#15: birthday party

너의 세상으로 // a sekai drabble collection
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497 words | g | domestic!au, parenting!au, family!au
warning: fem!sehun

"I’ll let them know," Sehee says and sighs softly when Jongin hangs up on him. She knows that Jongin has been busier than ever the past few weeks because of the current project, but that is still no good excuse to cancel their family date, especially since it's their twin's sixth birthday today.

"What did daddy say?" Jonghun asks, although Sehee can tell that he already knows. He has been watching her throughout the short call and the frown on the boy's face must be mirroring her own.

"Daddy says he'll be late today," Sehee replies, expression softening. She pulls Jonghun into a hug. "He'll join us later, probably around dinner time?"

Jonghun nods, but stays quiet otherwise. Because he wants his father to be with them on his special day, but at the same time he knows not to ask for the impossible. Work is important, as it secures their income, although Sehee and Jongin make more than enough to live comfortably and send both Jonghun and Jongdae to the best universities of the country later on.

Jonghun is quick to pull away from her hug and instead grabs Sehee's hand to pull his mother to the living-room. They stay by the doorframe and watch Jongdae, amused at the way his nose scrunches up when he focuses on the TV show, a pillow pressed to his chest.

"Daddy s

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finally i got them all cross-posted from twitter ;u;


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Chapter 15: My heart is IS just all over the place man!!! You have to write more like this!!! It's so good!!!
Chapter 15: Awww plz write more of this
ichathoriqlover #3
Chapter 13: Yes yes i love shy sehun, sooo cute but the last chapter look like it need a continuation, right?
Chapter 12: Aaaawwweeeee shy Sehun shy kai is the best!!!!
Chapter 12: Omg yes shy sekai is perfect
ReadRealize #6
Chapter 12: this is soooo cute i swear i my heart throbs at how cute thier interaction was
ichathoriqlover #7
Chapter 11: Hehehe that was cute and i love it
Chapter 11: My oh my !!!! This makes me warm and they're so cuteee !! At first I really thought jongin is like some trophy boyfriend !
Wuzzup #9
Chapter 10: This is adorable! Domestic Sekai always is so fluffy and awwww i love how they kept their relationship ;u;