What I Needed

When Things Are Real
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A/N: Forgive me for grammatical and typographical errors. English is not my main language.

A/N: I'm back!





Just another day for Joohyun to have another opportunity to find a work. Yerim is growing fastly and she needed to earn extra money. Her coffee shop is not selling so well these past few days. Competition is really high on that line of business. I guess people easily changes their tastes and preferences as time goes by. She's not really nearly broke but she need to save for Yerim's schooling. I cannot be broke. I can't let that happen. I have a child to take care of. I need to assert extra effort because I'm not living only for myself now. 



Everything is so easy if she would just ask her parents. But the thing is, they ousted her from their house since she got pregnant at a very young age. If you're in their position, your 18 year old child got pregnant, how would you react? But she understands them. I gave them so much shame, I disgraced our family name, so I deserve it.



It was almost 3 weeks she's finding a decent job yet no one called her still. If this month ends and I'm still not receiving any call, I have to shut the cafe down. The earnings from the cafe is just enough for the workers' salary and everyday living. Yerim is gonna be on a higher level of education on the next six months and she still don't have enough savings to send her to such. I am losing my time.



"This is gonna be the last for this day." She whispered to herself as she enter the building. The shop needed her since Joy cannot handle it alone. Wendy asked her if she can have a little break because her boyfriend got home from Japan. The two are her good friends so a little break won't hurt. She can only afford two helpers since the shop alone is too costly. Besides, Yerim is still in school and she already applied to almost every institution she knows.




"You look devastated " Joy commented as Joohyun took her place on the cash register.



"No one called me yet. I also applied to 10 more businesses today. I hope they'll call me soon." She sighed.



"They will. Maybe they just don't have a spot where to place you. You know, this fresh college graduates are eager to have one. Too bad you applied after a month they did." She caressed her back, comforting Joohyun. 



"And I thought the job rotation will be fast. I didn't stop sending them emails since the day I started finding a job."



"I guess one month is really that long." Joy said honestly.



"Aish. It really slipped my mind that there'll be fresh graduates. If I just knew it, I would've applied ahead of time." Joohyun frowned. She felt Joy shake her.



"Come on. Be positive. Maybe in two weeks time, you'll be an office lady again." Joy smiled.



"I hope so too. Because if within this month I still don't have a job, I have to shut this cafe down." She sighed. She doesn't want to lose this shop. This became their hangout place. Even if they are working, it became their bonding.



"I told you you can keep our salaries. We do not ask for it in the first place. You just insisted it."



"That I can't do. You're working here and I won't give what you earned? That won't do." She disagree on her. She worked for it, they do, and they deserve that money even if it's not that high.



"But shutting this cafe down is just the same, us earning nothing. Besides Joohyun, it's just a part time job. If I accepted my father's offer to run our business, I'll quit here. Same with Wendy. If she go back to Canada and be a good girl there, the position will be vacant. So make a good use of the situation." She convinced her.



"I can't Joy. That means I'll use the two of you. I can't do that. You're my friends, my best friends, I can't do that to both of you." She sighed.



"You are our bestie too. So we cannot let you suffer alone. Please think of it. You still have until the end of the month, which is like 3 weeks from now." She faintly smiled at her.



Joohyun doesn't know. They've done so much for her. From the time she left home, they're the ones helping her. Wendy forced her to stay on her apartment, to which she strongly decline but eventually agreed on, but only until she gave birth. Both of them lend her money for her everyday living and to pay for her rent. They bought so many things for her, her baby and for her apartment. Joy even asked her father if he can give Joohyuj a job. Sadly the said position is only for a short term since the project is only one time. But it was enough for her to save some money to start this business. That's why she's really thankful to these two. She still haven't paid everything back to them.



"You're shutting down this cafe?" Someone asked over the counter. Joy and her looked at each other since the girl in front of them is so random. They've never seen her before.



"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't mean to eavesdrop. I just happen to hear you." She smiled. Her smile is... like a bear. Her eyes turned into a crescent, like she's too happy. And by the looks of it, she's rich. From the way she was dressed, definitely a rich girl. You can feel it through her aura too.



When no one answered the bear-like girl, she talked again.



"Please don't shut this down. This is my favorite cafe. Everything tastes so addictive. So please don't shut this down." Joohyun looked at Joy but she just shrugged. She has no plan of answering this girl. So Joohyun decided to talk.



"Uhh. We'll see. Thank you for appreciating our products."



"You said this is your favorite shop right?" Joy suddenly asked her. Now she's talking. The girl just nodded.



"How come it's my first time to see you here?" Joy inquired further. The girl was taken aback so she just scratched her nape.



