Just friends

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"It's a date."  Yoongi announced happily and smiled widely at her then went back to his seat on the floor to continue eating. Ha Ri gulped loudly at his sentence. What did that mean? She glanced at him while he was eating with a smile plastered on his face. 

"So..I'll pick you at 9?" Yoongi asked as they reached her house. Ha Ri nodded and hugged him thanking him for the food and for walking her home. "No problem. See you tomorrow."

Ha Ri unlocked the door of her house and after taking off her shoes she searched for her mother everywhere but she had left a note on the fridge telling her she would go for some grocery shopping. She sighed and her laptop to watch some drama when her phone buzzed.  She checked the unknown caller and after a frown and curiosity she picked it up. "Yobeoseyo?"

"Oh hi, Ha Ri-ah...it's Wonwoo. Jeon Wonwoo? The guy who sits behind you in English class?" The deep voice explained and Ha Ri remembered the black haired guy whose voice had never reached her ears until today. "Ahh, yeah, Jeon Wonwoo. Could I...help you with something?" She asked confused since she didn't remember giving him her phone number. "Well I called Seulbi earlier to ask what we have to study for the exam on Monday but she said she was kind of busy and gave me your number. I hope I didn't annoy you..." Wonwoo said innocently, his deep voice almost fading. "Of course you didn't annoy me. Seulbi did good and gave you my number because i'm not even sure she would remember that we have the exam on Monday." Ha Ri joked and took her notebook out of her backbag to tell him the pages they had to study. 

Wonwoo laughed softly at her joke and took notes. "Okay, thank you so much Ha Ri! I'll see you on Monday." 

"Yeah see you then, bye." She hanged up and made sure to save Wonwoo's number in her contact list just in case something happened and needed to call him. Who knows.



Ha Ri's alarm clock started ringing at exactly 7.30 am and she jumped up immediately making sure to turn it off. Today was the day she had the date with Yoongi. Actually Yoongi would come to pick her up in one hour and thirt- no 29 minutes! Ha Ri opened her window and made her bed and went downstairs to have breakfast when she came across her mother washing some dishes. "Oh, why are you up so early? You know it's Saturday right?" She asked fascinated by her daughter who woke up so early without her being involved. Ha Ri, on the other hand, had no idea her mother had a day off today and she had forgotten to tell her she would go out. "I forgot to tell you, i will go out." She quickly said, praying her mother wouldn't start asking questions like with who? where exactly? for how long? because if she did, Ha Ri wouldn't know how to reply.

"Really? Will you go with Seulbi?" She asked as she continued with the dishes. Damn. "Well...uh, no, not really. Hey mum, can you make me some breakfast, im starving!" Ha Ri tried to change the subject but she miserably failed as her mother turn to look at her confused. "Ha Ri? Are you going on a date?" Was her mother's question and Ha Ri froze. She blushed deeply and she would rather die than have to answer her questions. "Well....I..."

"Oh my God! My baby is going on a date!" She run to hug her not caring that her hands were soaking wet. "What's his name? Is he from your school? Where will you go? Do you need a ride?" There they were. The questions Ha Ri was trying so hard to avoid. Deep inside her, she knew that no matter how much she wanted to ignore those questions, if she didn't reply to her, her mum would ask Seulbi because she was too curious and persistent. And that would probably end up her mother finding out that Ha Ri met this guy online and he's three years older than her and he's going to be a musician and that he's living with six other people and that would not go too well since Seulbi was careless. 

"His name is Yoongi and no he's not from my school. Look mum, I would tell you earlier but I didn't know how you would react. I've been talking to him for...quite a long time now you know...we met online from this site where you share your music? We started talking and not long ago we decided to eventually meet." Ha Ri finally explained and sighed relieved. It was a huge burden to hide from her mother when her best friend already knew. 

Her mother pulled her arms away thinking. "Have you...done anything so far?" She asked scared looking at her straight in her eyes. "No! We have just met once and he came to pick me up after school yesterday and bought me lunch that's all. Mum, we are just friends. I know that he's three years older than me but he's a nice person. I'm sure you'll like him. And you can ask Seulbi too if you don't trust me."

