#12: coffee crush

너의 세상으로 // a sekai drabble collection
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~1000 words | pg-13 | fluff, romance, humor (?)


"That -"

"Is a nice , we know," Chanyeol says and frowns. Jongin is frowning, too. He feels equally uncomfortable as his best friend when listening to Baekhyun.

"You say that every time he passes by," Jongin points out. He's definitely tired of hearing it, but Baekhyun doesn't seem to get tired of saying it.

"Well, I say that, because it's the truth. You gotta admit that he's got a really nice looking plump . It's probably firm to the touch. Admit it, Jongin, You like it, too. I've seen you staring-"

"Oh my god, Byun Baekhyun!" Jongin screeches, his face turning both hot and red. Sehun just passed by their table and glanced shortly at them, and with the volume Baekhyun had been using Jongin is sure that Sehun has heard the conversation as well. This is surely not the first impression he wants to leave on his crush, the cute waiter at the café he had been frequenting lately.

Contrary to belief, it's not Sehun's body that has drawn Jongin in. He can say with confidence that he has been charmed by that sweet smile, coupled with crinkling eyes. Upon first glimpse, Jongin had been infatuated, although he had laughed off those love at first sight stories, although some people - the nerd of their group of friends, Chanyeol - is claiming that there is a scientific explanation for that. Something about hormones and pheromones and chemical reactions that Jongin doesn't quite understand. He probably won't ever. He's a linguistics major after all, and chooses to spend his free time expressing his adoration for Oh Sehun in a variety of words and expressions. He writes little poems.

"Dude, chill," Baekhyun laughs, probably finding entertainment in Jongin's misery. "Now you definitely got Sehun's attention, but that might have been your goal all along."

"But not like this!" Jongin whines, tired of his friend's constant teasing. It's true that he likes Sehun very much. Jongin is in love with Sehun's smile, his tinkling laughter, the gentleness in his tone, the carefulness in his actions. It makes him adorable in Jongin's eyes, and trust him, he never uses that word on anyone, except for his babies - three pups by the name of Monggu, Janggu, and Jangga.

"What do you mean by 'not like this'?" Baekhyun asks, and there's that glint in his eyes that makes Jongin regret ever having said a word.

"Baek, please, no," Jongin whimpers, but it's in

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finally i got them all cross-posted from twitter ;u;


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Chapter 15: My heart is IS just all over the place man!!! You have to write more like this!!! It's so good!!!
Chapter 15: Awww plz write more of this
ichathoriqlover #3
Chapter 13: Yes yes i love shy sehun, sooo cute but the last chapter look like it need a continuation, right?
Chapter 12: Aaaawwweeeee shy Sehun shy kai is the best!!!!
Chapter 12: Omg yes shy sekai is perfect
ReadRealize #6
Chapter 12: this is soooo cute i swear i my heart throbs at how cute thier interaction was
ichathoriqlover #7
Chapter 11: Hehehe that was cute and i love it
Chapter 11: My oh my !!!! This makes me warm and they're so cuteee !! At first I really thought jongin is like some trophy boyfriend !
Wuzzup #9
Chapter 10: This is adorable! Domestic Sekai always is so fluffy and awwww i love how they kept their relationship ;u;