Hearts and Darts

Park Jimin, You're Mine!

"So you study English on your free time?" Tony somehow mumbled through a mouthful of rice and side dishes. Jimin was amazed at how much he could eat. Hoseok and himself could eat a lot themselves, especially after their afterschool dance club practices. But watching Tony was entirely different. The man could eat a horse and still ask for more. Namjoon had mentioned that people in America were taller and ate larger portions. Jimin was witnessing that firsthand himself. 

"Uh...yeah.." still amazed at the stacked dishes the new classmate had piled up. "I thought it'd prove useful someday, to learn a second language." He picked up his own spoon and started sipping on his soup, not even having touched his main lunch yet. Hoseok was across from Jimin, glaring at the new guy next to the smaller. Lunch had been a special time for just him and Jiminie, it was practically their only alone time during school hours. And he  was a little more than annoyed when Tony decided to sit himself next to his Jiminie- uninvited. There he was, looking back and forth between the two men in front of him speaking in a langage he didn't even try to comprehend. Eyes sending hearts at Jimin, only to switch to lethal darts when flickered to the newcomer. 

Tony, feeling slight tension from the classmate across from him, swallowed what was in his mouth and motioned towards said man with his fork. "Who's this guy?"  Hoseok's eyes wide at the notion. What did he want? What was he saying? Even though he didn't understand Tony's question, he somehow felt offended and added it to the list of reasons why he needed to be eradicated. No one messes with Jung Hoseok. Big Mistake. "Jimin looked up at his friend who was now red-eyed and a small smile formed at how funny Hoseok looked. "Jung Hoseok, he's a friend of mine. He can be like this sometimes with new people, I wouldn't mind it." Jimin smiled at Hoseok, only to earn a confused yet heart fluttering smile back. His Jiminie smiled at him, he needed to add that to the list of  moments to remember forever. 

"Tony asked who you were. Why don't you introduce yourself?" The smaller spoke to Hoseok as he put his soup aside and brought the tray with his main lunch closer. Starting at the bowl of rice. "He can't understand what I'm saying anyways. Yah, Jiminie, why is he sitting with us? Can't you tell him to go somewhere else?" Hoseok whined, not caring if the taller had heard him or not since he wouldn't understand a thing he said anyways. Tony finished his last plate stacked it on top of the rest of his lunch trays. Hoseok noted to himself how he ate too much. 

"Hyung, he's a transfer student that just came here from another country. Give him time to make some friends and he will probably sit with them. Besides," Jimin grabbed a small amount of kimchi radish and placed it on top of his rice, lifting his chopsticks up to his lips. "He only knows English, how can you expect him to sit with others when he can't even properly communicate with them?" His small mouth placed over the chopsticks and eating the rice and kimchi. Chewing carefully as to not choke. Tony and Hosoek couldn't help but watch in fascination as the boy ate. He made it look so pretty and elegant. Jimin would take eating on another level, especially when his small tongue would wet his lips before every bite. The boy, unaware of the hungry stares as he looked at his food.

"Can't you get Namjoon to tutor him Korean? How is he going to come to another country, let along come to another school if he doesn't know the language?" Hoseok spoke, after shaking himself from his trance. Eyes glaring back at Tony who was still looking at Jimin eat. What was he looking at? Why was he looking at his Jiminie like that?

Tony couldn't help but stare at Jimin's small lips. He had heard that Korea was known for their pretty boys, or flower boys as they like to say, but he really didn't put much thought into it until his eyes layed upon Jimin in the classroom. The boy was truly beautiful,even when eating. It was more interesting when said boy didn't know how pretty he was himself. Smart, good looking, bilingual, even musical since they were in a performing arts school, this kid would make it far. Tony already had taken a liking to the boy.

