pathway, he decided to meet Hakyeon and ask him to go home together.

“Oh, that way…thank you.” He politely bow to the girls he met and he felt the girls eye trailing behind him when he walk way.

Being born to the perfect proportion of body, he has been suitable with people eyes on him. Random confession, model casting that he get at the street is not a joke but he would properly reject all of them because first, he is not interested with those girl as his heart has already been captured by some guy that he would never have the courage to tell to and second, the public attention would only bothered his life.

As he walk down the pathway, he heard a loud beat of music coming from the corner and he just trust his instinct to check it out whether Hakyeon would be there or not. But, soon what he see right now is not at all pleasure him.

There he saw Hakyeon is dancing with some guy that half with only sweatpants. Suddenly, he feel his blood running up and that’s only worsen when they being all touchy throughout their dance.

Taekwoon eye widen in anger and he tilt his head when the other guy move to travel up his face from Hakyeon stomach all the way up to his neck and stop for a moment to sniff at Hakyeon neck while smirk and there Hakyeon just keep standing still and he slid his other hand around the other neck as like to keep him closer.

‘Haishh…that guy! What is he doing…’ he says slowly with a whole irritated face looking to the scene in front of him.

Taekwoon stand at the doorfront of the studio watching the whole scene with his famous deathly piercing glare that gonna make anyone saw it shivered in cold.

‘What that larva-like guy do to Hakyeon? And what the hell Hakyeon think to let that guy touch him everywhere?’ Taekwoon mumble between his raging breath as he feel his heart ache when Hakyeon being touchy with anyone else beside him.

“That’s it for today, good work Ravi-ah!” Hakyeon clap his hand and walk to turn off the music. “You too hyung, good work!” he got as a reply from his dance partner, Ravi or his infamous Korean name Wonshik. They have been as a dance partner to each other since his high school and even though Ravi is younger than him, his dance skill is undeniable and when he know that Ravi was going to enroll to the same college as him, he was more than glad to cast him once again as his dance partner.

“Where are you going to after th—Omo!  Yahh! Jung Taekwoon, what are you doing there like a mischievous stalker…and why are you looking at me like that?” just when he about to grab his towel at the bag beside the door, he saw Taekwoon was shooting a laser glare to him that was about to tear him apart.

“No, I was just around the area and I thought maybe that we could go home together, but it seems that you are busy, nevermind then…” another lie he made and he glare at Ravi before attempting to walk away.

‘What did I do wrong? So scary that guy…’ Ravi muttered slowly with his wide eye and shocked expression.

Hakyeon was faster to grab his wrist and Taekwoon turn around looking puzzle at Hakyeon.

“Eheyy, how could I reject my cute friend offer to go home together that rarely come…I have just finished the dance, wait here for a minute, I need to change my clothes and then we are ready to go” he says with a wide grin on his face.

Hakyeon run with a giddy hop to grab fresh clothes for him and goes to the locker room to change his clothes without leaving a grin on face.

Ravi just watch the whole scene with amazement. “Hakyeon hyung is really on a different level…how can he call that scary-looking lion ‘cute’?” He said with a very low and deep voice and without fail he successfully earn another glare from Taekwoon and thank goodness Hakyeon is there on time to save him.

“I’m ready~ let’s go Taekwoonnie~” Hakyeon says when he enter back to the studio.

“I’m going first, Ravi-ah, be careful on your way home and don’t trip on yourself” Hakyeos says with a giggle.

“I’m not a kid hyung -.-“and that just earn a pat on his by Hakyeon.

“Ayyyy, hyung!” whine Ravi rubbing his own . “I’m going, bye Kim Wonshik~”

Taekwoon watch them like he was a third wheel between them and then Hakyeon grab his arm and tug their arm together.

“Go go Taekwonnie~” Hakyeon pull him by the arm to initiate him to walk home.



On their way home together, Hakyeon can sense the awkwardness air between them because Taekwoon does not saying anything during their walk. Taekwoon is not the one to talk much, but somewhat Hakyeon can feel the scary aura surrounding from Taekwoon figure and he can feel it without having verbal communication. He can read it by the body language that Taekwoon give and ever since they was kid, they always communicate like that. He does not even care for once because Hakyeon is the one in charge of talking among them and Taekwoon would be his loyal listener and he just thankful that Taekwoon is willing to hear all his blabbering.

‘Why is he like that?’ he says in his mind wondering what happen to Taekwoon during their time spent not meeting each other.

“Taekwoon-ah! How’s your class? Have you make a friend?” he tries to break the silence.

“Class never spells fun for me and I didn’t go there to make friends” Taekwoon using tone that cold than ever.

“Ahhh…right…” Hakyeon scratch his neck and as usual making his stank face.

 Suddenly Taekwoon stop at his track and Hakyeon that just follow him behind hit his figure.

“Ouch, why did you stop?” Hakyeon says while rubbing his forehead.

Taekwoon then turn around making Hakyeon blink looking up to him. Soon enough, he realize how much close they are till he can feel Taekwoon breath on his face and ultimately he can feel blood rushing up in his body.

“But it doesn’t seem that hard for you, who is that kid that put his hand all over your body just now? You guys look really close and I thought that you have lost yourself just now in his touch…” he says tilting his head to the left slightly and appreciate the view in front of him. Red tint on Hakyeon face and eyes rapidly blinking looking for a place to put his eyes except Taekwoon broad chest.

“Wh-Whaatt are you t-talking about? He’s just my dance partner and of course we have to touch each other…” Hakyeon stutter taking a step behind as he can’t control the heat coming up to his face and he keep fanning his face.

“Ahhh, is that it..?” he saw how Hakyeon taking a step behind to calm his furiously blushing face and he decided that he’s not gonna help him with it. He take a step closer picking up the space between them.

Taekwoon slowly slid his hand around Hakyeon waist and yank him closer to him till their body met. Hakyeon just gasp helplessly and he feel that his heart are going to drop to the ground.

Taekwoon slowly lean in to Hakyeon ear. “But, you should be careful unless you wanna see the lion inside me released.”


A/N: Hey guys. I'm back...muahahaha, okay that's weird,

So yeahh, here's another update for youuuu~~~ jjan! So, I decided to make Taekwoon jealous inside this and therefore, Ravi is here~ and without fail, thank you again to all my subsribers and all those comments. Thank you so much! ^^



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Chapter 11: please continue this story .... pretty please><
Chapter 11: I've just found this story and it's great....please update soon authournim ::>_<::
joanna20 #3
Chapter 11: Ty for updating! College kife is indeed but its one of the memories that is necessary. ^^
khasabat #4
Chapter 11: Yey! Finaly they kiss!
Taekwoon you must talk how much you love hakyeon
Ey-author i love you story! Please make more beauty moment in your story for neo...
B-) :-*
AoiMizuiro #5
Chapter 11: kyaaaa ~ read it in one go !!
celes304 #6
Chapter 11: This chapter is good! Don't be upset.
I understand, the college life is so horrible! Anyway, always waiting for your story!
Fighting!! :)
90sLineLover #7
Chapter 11: What r u talking about??? I love it!!!
Chapter 11: kyaaaaa, an update and a cute one for sure, Neo rocks kkk
thank you dear authornim.
Chapter 10: I'm a new reader and just finished reading all the chapters up to here, update sooner ;-)
thanx for a nice plot
Naralove #10
Chapter 10: Ohm... it just..