
Park Jimin, You're Mine!


"Put you stuff over there. And don't touch anything." 

Jimin took off his blazer and hung it behind his chair. Ignoring the stare from Hoseok as he loosened his tie and ed his first two buttons of his shirt. He didn't know why Hoseok always stared at him with a dumbfounded look. Didn't he want to relax and get comfortable as well? It doesn't feel good to look proper and preppy all day. 

"Make yourself at home. I'll be back with some drinks." He walked out the door before sticking his head back in. "Don't touch anything."

Hoseok nodded and waited until footsteps disappeared. A chance like this didn't always come his way. Jumping on Jimin's bed, he rolled over and sniffed the pillow. Hugging the blankets underneath him. This was where Jiminie slept. Where he dreams about dirty things. He giggled shyly into the pillow, blushing darkly. Perhaps he dreamt about him?

Getting off the bed, he walked around and looked at the picture frames standing on the desk. A smile working it's way up his face. He was pleased Jimin had a picture of the both of them from their time at the school field trip. He felt important, and somehow, the uneasiness in his chest lightened. 

Opening the wardrobe, he saw Jimin's tshirts folded up neatly. Taking one in his hand, he sniffed it, soaking in the younger's smell. Okay, he was being very creepy right now and he knew it, but he had to take advantage of the oppurtunity that was given to him. Not wasting the chance. Setting the shirt back after inhaling one last time, he turned around and his eyes laid on the dirty laundry basket. 

He walked up to it, standing still while fighting the thoughts in his mind. 

Hoseok, you will officially be a ert if you do it. 

It's okay, we will be boyfriends soon enough..

If Jimin caught you, you will lose your chance to even make that happen

But Jimin's underwear...

This isn't Japan. Things like this isn't even remotely acceptable!

Jimin's sweaty clothes...

Hoseok! Snap out of it! Don't be weird!

His dirty laundry is right there...

Pull yourself together. 

I'm gonna do it.

Don't you dare.

I'm gonna do it!

"What are you doing..." His head snapped towards the voice, Jimin standing by the doorway with a tray of two hot drinks on it. Eyes staring intently at Hoseok's hand which was reached out towards his laundry basket. 

"I-uh...I-was just-"

Jimin quickly put the tray down on his desk and pulled Hoseok away, setting him down on the bed. 

"What were you trying to do?" He voiced sternly, arms crossed agasint his chest as he questioned the older. 

"I-I just noticed a sock was underneath your bed and was putting it ba-"

"Did you sit on my bed??" Jimin eyed the disheveled bed sheets and the misplaced pillow. 


The younger turned his head to see if Hosoek had messed anything else up, and noticed that his top drawer wasn't closed all the way. 

"Really Hyung??" He went over and closed the drawer fully, before walking back towards the bed. Noticing the unusual fidgeting Hyung right before his eyes, an idea lit up in his head, and he decided to tease the older.

"Hyung..."Crawling into his lap, he straddled the taller, leaning in with his arms around his neck. Closing in until there was no space between their chests.


"If you wanted to know more about me, all you had do was ask.." He whispered seductively in the older's ear before pushing Hoseok down. Hand roaming his chest. His head hovering right above his face. Jimin leaned in slowly, then parting his lips as he did so. And when Hoseok closed his eyes and puckered his, his eyebrows furrowed at the missing contact. Opening his eyes again, he saw Jimin smile devilishly before he got off of him, nonchalantly making his way towards the desk where their bookbags were placed. 

"If you try something like that again, I won't be forgiving Hyung." He said as he took his cup and sipped the hot tea. Setting it back down and unloading his homework. 

Hoseok sat there, still trying to remember how to breath. His heart pounding hard against his chest. He was so close...he should have known it was too good to be true. Dammit. 

An hour into their study session, Hoseok had somehow managed to close the distance between them. He was now practically leaning over Jimin's shoulders, their bodies touching. His hand successfully on the younger's toned thigh. God he loved those thighs. Hoseok was determined to make some intimate memories with Jimin that night, and he knew he was on a roll when he saw Jimin's flustered eyes and pink cheeks getting darker. 

"W-what are you doing Hobie?" 

Hoseok leaned in closer, their noses practically touching. "Getting to know you all.." 

Jimin's eyes stared at Hoseok's heart lips, and he unconsciously swiped his tongue over his own. Not understanding why his heart was beating so fast, not knowing why he just gulped. And when Hoseok leaned in even closer, lips parting ready to take in his plump ones, Jimin couldn't help but feel pulled into the incoming kiss. Tilting his head towards the side, he braced himself for the warm contact he kept thinking of ever since their romantic acting class. Eyes fluttered closed, he leaned in, and just as their lips grazed a loud dingdong made the both of them jump back from the sudden noise. 

Jimin heard his mom open the door and greet the guest, and seconds later footsteps were coming towards his bedroom door. Hoseok and Jimin looked at each other with confused eyes, and before they knew it, Jimin's door was swung open. 

"Chim Chim!"


"I decided to join your tutor session! I'm not really understanding math either~"


Hoseok felt himself being shoved off his chair, only to look up and see Tony take his place. Eyes glaring at the classmate. The taller leaning in and snaking his arm around Jimin's shoulder. 

"Thanks buddy, I knew I could count on you. You're the only one I could turn to"

Jimin blushed at the close contact, Tony's cologne invading his nostrils. It smelled manly, and really good

"You c-couldn't find help at the t-tutoring center?" Jimin couldn't help but stutter. He felt jittery when he looked at Tony's confident smile. Feeling like he could easily be swept away at the foreigner's smoothness. And sweg.

"They couldn't understand me, so they just gave me your address instead."

Hoseok stood up, immediately pulling Tony off of his Jiminie, separating the two. 

"Yah! What is he doing here?"

He looked in frustration at the smiling man, his grin getting wider as Hoseok's face became redder. Hoseok's mind already made up that this man was his enemy. 



So you guys have until my next update to cast in your votes for the end pairing. Still a decent amount of time. 

Jihope is currently in the lead, and Jony is catching up slowly but surely. 

Not much to say for both to have Jimin, or to leave it up to the reader's imagination. 

Thanks for reading!

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Next chapter coming out tonight!


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Chapter 13: Glad to have u back ♡_♡
I LOVE your fics ♡♡♡
Chapter 13: OMFG....♡♡♡
makaela-kae #3
Chapter 12: Jony is life,I really love this because jimin is paired with tony from Bts hustle life.
Keke13 #4
Chapter 12: I feel that you should try something different and and make Tony and jimin a couple.It would be interesting.
KPOPmeow #5
Chapter 12: jihope!!!! all the way!!!!!!!!! :D
littlemarku #6
Chapter 12: Tony is cute but i can't let him break jihope apart, i'm team minseok
Keke13 #7
I just love jony even though it is not really popular.There ship is adorable I hope they end up together,but you never know what the person is thinking.
Keke13 #8
Chapter 12: "Update update you just have to update"
Keke13 #9
Chapter 12: The most adorable thing I ever seen I would love for Jony to become a relationship.