"Uhh. Yes, this is my first time actually buying here personally. I always ask someone to buy for me. But I sometimes wait outside so I know the place. Hehe. It's already a routine every morning. But whenever I'm craving for some, I'll have another one at any given hour." The bear-like girl explained. Joy just nodded and said her thanks.



Joohyun checked the time since she's going to pick up Yerim from school. She saw that she still have 15 minutes. She apologized to Joy since she have to leave her again but she brushed the thought off saying her kid is much more important. Glad she's so understanding. Her future boyfriend is so lucky. Same with Wendy.







Good thing the school is just a 5 minute walk. Joohyun is  just on time before they'll be dismissed. SHe waited for a few minutes outside their classroom. HEr baby is really bright and active. She feel like a proud mom. When she saw Joohyun outside her room, she even waved at her. She can't help but to tear a little. She's such a sweet girl.



"Mommy I got a star!" Yerim showed Joohyun her hand while running towards her. She hugged her so tight when she reached her place.



"Wow baby. I knew you'll be good. Mommy is so proud of you." She said to her then kissed her. She giggled.



"What do you want? Is there something you wanted to buy? A place where you wanted to go? Or toys. You wanted something?" Joohyun asked her. Even if she doesn't have much money, giving her a reward for a job well done is her priority.



"Ice cream!" She said happily. Joohyun smiled at her. She's her everything.



"Okay. Let's eat ice cream." She held her hand and they walked our way to the ice cream parlor near her shop.



They are sitting on the ice cream parlor when someone talked to her.



"Oh. You're the owner of that cafe right?" It's the bear-like girl. How did she know? She probably read her mind because she said,



"Oh. I asked Joy earlier." She smiled widely. Joohyun doesn't know but her smile kind of annoys her.



But of course, just to be polite, she answered her. She can't be a in front of her daughter, right?



"Oh. I see." Still a little bit of a .



"Can I sit with you?" She asked her. Joohyun thinks she didn't see Yerim across her so Yerim coughed loudly to make her presence known.



"Oh. Hi there cutie~" She said to Yerim while waving like a kid. Joohyun can only shake my head. "Can I sit with you?" She asked with Yerim only replying with, "Sure".



"I'll just order something. Anything else you want?" The bear-like girl suddenly asked Joohyun. She was taken aback. So she only replied a short "None" with head shaking and an awkward smile. "How about you baby girl? Do you want anything else?" She asked Yerim. And of course, Yerim is a kid, what do you expect. She bubbly enumerated everything she wanted so Joohyun panicked and kind of reprimanded her.



"Yerim, you ate already right? Besides you still have some ice cream right there." She pouted like what kids do. But she can't give in with that easily because she don't wanna spoil her.



"It's on me. It's just a one time thing so please let me." The bear-like girl suddenly said. And she's really not giving up because she consoled Yerim and even encouraged her to tell her everything she wants. Joohyun tried to stop them but she pulled Yerim with her to let her choose what she wants. She can only sigh.



When they went back, she saw Yerim smiling happily. She can only smile with her. She don't know. Seeing your daughter smile really has an effect to their mothers. But her smile suddenly turns weird when she saw the bear-like girl also smiling —grinning— widely. Speaking of, she still doesn't know her name.



"Uhm, thanks for buying her stuff, but I kinda still don't know your name?" Joohyun asked her. She just laughed. Aww cute.



"My name is Seulgi. Kang Seulgi. And you are?" She asked. Still wearing that idiotic like smile.



"Joohyun. Bae Joohyun." 



"Wow. What a pretty name. Just like you." Joohyun blushed at the compliment. She's such a flirt.



"Thanks. She's Yerim by the way." She can only say.



Good thing their orders came already so that awkward moment was gone. The two ate so fast. She can just smile at how they look. Yerim looks so hungry even though she already finished her first ice cream. Joohyun wipe her face every now and then because of how messy she can get. But she laughed so loud when I saw Seulgi sporting the same look. She looked at her with a confused look. She just point at but she's still confused. What a kid. When she still can't get it, she laughed again but said, "You have an ice cream on your cheeks."



She wiped it out but still missed the spot. When Joohyun was about to reach for her, Yerim suddenly wiped it for her. Yerim smiled to her and she can only smile too. 



"I'm the kid here but you're so messy." Yerim suddenly said which shocked her. Where did she learn that? Joohyun panicked so she apologize to Seulgi.



"I'm sorry. Yerim?! Where did you learn to speak like that? Didn't I told you to respect elders?" Yerim bowed her head while apologizing to them but Seulgi shakes her head.



"It's fine. Besides I want Yerim to treat me as her playmate. Right, Yerim?" She smiles so wide for the nth time today. And just like that, Yerim is back to herself. 



