#14: childcare

너의 세상으로 // a sekai drabble collection
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1.7k words | pg | domestic AU, fluff

            To-do list

clean the apartment make it baby-proof groceries (diapers!!!) pick up Rahee ♡ at 4PM

"Now all that's left to do is to pick up Rahee from noona's place," Jongin says. Hands on his hips, he looks satisfied with their work, while Sehun next to him doesn't seem all that happy. But just with a huf and a peck on his lips, Sehun's expression morphs into a softer one, the frown disappearing.

"I still don't think it's a good idea," Sehun says and presses their foreheads together, eyes closed.

"It is, Hun. We're helping noona, so we're doing a good deed," Jongin mumbles and gives his boyfriend another chaste kiss before he pulls away. He grabs Sehun by the wrist and pulls him along, his grip tight, as if scared Sehun might run away. He won't, though he is tempted to. After all, he has never been too good with small kids, and having to deal with am 18 months old baby is a too big challenge for someone like him.

Sehun tried to say no when Jungah asked them to babysit her daughter Rahee. No matter how cute the little girl is, Sehun knows very well that kids could be little devils. Especially small kids would disturb his well-deserved time for peace and rest; the semester just ended, so all Sehun wanted was to go on a vacation with his boyfriend, but said boyfriend attacked him with pup eyes so he gave in. He begrudgingly agreed to take care of Rahee for a week together with Jongin while Jungah is on a business trip with her husband.

"They could have hired a babysitter," Sehun grumbles and winces when Jongin's grip tightens painfully.

"It's better to have someone you know and trust watch over your child," Jongin says, and Sehun has to agree. You never know these days. For your most prized possessions you would never leave them to some stranger. Sehun would never want his baby pup Vivi to be put under a stranger's care for a whole day either. A few hours? Okay. But days? Nope.





"Thanks for volunteering," Jungah says and smiles. She has Rahee in her arms who is cheerful as ever. The child babbles undiscernible words, her hands always waving around. Sehun can't deny that she is cute and that he really likes cute kids like her, but at the same time he feels too tall, too lanky, too clumsy to take care of tiny things like these. A human child seems a lot more frail than a pup to him, so he usually keeps his distance.

"I'll carry her suitcase," Sehun mumbles and ignores the small hand that is waving in his personal space all of a sudden. "Jongin, you carry her."

His boyfriend just chuckles and picks up his niece without a worry in the world, holding her tight and secure. He coos at her, looking a lot like an adoring father and not an uncle. That sight makes Sehun feel all warm inside.

"Since I'll be away for a week, you can use my car," Jungah says and hands the car keys to Sehun. "It's better to go by car with a baby that tiny."

Sehun nods and quietly listens to Jungah's instructions and reminders. She has even gone so far as to write everything down in a tiny notebook that is inside the suitcase she has packed for her child.

"Take good care of Rahee for me, okay boys?" Jungah says when Jongin carries his niece out of the door, Sehun following close behind.

"Of course," Sehun promises. He carries the small suitcase to the garage where the car is parking. They could have stayed in Jungah's apartment to babysit, but Sehun and Jongin decided against it. After all, their own personal items are all in their own apartment, plus, it feels weird to sleep in Jungah and her husband's bed.





The first hour, everything goes fine. Sehun watches Rahee and Jongin playing together for a while, only joining in when coaxed by his boyfriend and baby Rahee who keep

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finally i got them all cross-posted from twitter ;u;


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Chapter 15: My heart is IS just all over the place man!!! You have to write more like this!!! It's so good!!!
Chapter 15: Awww plz write more of this
ichathoriqlover #3
Chapter 13: Yes yes i love shy sehun, sooo cute but the last chapter look like it need a continuation, right?
Chapter 12: Aaaawwweeeee shy Sehun shy kai is the best!!!!
Chapter 12: Omg yes shy sekai is perfect
ReadRealize #6
Chapter 12: this is soooo cute i swear i my heart throbs at how cute thier interaction was
ichathoriqlover #7
Chapter 11: Hehehe that was cute and i love it
Chapter 11: My oh my !!!! This makes me warm and they're so cuteee !! At first I really thought jongin is like some trophy boyfriend !
Wuzzup #9
Chapter 10: This is adorable! Domestic Sekai always is so fluffy and awwww i love how they kept their relationship ;u;