Chapter 60

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Jisung’s assessment that medical care would be prioritised was correct.  Within minutes, something that looked a little like a helicopter, but much quieter, was hovering in space behind the walkway, blocking out their view of the skyline, and paramedics were rushing on board.  Hyunwoo was whisked away in a matter of seconds, and then the other three boys were called out onto the walkway and frisked before being put under the guard of the soldiers.  The paramedics turned to Jinsu for directions as to where to find the other casualties.  She had to confer quickly with Junmyeon about where to find Kyuhyun, and since the whole reason they’d been travelling so fast in the first place was because Minhwan had been worried about Kyuhyun needing medical care, she decided it was best to go to him before Kyungsoo.

The Attayear felt odd and empty as she led the paramedics through it, trying not to think too much about the gun-toting soldier who’d come with her for security concerns (she wasn’t sure if he was supposed to be shooting anything that might be deemed a threat or if she was deemed a threat), and she was glad to get to the office next to the sickbay where Kyuhyun was.  The boy was barely awake, pale and delirious with bloodloss and fever, and Jinsu was glad she didn’t get a proper look at him before he was loaded up onto a stretcher and taken away.

Kyungsoo was a much happier stop.

“Where have we landed?” he asked the second she poked her head around the door, followed by, “oh, no Baekhyun?”

“We seem to be somewhere where Korean is a major language in the year 2203,” she told him.

“AD or BC?” he joked, even though the answer was pretty obvious.  Jinsu gave him a flat look.

“Be careful with him,” she said as the paramedics entered and approached Kyungsoo’s bed.  “He’s the one who might have broken his back.”

“Do cars fly here?” Kyungsoo asked with interest as he was carefully lifted away from his bed.  “And what about holographic technology?  Is that a hit or has something newer and better come along?”

Jinsu smiled to herself as Kyungsoo was carried away, peppering the paramedics with questions.  One or two were good-humoured enough to respond.

“Hey, Jinsu!” he yelled back as he vanished through the door.  “Time travel is common here!”

Job done, the soldier ushered her back down and out of the Attayear – Kyungsoo was pulling faces at Baekhyun as he was transferred into the air ambulance – to rejoin the other three.  They were looking intently at something Jinsu thought looked incredibly like a hologram, until Baekhyun budged up on the metal bench for her so that she could sit down and see that it actually was.  A slim metal rod was lying on the ground emitting the light photons needed for the holographic screen.

“Can you remember the names of all the engineers and tech support who were on here with us?” Junmyeon asked her.  “We’ve got all the students and Minseok, Jino and Yixing.”

“Why?” asked Jinsu.

“I think they’re trying to verify who we are,” Baekhyun murmured.  “Kris was talking in English earlier – we didn’t understand much of it, but Jisung caught enough to think they’re worried we’re spies.”

“Wouldn’t a spy know about the maiden voyage of the Attayear if it’s really that famous, though?” Jinsu asked.  “It’s probably time-travel history 101 or something.”

“They only recognised our names and Minseok’s,” Baekhyun replied, his voice even lower as he gestured to the two of them.  “Looks like history recorded the family feud and the genius behind the machine.”

Raising her eyebrows, Jinsu turned back to the hologram.  Junmyeon was typing at it like it was a touch screen.

Since Jinsu had actually had more time in the Attayear’s control room than any of the others, she knew the names of one or two of the technicians, but that was about it.  Once they’d given up, Kris came over and checked it against some kind of database he had on another holographic platform, and then they were asked for their ages and dates of birth.

“We need to take swabs,” he told them, “but on balance I think it’s okay to trust you are who we think you are for the moment.  We’ll take you down to HQ and military personnel will either find you a bunk here in Hub Apex or they’ll transfer you across to another secure location in the capital.”  He looked to Jinsu.  “Would you have any preference that I can inform them about, Miss Park?”

“What?”  Jinsu blinked rapidly at him.  “Oh, er. . . I don’t know.”  She peeked at the others, but Kris continued before she could get a response from them.

“Very well.  We’ll see what the Major General thinks best, then.  Sunny, could you make sure that this doesn’t get out to the press, and that it’s locked up as highly confidential?”

“Sure, Boss!”  Sunny gave him a lazy salute.

“Tao, lock the place down and make sure nobody can access the machine’s data or computers.  Everybody else, we need this on secure lockdown.  Nobody’s to come near or know of it.  Is that clear?”

“What’s going to happen to the Attayear?” Jisung wondered out loud.

“For the time being, we’re securing it and going through final verification that you are who you say you are, but ultimately it will be Miss Park’s decision, as the Attayear’s legal owner in this time period.”

Jinsu was subjected to the doubly disconcerting feeling of the boys all looking to her for answers and of being viewed as the most important of the group.  It wasn’t something she was used to.  She wondered if she was required to make an immediate statement or if it could wait.

“Well, if that’s all sorted, let’s head on down, then,” Kris said, clapping his hands together.  “There should be a shuttle waiting for us.”

Before Jinsu knew

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It's EXO's 4th anniversary today, so four chapters will be going up in a bit!


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Hyeji1990 #1
Here I am again..
Mitsukiii #2
I remember I had read this story about 10 times on my last account. Years later, back to do the same thing....
Chapter 20: Ik Jinsus family basically ruined baekhyuns life but he is just so mean to her
Chapter 19: 'I tried to withold this chapter. I failed. ' what does this mean Korey
Chapter 16: United We Spy? Is that the Gallagher Girls series? I love it! Wow, I can't believe a quote from that made it here.
Chapter 10: "Go away before someone sees you fraternising with the enemy"
Bbhfever #7
Chapter 97: Now I believe this is the 4th time I’ve read this all the way through! Going back to reread favorite scenes because it’s tradition at this point lol! I always forget how emotional I get reading this! You really did not let my girl rest… she faced problems after problems!!
Bbhfever #8
Chapter 12: And here I am again… I should really keep count just to see how many times I’ve actually read this 🤣.
Imthtdiamond95 #9
Re reading this fic 3 years later, can honestly say this is my favourite story on the platform, it’s just soo good. Your writing is seriously amazing, thank you for this story!
Justanother-girl #10
Chapter 97: Re-reading this again a few years later, and it’s still as good. Thanks korey for the wonderful story. 😍