Who Are You?

To My Dearest Satan
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"Sir! Irene is texting in class!" Mr Vandijck made his way towards my desk. A deep frown embedded onto his face. An immediate huff parted through my lips as I glared at Blake. Blake's arms curled around himself, laughter escaping his pouty lips. Mr Vandijck gave me a warning before heading back to the front of the class. Annoyance began to surge throughout my body and mind. Sure, Blake was nice, smart and all but! It's not fair! Can I be left alone for a short while? A minute? At the very least. Is there an answer? Yes, there is. It is a clear no. 

My eyes ran back to the phone placed at the very edge of my desk, wanting to know the details of the message. My hand carefully moved towards the desk, fingers acting like a scene of an action movie, ever so carefully. My fingertips steadily unlocked the phone as I stared at the message, blank with emotion surpassing my eyes. It was a sharp flicker. Like a day's memory fluttering by me. 


"how was your day?" 


Yes, how was my day? Sehun? Don't think about it Irene. Don't waver.

My hands trembled as I typed slowly with my nervous hands, my expression undoubtfully turning upside down. I clicked the send button as it sent towards Kai. 

"i don't know, kai. i don't know." 

The bell rang as I slipped my phone back into my pocket, ignoring my peers I headed straight towards the park. School had finished and I wanted to avoid everything. My mind clouded far too quickly than I had expected. Time flies. My feet paced itself faster and faster, the jansport bag hitting the back of my back harder, my eyes were a faded tone of brown, an ashy fog clouding up the pupil. I was hurt. I was scared.


I can't like Kai. I really can't! I shouldn't. This isn't fair. I can't afford myself to be hurt further more. Every man in this world hasn't done me any good so far. Everyone loves the idea of me. Stop digging the surface. Stop searching for me in color of the wall, search for me in the cracks of the wall. Where a different shade of

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have a lovely day, mi loves! ♥


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Chapter 13: that must be painful...
Irene is real definition of badass here.
I adore her personality.
And for Chanyeol...
"No , Chanyeol."
ynajin #2
Chapter 14: I love how write the character's feelings; it's so detailed that it makes me think I feel that way too.
Great job author-nim for distracting me during finals week haha^^
bapkaiexo #3
Chapter 14: Chanyeol really has a lot of sides. I can't tell if he's a good person.
Next chapter please!
I want the double update.
Hwaiting Author-nim! ^^
i ship em :)
bapkaiexo #5
Chapter 10: Double update pls!
This is so good.
It needs more upvotes.
Kairene <3
bapkaiexo #7
Chapter 1: I just started reading this. It's my very first fanfic and I'm loving it.
It seems like a story based on what happened to you.
I demand the sixth chapter now!