The door bell rung after an hour and Ha Ri's mother run to open it. Yoongi froze with his mouth open when he came across her. He could easily say it was her mother. "Hello. You must be Yoongi right?" She asked with a smile and Yoongi nodded scared. "Come on in then." She stated happily and moved aside for him to get in. Yoongi got in hesitantly and searched for Ha Ri with his gaze. "Ha Ri will be here in a minute." She said when she realised his thought. "So, you're a musician right?" She asked interested in his reply as she sat down on the couch motioning him to sit down as well. 

Yoongi sat down yet hesitantly opposite to her. "Yeah I am." He answered softly glancing at the stairs for any sign of Ha Ri. "I'm sorry. If I knew I would get in, I wouldn't have came with empty hands." He honestly commented which made Ha Ri's mother giggle. "Don't apologise. Ha Ri's friends are always accepted and they don't need to bring anything." She stated with a smile. Yoongi's expression fell at her words. Ha Ri's friends? Did Ha Ri tell her that they were just friends? "To be honest, I was the one who insisted in meeting you even for a couple of minutes after what Ha Ri told me about you. And I would be lying if I didn't say that I became curious of your actions. I know that you're not just friends. Even though this is what Ha Ri told me. I don't know if she has ever mentioned that I'm working as a therapist and I noticed when your expression fell when I categorised you in Ha Ri's friends."

Yoongi's eyes widened scared now. He bit his lip and glanced at the stairs once again. Why was she taking so long? "Are you two dating?" Was her sudden question which made Yoongi gulp loudly. Her appearance made her look all nice and a happy person but her words were cold like she was trying to make him cry. "No we are not dating. But that doesn't mean that I don't want to be with her."

Ha Ri took her bag quickly and started going down the stairs when she heard Yoongi from the living room. "...I don't want to be with her." She bit her lip and tried to calm down. Just friends. You're just friends. He will never see you the way you see him. It's going to be okay it doesn't matter if-

"Ha Ri-ah. Are you ready?" Yoongi asked and smiled when he saw her standing on the stairs. She faked a smile and approached him when she saw her mother sitting on the couch too. Her mother stood up with a smile. "Okay, you guys can go. Have fun and call me if you need a ride or something." She stated and went back to the kitchen after she patted Yoongi's shoulder.



"How could you do this to me and leave me alone with your mum? Do you know how scared I was?" Yoongi asked and laughed as they walked together. "Yeah sorry about that." Ha Ri apologised sadly which made Yoongi worried. "What's wrong?" He stopped walking and asked. Ha Ri faked another smile and tried to pull him to keep walking. "Nothing's wrong." 

He frowned and grabbed her wrist softly stopping her actions. "Ha Ri, I'm not blind. What is it?" He asked once again coming closer to her. Ha Ri tried to take a step back but Yoongi came even closer to her. "I'm just tired. Please don't do that." Ha Ri whispered as his face were centimeters away from her face. He flashed a smile and ruffled her hair. "You're so cute." He commented and she blushed deeply. Ha Ri-ah...I wish I could tell you more but I don't think words can express your beauty. Please be mine.

"Hey, I was wondering, did you stop playing the piano? I missed your songs." Yoongi said and pouted. Ha Ri laughed and patted his arm. "No, I'm not practising any more. I actually don't have money to keep taking lessons and I don't want to create another burden to my mum." 

"I have an idea." He suddenly said as he pulled her in a store. She yelped and her eyes widened as she saw an instrument shop. He kept pulling her until they got to the classic piano of the store. "Will you play something for me?" He asked as he sat her down. "No no, it's been a long time since I last played." She refused and tried to get up but Yoongi sat down beside her stopping her from doing so. He smiled widely at her and put her hands on the piano. "I'm asking as a favor." He whispered close to her ear and nodded.

Ha Ri took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Her fingers automatically started the buttons of the piano as she played the depressing melody of her favorite song. When love falls by Yiruma. Yoongi stayed silent staring at her face as he listened to the song. He could feel his heart melt as he saw her beautiful fingers playing so softly. When Ha Ri finished she opened her eyes and turned to look at him. But Yoongi was still staring at her fingers. "That was such a depressing but beautiful song. Ha Ri, thank you." He whispered and hugged her tightly burying his face in her hair. Why do you always do this to me if I don't mean anything to you?