They talked about things —well just Seulgi and Yerim— about anything under the sun. More like a getting to know each other. It actually felt nice to talk to someone outside your comfort zone. Especially with Yerim. She barely has friends. She's a bubbly kid but kids at her school, and our neighbors, are just not too good for her. She was being bullied for not having a dad. She feels bad for her but she assured her that Joohyun enough for her. She cried at night every time she said that. Well, who wouldn't?



They didn't notice how it's almost shop's closing time because they were so engaged with talking and Joohyun is too drowned with her thoughts.



Seulgi offered to sent them home. Even though Joohyun disagree for so many times, she still wins. She's too insisting for her liking. When they settled down on her car, Yerim is already sleeping at the back. Joohyun kept looking at her so Seulgi decided to assure her.



"Don't worry. I won't drive fast so she'll be safe." She assured her with her smile. There's something about her smile that calms Joohyun now. It's so annoying before but now it's calming. She doesn't know why.



"By the way, why do you plan on shutting the cafe down?" She asked her. And as fast as lightning, Joohyun suddenly remember how she forgot to inform Joy that they're on their way home already. "!" She suddenly blurted out. It seems like it shocked Seulgi. "Sorry. It was just important. I'm not the cursing type unless I'm really doomed. Hehe." She suddenly explained to her. She don't really know why she suddenly said that but anyways. She called Joy. She explained to her that theh got caught up with her stories —with Yerim, Seulgi and me. Gladly she's not planning on waiting for them too. Saying she must be enjoying myself right now.



After the phone call, Joohyun get back on Seulgi's question. "What are you saying again?"



"I said why are you planning to shut the cafe down. Why so sudden?" 



Joohyun is not honestly sure if she can trust her already. It's a personal matter. She's still a stranger after all. But shockingly, she still decided to open up.



"I badly need money. Yerim is going to be an elementary student next school year. She's growing up so fast and I barely have savings for her. I can't afford to give her proper schooling next year from cafe's sole income. The competition is too high right now and I'm barely getting any customers. What more in the next months. So I'm planning on giving it up and just work on whatever company out there." 



"But you can just let the cafe open while you're working. You're doing fine just now." Seulgi said. She's too cute frowning while driving.



"Not really. I already feel bad for Joy right now because she covers my supposed shift while I'm finding a job. Then whenever I pick up Yerim, she also covers that part. Even closing sometimes, just like now. I owe her so much right now. More than you know. More than you can imagine. I can't let myself do that to her. She's my friend, my best friend, and not just a workmate." She looked at her. Her frown became a pout. What a cutie??? 



"I don't want the shop to be gone." She sighed. 



"Me too, Seulgi. If it's precious to you, you can't imagine how precious it was for me. It's hard for me to give it up, but Yerim's future is far more important." 



They end the conversation when they reached their home. Seulgi immediately went to open the passenger door which sent her blushing to edge. What is she doing? And why is she smiling like a fool?! 



She then went to carry Yerim and immediately telling Joohyun that she'll do the carrying part and she should just open the door. Joohyun did what she was told. She's just following her until she brought down Yerim on her bed. Joohyun asked her if she wanted to stay for a coffee but she declined halfheartedly. So she accompanied her up to her car. 



"Wait. Before I go, can I at least have you number? I can't let this day pass without making sure we meet again." She smiled like a fool once again and Joohyun can only blush. She gave Joohyun her phone and she typed her number. After she gave it back, Seulgi already went inside her car. Joohyun waited for her to take her leave when suddenly her phone rang. It was an unregistered number. When she answered it, the window of Seulgi's car suddenly went down, and as she talked, the voice on the phone also said,



"I'm just making sure you gave me the right number." She said as she winked. Joohyun smiled at her because of her antics. Silly Seulgi. She waved to her and drove away.



Joohyun was smiling like a fool when she entered the house. She just met her today but she felt so calm and at peace when they spent time earlier. She's so easy to be with. But she don't wanna misread her actions towards her as flirting. She might be straight or something and just a natural flirt. She's also the same. So before the night ends, she sent her a text.



Thanks, for today. I can't also let this day pass without saying thank you. :) - Joohyun



Joohyun slept that night with a smile on her face. She hope Seulgi does the same.






The next day, Seulgi went again to the shop just in time when she have to pick Yerim up. She's not sure if it's just a coincidence or she planned it. Joy sent her a knowing gaze. She know she's itching to ask her something. But she doesn't know what to tell her. It's just the second day that Seulgi and her met. What else could happen?



Seulgi insisted to come with her telling her that she misses Yerim. They've gotten close too fast. It was just a short time but just like what she felt with Seulgi, Yerim also likes Seulgi's presence. So when they picked her up, she ran fast to Seulgi first before her. She seems like to forget Joohyun was there if she didn't told her. Seulgi laughed at this. She rolled her eyes on her.



