#02: i just want a kiss

너의 세상으로 // a sekai drabble collection
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1042 words | pg | romance, fluff


After a first kiss one would expect for many, many more to follow, but truth is, ever since their first kiss two weeks ago, Jongin hasn't tried to kiss him again. Jongin’s plush lips are always what seems like miles apart from Sehun's and although the younger one doesn't like that reality, he doesn't tell his boyfriend. Surely, kissing is nice but Sehun doesn't want to seem too eager, too clingy, too demanding. It's for the same reason that he doesn't snuggle up to Jongin without being prompted to, always too afraid to be judged and seen as annoying.

Minseok hyung has told him that clingy, whiny, spoiled brats are the worst kinds of boyfriends and only people with nerves made of steel are able to endure that. Luhan is borderline tolerable, though at times he would love to ship Lu's back to China Minseok confessed, too.

It's not that Minseok hates that Luhan is so attached, but sometimes, when he's busy with studies, he prefers to not be interrupted. Unfortunately though, Luhan just has really bad timing and ends up turning into clingy mode whenever Minseok needs it the least.

Sehun definitely doesn't want to be seen as a nuisance and he doesn’t want Jongin to ever think of shipping his to who knows where, so he's been keeping all his cravings for hugs and kisses at bay. If it weren't for his talk with Minseok hyung ages ago, before Sehun started seeing Jongin, Sehun might have shown his true inner colors to his boyfriend who would have broken up with him because everything Sehun is screaming Hug me! Kiss me! Pay attention to me! Love me!. Those people are annoying to everyone and everyone, that includes Jongin, too. His Jongin is surely no exception.

It's been two weeks now though and there's not even a hint that he would get Jongin's lips pressed against his so soon and that makes Sehun equally sad and worried. Doesn't Jongin like kissing him? Is he such a bad kisser? He kind of wants to ask his boyfriend but he doesn't dare at the same time.

"Two weeks and three days," Sehun wails into his phone to share his misery with an amused Lu hyung. Sehun on the other hand is not amused, least of all when Jongin enters the room and asks "Two weeks and three days?"

Sehun hears Luhan laugh on the other end of the line, then Luhan tells him good luck and the line goes dead. His hyung is abandoning him in a moment he needs support the most. Sehun feels betrayed.

"Did you plan anything special? Is something important happening in two weeks? Is it a new game being released?" Jongin asks with curiosity and Sehun, honest as always, shakes his head.

"What is it then? Tell me, I'll get it for you," Jongin offers. He's sweet, the main reason why Sehun's friends - all of them hyungs or should he say mother hens? - were okay with them dating. Sehun is 19 years and 5 months old now. He was 19 years and 1 months old when Jongin first asked him out. They've been dating ever since and Sehun feels lucky, so, so lucky to have a doting boyfriend.

Unfortunately, Jongin hasn't been as affectionate as of lately, so Sehun is starting to

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finally i got them all cross-posted from twitter ;u;


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Chapter 15: My heart is IS just all over the place man!!! You have to write more like this!!! It's so good!!!
Chapter 15: Awww plz write more of this
ichathoriqlover #3
Chapter 13: Yes yes i love shy sehun, sooo cute but the last chapter look like it need a continuation, right?
Chapter 12: Aaaawwweeeee shy Sehun shy kai is the best!!!!
Chapter 12: Omg yes shy sekai is perfect
ReadRealize #6
Chapter 12: this is soooo cute i swear i my heart throbs at how cute thier interaction was
ichathoriqlover #7
Chapter 11: Hehehe that was cute and i love it
Chapter 11: My oh my !!!! This makes me warm and they're so cuteee !! At first I really thought jongin is like some trophy boyfriend !
Wuzzup #9
Chapter 10: This is adorable! Domestic Sekai always is so fluffy and awwww i love how they kept their relationship ;u;