x. conditional (teaser)

☀ the princesses' exchange ; the tales of two kingdoms

The melodic sound of the keys of the piano resonated through the dimly lit room. The acoustics in the room were just so amazing that even if you simply passed by, you'd be entranced and curious by the sounds; eager to hear more. Sadly, those sounds quickly came to a halt with a deafening sound. The songbird exclaimed in frustration. She took the little black notebook that was resting on top of the piano. She was flipping through the pages when a little note dropped out. She bent down to pick it up and she looked at it. Upon seeing a face on the polaroid, her memories washed over her like waves in the ocean.

Sunshine Orphanage wasn't that delightful of a place, but at least it was delightful enough for the people who resided there. 

"Naryeong, wake up. It's time for breakfast."  The gentle voice of the caretaker's daughter said as she was caressing a fifteen year-old Naryeong's head. Naryeong slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes. She barely had her eyes open as she looked at the elder.

"Go brush your teeth and come down, alright? They're all waiting for you." The caretaker's daughter gave her a small smile before leaving the room. Naryeong got up and headed to the bathroom, obeying the orders of the caretaker's daughter. After brushing her teeth, the teenager headed downstairs and joined the familiar faces which she had grown to love and care for like her own family. Upon seeing her good friend, Naryeong's face lit up. She ran up to the boy in a tackle-like hug. "Good morning, butthead!" 

"Yu Naryeong, get off of me! My back hurts and you're not helping, you elf!" The boy retaliated and pushed her off of his back, with much effort. The caretaker chuckled amusedly as she saw the pair play-fighting as they would always do. "Enough, you two." She said with a playful tone. "Help Jinri here with setting the table." 

"Yes, ma'am!" The boy saluted playfully and Naryeong just shook her head with a smile in response. 

"Why are we up so early today? What are we going to do?" Naryeong asked Jinri as she was helping her wipe the plates. 

"Don't tell me you don't know! It's the King's and Queen's annual visit!" Jinri stated as she was scooping rice into the bowls for the orphans.

"How can you forget, Naryeong?" Naryeong pushed her friend away. "Shut up, Maru. I forgot." She resumed back to helping the elder girl. "Hey Jinri,"


"Do you think it'd be fine if I didn't participate this year?"

"Why wouldn't you want to participate, sweetie?"

"I don't know. I just don't want to. I can do anything else but I just don't really want to see him..."

"Why not? They only come over once a year. It'd be fun, Nar-"

"I just don't want to, okay?" The caretaker took notice of Naryeong's mini outburst and decided to do some damage control before things got out of hand. "Chanmi, why don't you take over for Naryeong for a little while? I need to have a word with her." The woman walked over to Naryeong and gently took her to another room. 

"Honey, are you okay? Talk to me. What was that out there?"

"I-I don't know... I just don't want to participate this year... Please understand, Mrs Lee." She said with her head down.

"I won't push it any further. Promise me one thing, though." Naryeong looked up to meet her eyes with the woman. "You'll tell me when you're ready. It doesn't have to be today or tomorrow or the week after that. Just tell me when you're ready. Deal?"

"Deal." The caretaker smiled. "He'll be here in about an hour. Why don't you get some food in you then head up to your room when you're done?" Naryeong simply nodded in response.  She followed the woman back to the kitchen and when she was done she went back to shower and get dressed even though she was going to stay in her room the whole day during the King and Queen's annual visit. She decided to use the free time she had to her benefit and finished up a song she had been writing recently.

"I can't believe it, I'm finally done." She smiled to herself, feeling accomplished.

"Good evening, Your Majesties. Welcome again to Sunshine Orphanage. Without your support, this orphanage would've been closed down years ago. We are forever indebted to you." The caretaker, her daughter, and the children residing in the orphanage all bowed to the royal couple.

"Oh, please. We are just mere donors. Nothing more." He smiled. A young boy made his way from the back of the pack to the front. He instantly got to his knees. 

"Your Majesty, I idolise you so much. If it wasn't for you, I would have been as good as dead out there. Thank you." He got up and surprised the man with a hug. The caretaker instantly froze, worried that she might be in trouble for not keeping a watchful eye over the boy. She was about to pull him away when the King had his hand up to stop her from doing so. "It's okay." He mouthed and got down on his knees to hug the boy back. Everyone was touched by the scene in front of them. After the boy broke away from the hug, the King gave him a pat on the back before putting some money into his hands. He gave another smile to the boy.

"Would it be okay if I go upstairs?"

"By all means, Your Majesty." The caretaker and her daughter bowed again before leading the way. 

They were looking through the recreational rooms when they reached the second floor. 

"Right over here is our own classroom where teachers visit up to four times a week to give additional lessons to the kids. They can learn music, foreign languages, math, science, and other subjects that they would be interested in taking up. We even named this room specifically after you."