She raised her head as she felt someone sitting next to her. "Hey." Wonwoo said with his deep voice and gave her a small smile. Ha Ri stood up from her sleeping position on her desk and gazed around the empty classroom. "Did I fall asleep?" She asked herself and tried to make her hair. "Yeah you did. It's lunch break. Aren't you hungry?" He asked but her stomach growling already gave him the answer. He laughed and stood up. "Come on. Let's go eat."

"How come you're all alone today?" He asked her to the way to cafeteria. "Seulbi didn't come. She left me all alone in this living hell. I will probably never forgive her." She commented and pouted which made Wonwoo giggle at her cuteness. "What about you? Why aren't you hanging out with your friends? You guys, are so many that I forget all of your names sometime." She joked as she took a plate and started stuffing it with food, Wonwoo following her. "We are not that many. Just thirteen people. I actually saw you sleeping in class and decided to wake you up cause no one really likes missing lunch." He honestly said as they sat down on a table. "Oh my god, thank you so much." She thanked him gladly and they both started eating. 

All of a sudden, another person came with his lunch and sat next to Wonwoo. "Oh, hi." He said and waved and Ha Ri. He looked too handsome to be and normal high school boy. "Hey. Ha Ri-ah. That's Mingyu. One of the thirteen people. He's a year younger than us." Wonwoo introduced them to each other and shook their hands. "So do I call you Noona?" He asked cutely as he kept eating. Ha Ri laughed at his cuteness. "You can call me however you like." 

Ha Ri laughed once again at Mingyu's joke and hit his arm playfully as the three of them walked together outside. "You guys are so funny. Thank you for making my day even though Seulbi wasn't here." She honestly said and smiled. Wonwoo nodded and smiled too. "It was our pleasure. I'll see you tomorrow okay?" He said and Ha Ri nodded when she noticed Yoongi staring at her at the parking lot. "I have to go guys. See you tomorrow." She said and approached Yoongi who looked a little bit mad. 

"Hi. I didn't know you would come to pick me up today too." Ha Ri said and smiled. She looked suspiciously happy today in Yoongi's eyes. "Who are they?" He asked referring to Wonwoo and Mingyu. "Oh. The one of them is in my class and we hanged out for the day since Seulbi didn't come." Yoongi bit his lip in jealousy. Why was she laughing so much by the time they got out of the door? What was it that made her smile all the time today? 

"Yoongi, are you okay?"

"No. I'm jealous."

A/N: Hello guys! What do you think about the new chapter? Please let me know in the comments also subscribe and up vote the story pretty please!! 

Okay so if you don't know who Wonwoo and Mingyu are, they are two members of the ultimate favorite rookie boy group SEVENTEEN and  if you haven't heard of them go listen to their songs, you're going to love them. For those who have heard of them but don't like them, don't lie to yourself. Life is good. Don't hate yourself. 

And yes you guessed right. The next chapter will be all about Yoongi's jealousy and get ready for his sudden out burst. I promise for more Jimin in the next chapter. More Bangtan members appearing soon. Stay Tuned! 

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Chapter 9: Well that escalated rather quickly...
Chapter 2: I realize that 3 years isn't that big of a difference but it was KIND OF creepy for me when I read that his heart fluttered to her voice....
I still want them to end up together nonetheless muahaha
Chapter 13: Bless your soul for doing this
Chapter 2: 3 years is not a big gap to be honest haha my grandparents is 10 years but they are very much in love with each other until now :)
fibbychoi #5
Chapter 12: Yeeeey!! I'm looking forward for the JIMIN FANFIC *O*
Chapter 12: I srslt can't wait for the alternate ending lolol
btw, why are you at the hospital everyday? I hope you'll get better :)
dimple101 #7
Chapter 11: I want the next chapter to be about their first time
fibbychoi #8
Chapter 11: Waaaah!! Yoosh!! I really like this chapter! ^^
Chapter 11: ok I regret asking for a happy ending I'm so mad like wth why I can't even--
Chapter 10: wtf i am mad so mad like wtf how could she just--