#01: first kiss

너의 세상으로 // a sekai drabble collection
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532 words | pg | romance, fluff


Sehun and Jongin have been dating for a while, and yet, they haven't shared a first kiss. And with a while, Sehun means nine months.

He hasn't kissed anyone before, but Sehun knows Jongin has. It's okay, it's nothing he can really be mad about when he can see the fondness in the other's eyes. A first kiss isn't important just as a first love isn't important. What matters most is the last love and the last kiss. The person who is with you at the end of your journey called human life. Sehun knows that Jongin will be that person, and therefore there is no rush. They don't have to kiss, not on their first date, their second or any of those that follow after. The timing is not important, not to Sehun anyways. And it seems like Jongin agrees, too.

Jongin doesn't rush him, their relationship progressing slowly. Skinship, too, is limited to only hand holding as they walk down the streets, and that is fine. On days they feel a bit more daring, they feed each other and play footsie when they're seated opposite of each other at some food place.

They're happy like this, they don't need more. At least that is what Sehun thinks. So when Jongin pulls him aside during lunch break Sehun is a bit worried. Jongin has never looked any more serious than now. He's even frowning, a rare expression when it comes to his always happy, always cheerful boyfriend.

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finally i got them all cross-posted from twitter ;u;


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Chapter 15: My heart is IS just all over the place man!!! You have to write more like this!!! It's so good!!!
Chapter 15: Awww plz write more of this
ichathoriqlover #3
Chapter 13: Yes yes i love shy sehun, sooo cute but the last chapter look like it need a continuation, right?
Chapter 12: Aaaawwweeeee shy Sehun shy kai is the best!!!!
Chapter 12: Omg yes shy sekai is perfect
ReadRealize #6
Chapter 12: this is soooo cute i swear i my heart throbs at how cute thier interaction was
ichathoriqlover #7
Chapter 11: Hehehe that was cute and i love it
Chapter 11: My oh my !!!! This makes me warm and they're so cuteee !! At first I really thought jongin is like some trophy boyfriend !
Wuzzup #9
Chapter 10: This is adorable! Domestic Sekai always is so fluffy and awwww i love how they kept their relationship ;u;