Seulgi asked them if theh want to go somewhere and Yerim immediately answered, bubbly, and eyes sparkling, that she wanted to try amusement parks. Joohyun was just gonna say that they can just reschedule that because it's already noon but there they are already riding the car. As always. So pushy. She thought but smiled afterwards.







If Seulgi was a guy —or maybe just being her, a girl— and she's Joohyun's lover, her partner, people might think it was a family outing. Seulgi was piggyback riding Yerim (after she told her not to and Seulgi telling her that Yerim is tired of walking already) and she's beside them making sure Yerim doesn't fall. They would  sometimes of falling just to piss her. And Joohyun was really pissed at them for a minute until Seulgi gave her a cotton candy. What a sweet lil prick. 



When they were tired of walking around, they decided to end the day with riding the ferris wheel. What a cliché. As fast as they sat down on it, Yerim hugged Seulgi and fell asleep. She might be really tired. They've been riding everything and doing everything. She seems like she doesn't spent her whole day on school with that stamina. Joohyun is amazed. Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted when Seulgi held her hand. She was sitting across her so it was difficult in her position given that Yerim was hugging her. But she doesn't plan on letting go. Neither does Joohyun.



"I know this is fast, but I don't think I can spend another day, letting it end, without telling you how much I like you." And just like in any other cliché stories, Seulgi confessed to Joohyun on a ferris wheel. She thought she will cringe because it's a cliché one, but here she is blushing because of her confession. Joohyun remained silent because she might pull her for a hug and let her child fall down.



"I know this is fast but I like you. I like having you around. I like Yerim. I like how you two makes me so happy, so at home. Everything is so fast but I don't wanna slow down. I'm scared that if I slow down my pace, I'll lose both of you. I'm not sure if you like me too but all I know is I'll make you like me. I'll do everything to make you like me." She confessed looking straight to her eyes. Joohyun likes her too. She knows that. It might be fast too but she knows she likes her since she doesn't know. But it's not easy.



"Seulgi, you know that what you're saying may differ on what's bound to happen in the future. You might like me now, but we're not sure if you'll feel the same tomorrow or the days to come. You barely know me, I barely know you. I like you too but we're just going too fast." 



"I know that. I told you I'm aware that I'm too fast. Yes, I barely know you but I'm sure right now of my actions. I'll take full responsibility of it for the days to come. I like you so much like that, Joohyun." Joohyun sighed. As much as she like her, she can't let her feelings control her that fast.



"Seulgi, it's not all about me. I have a plus one. If Yerim was not around, I can just say yes to you and let the flow do its thing. If we work, then good. If not, then we have to move on. Simple as that. But it's different from that because I have Yerim with me. If this relationship doesn't work, it'll be a lot harder for Yerim. I'm not just looking for a lover, I'm looking for a partner who's willing to be a parent to Yerim." Joohyun said while squeezing her hand. She's important to her, no matter how fast it was. But Yerim is her priority.



"I can be her father. I can do that. I'm sure of that. I can treat her as my own. We can be a happy family. We can make it because we love each other. We can make it work." She said with a mix of determination and fear.



"Seul..." Joohyun gave her hand another squeeze. Seulgi looked at her with pleading eyes and she almost said yes to her.



"Please try to consider it, Hyun. Please. If you think I'm just looking for a short time love life, or just a hookup, or you name it, I'm not. I'm not. I'm serious with this or else I won't plead. It's not everyday you met someone you really felt at home with. If I'm up with just some hookups, or short time past time, I won't choose someone with a plus one no matter how hot she is. I'll show you how determined I am, just please let me." She pleads. She want to as much as she can. But not this soon.



"Seul, it's not that easy..."



"I'm not asking you to be my girlfriend already, as much as I want. All I'm asking now is give me a chance and let me court you. Please, Hyun. Please let me court you." Well, it's not really the same right? There's no harm in trying. At least she can know her better with this. So she nodded. Her smile looks like she felt relieved. 



"Thanks." Seulgi said as she pulled her hand to kiss it. And just in time, the ferris wheel halted and they went home.






The next day went just the same. She went to all of the possible companies that could

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I love SeulRene!


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chuuves_lostchild #1
Chapter 5: monster era fed us seulrene shippers well
Chapter 5: Kang familyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!
Yunju_ #3
I don't know why but these past few days i'm become seulrene trash.
Yunju_ #4
Chapter 8: Wow thing
I wish seulrene was real too, one can dream
Chapter 10: wow wow wow this one I like it a lot!
jasonds #7
Chapter 10: love it...epilogue please
Skyfull_ #8
Chapter 10: I love this one, sequel for this maybe? He he :D
jasonds #9
Chapter 6: love it.....love it author nim. u are the best
27 streak #10
Chapter 9: BodyguarBer....haha... But you have you're baby Jung... Liu... And nice going seulgi..nice marking your property...