"How nice. I'm so happy. What about-" The King was interrupted by the muffled sound of guitar strumming and a sweet voice singing along to it. He slowly walked over to the source of the sound to end up in the shared bedroom of Naryeong and four other female orphans. He twisted the door knob and saw Naryeong through the small crack. He wasn't too sure of what she was singing because she was singing so softly and quietly but he was so entranced and bewitched by her singing that he couldn't move his attention elsewhere. When she was done he opened the door a little more and clapped, shocking her. She instantly recognised him as the king and quickly got on her knees. He went over to her and took her by the arms. "No, no. Stand up. You don't need to bow down to me."

She was scared to say the least.

"That was beautiful..." He scrutinised her for a name, realising this, she told him. 

"Yu Naryeong."

"Naryeong. Where did you learn to sing and play like that?" 

"I-I just do it for fun."

"Ever considered turning it into a career?" She shook her head.

"How would you like to live with my family and sing for us?"

She shook her head, bringing herself back to reality. For better or for worse, she still had to admit having the King visiting her there was the best thing to have ever happened to her. With her meeting the love of her life in a form of a good-natured prince coming at a close second.




Lol okay so I had no inspiration to write this at al tbh so I feel like it's very inadequate for some reason? Oh well. Anyway the last character has FINALLY been revealed! Congrats to Yu Naryeong a.k.a Sedatephobia! I didn't pick anyone for The House Nurse/The Unintelligable Scholar since I didn't really know how to incorporate their characters in so I'm so sorry for those who don't get accepted ;_; I'd understand if you would want to unsubscribe but your support is still loved nonetheless because I plan to make this story really interesting. I'm really happy that I'm done with all ten teasers like WOW OKAY. 

PS: If I have sent you a friend request, please accept it! (or add me if I missed you somehow) I plan to make a Group PM between all the characters because I still have to talk to a few of you regarding some minor alterations in your applications because some parts may not make sense to me and some parts may clash with other applicants. Also, feel free to share your ideas with me on the Group PM too! :D The next update will probably be somewhere in January but truth be told I'd be quite busy but I'll try my best to push out another update before the 29th! 

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Sedatephobia #1
Chapter 13: omg thank you very much for thanks for having my character in this story!
very hype for this fic really because it's so unique that it should be hard to write
but reading your teasers, i know that you're a good writer hehe
but seriously. the last sentence makes me so emotional idk
prob because he is going to be engaged, the prince.
i don't think it's inadequate???? hahaha
my fav teasers are 'good morning love' & 'arrangements' idek why i just love them
Chapter 13: Aww, Naryeong's flashback ;n;
I'm so curious... I'm not sure if I missed it but, what's her secret? Hahaha!
Anywho, I am rather very curious as to what happened for Naryeong.
This is, yet again, such a good teaser!
Congratulations to Naryeong (Sedatephobia)!!
I'm really curious about her character :)
Ah, don't feel that way.
I really love this teaser too. I enjoyed reading it.
Especially, I have been so excited for this story. And you're a good writer too. :)
Even though you claim this as somewhat inadequate, I think it's still awesome.
Waah! I'm so excited for the story now! <3
Looking forward to the new chapters.
Fighting!! ((I'll wait for the next updates patiently! Haha))
Chapter 13: congrats to naryeong!!!
omg im so excited for this
once again congrats to all the chosen ones. < 3
Chapter 13: Congrats to Naryeong! I'm so excited for this~
MinRin04 #5
Chapter 13: Congrats to Naryeong :)
MissK0610 #6
Chapter 13: Aw so you didnt pick anyone for the nurse. :(
I was actually curious to see how the king would ever get into romance with the nurse but its okay! I understand your situation. Hahah
i wish you all the best for this story bcs you've been very sweet tbh xD
And congrats to the chosen characters!
Chapter 13: Congrats to Naryeong!
Tbh, I've been waiting for this teaser. Good luck author-nim!
Chapter 12: OMG?????? THE ROLE SUITS HIM VERY WELL! :""">
Yerim is one lucky girl, alright!
And and and~ hahahaha!! THAT KID and his mother.
So quick to judge people. :))))
Anyway~ geez. These royalties. Aren't they such gods and goddesses?
Like really! Seunghyun, Myungsoo, Minho, and just about everyone!! :">
And I really like that Seunghyun and Saebyeol moment. :D
Congratulations to Yerim (CrazyLady22)!!
Whew! You've got a few plotlines left then!
I hope someone will apply for that plot already.
OMG I'm just so excited for you and for the whole story~
This is going to be really awesome! :D <3
Oh~ Have fun on your trip and keep safe!

The song was so good I could listen to it the whole day!
I totally freaked out when I saw the MV was released already.
It was awesome!!!!! Gosh, they all looked so good! <3
Biases~~ hmm. I have to say it's Jin.... and Jungkook. HAHAHA
I'm a freaking noona to Jungkook >.<
How about you though? Who's your bias? :)
Chapter 9: Congrats to Yerim!
Chapter 12: Congrats to Yerim!
I loved this0
Like it was totally a good way to wake up.
Yo, Yerim reminds me of me--