"He's here to train at the best performing arts school, hyung, just like the two of us." Jimin looked up and reprimanded. He didn't know why Hoseok got like this everytime a stranger came around, or even a new friend. The older was usually sunshine and bright, almost to an annoying point. Which was ironic because he was also the top dancer in their class, the top dog which everybody somehow respected. Somehow. And yet he became a bitter child when someone got remotely near them. It was a persona that swtiched at odd situations.

"Hey Chim chim," Both boys looked at Tony, confused at the nickname. "Chim...chim?" they asked in sync.

"Yeah chim chim, its a cute nickname for a cute guy like yourself. Anyways, if you wouldn't mind, I could help you in English if you helped me with Korean? You know, like teach each other."

Oh.No.He.Didn't. Did this Fony just nickname his Jiminie? CHIM CHIM? He didn't understand the rest of what he was saying, probably nothing important. But he did undestand that someone was stepping on his territory - a threat to their friendship- to his plans. This was a new student, first day of class, and he already nicknamed his Jiminie, Chim.Chim? He's a fast mover, Hoseok noted. He'd have to be alert at all times. 

"I'd have to decline. I already have an English teacher, so it's alright. And you know we have a tutoring center on the second floor, right? If you have any problems with Korean, there are students there who stay after to help tutor in any subject you want." Jimin kindly refused as he finsihed one of side dishes. He wouldn't mind teaching Tony, but he was already busy enough as it is. There was school which consisted of dancing, singing, acting, and two specific classes with whatever the student wanted to debut as (whether that be rapper, classical dancer, model, etc.) Then after school, he had dance club in which he was the VP of, Hoseok being the President. They would create their own choreography and work with students who composed songs. Then after the club there was of course his job at the diner. And of course after his job his tutor sessions with Namjoon. He barely had enough time to spend with Hoseok, let along have time for himself. There was no way he could fit Tony in his schedule. Chim-chim? That was an interesting nickname..

"That's too bad Chim chim, I really wanted to get to know you better-" The bell rang, signaling for their lunch to be over, Jimin had finished his lunch and was starting to sit up to put his tray away as did the other kids in the cafeteria. "Perhaps another time" He smiled before walking away. "See you in class!" He yelled behind his shoulder, Hoseok grabbing his tray for him and walking towards the garbage aread where trays were stacked. 

"Chim-Chim? What was that? Who does he think he is giving you a nickname? Chim Chim? That sounds so lame. Aiish really, this kid is no joke. No manners. No respect. No-" 

"Jams?" Jimin smirked, alluding to the times when Hoseok would back in his bully days. It started with Namjoon playfully teasing him at school, (Namjoon was their senior), and when Hoseok had heard this standing behind them, seeing how riled Jimin got because of it, he couldn't help but say the same thing. He had caught Jimin and found something which would make him give entertaining reactions. Those were the good days, Hoseok thought to himself.

"No~ having no jams is only for you. It'll always be for you~" He cooed, thinking Jimin would feel special at his reserved joke. It only annoyed the younger. Somehow ticking him off. Jimin turned and walked away as Hoseok stacked their trays, not even bothering to wait. "W-wait! Jiminie!" The taller chasing him, both making their way to their next class - Romantic Acting


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Next chapter coming out tonight!


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Chapter 13: Glad to have u back ♡_♡
I LOVE your fics ♡♡♡
Chapter 13: OMFG....♡♡♡
makaela-kae #3
Chapter 12: Jony is life,I really love this because jimin is paired with tony from Bts hustle life.
Keke13 #4
Chapter 12: I feel that you should try something different and and make Tony and jimin a couple.It would be interesting.
KPOPmeow #5
Chapter 12: jihope!!!! all the way!!!!!!!!! :D
littlemarku #6
Chapter 12: Tony is cute but i can't let him break jihope apart, i'm team minseok
Keke13 #7
I just love jony even though it is not really popular.There ship is adorable I hope they end up together,but you never know what the person is thinking.
Keke13 #8
Chapter 12: "Update update you just have to update"
Keke13 #9
Chapter 12: The most adorable thing I ever seen I would love for Jony to become a relationship.